Part 2 to the last chapter


Some thoughts of the characters will be in italics like this.

Toni's POV

I watched as Cheryl walked over. I had to admit, she was beautiful. She was breath-taking. No, Toni! Don't do that! Don't go there. You've known her for like two seconds and you won't see her again after this holiday. Get a grip.

"So glad you and your friend could join us. And what's your name?" I said, looking from Cheryl to her friend.


"Cool. Well one of you can join my side and the other can join, my friend Fangs' side." I explained to them.

"I'll join yours." Cheryl exclaimed, before taking her place next to me, on our badly shaped court. Fangs and I used a spade we found to measure out lines. "Just to be sure, you all know how to play this game, right?" I didn't want then getting confused.

"Yep." Said Veronica.

"Yeah." The gorgeous redhead replied. Damn it. Stop it Toni.

Veronica then walked over to the other side and stood by Fangs.

"If you get unsure of something, just ask. Ill help you." I offered the ginger. "You certainly can't be worse than Fangs!" I chuckled. Cheryl giggled. Why is her giggle so cute? Why is her smile when she laughs so cute? NOPE. Not going there. I do not think she is attractive or cute. Not at all. Not even the slightest bit.

"Heart that, tiny!" Fangs moaned.

"Whatever, you idiot!" I answered. He always uses that nickname. He thinks it's funny. "Let's just get on with this game so I can crush you. Then you'll have to face the punishment." I laughed.

"In your dreams!" He yelled.

"What's punishment." A confused Cheryl asked me.

"Well go to a club later and he has to find somebody cute and get their number." I explained. "We couldn't do anything that's actually bad because we go home soon." I continued.

"That's fair. But what makes you think you can win?" Cheryl questioned me.

"Nothing. I just wanna intimidate him a bit, put him on edge.

"Let's get this started." Fangs gave me a mischievous smile which I returned to him. He lifted his arm and hit the ball.

~couple minutes later~

I watched as the ball travelled closer to my side of the court as it went closer to Cheryl. She jumped and hit the ball. I watched as her hair waved in the wind. I stood there, just looking at her. She was perfect. How could she be so perfect? Shit. I've gone there. I've literally nor even know her long and I'm already catching feelings. Uhhhh.

"Toni watch out!" I heard, but before I could do anything the ball hit my face, sending me flying backwards. It kind of hurt.

"Who the fuck hit that?" I said from the floor, rubbing my eyes after getting sand in them.

"Sorry tiny." I knew it was Fangs. " But maybe if you used these amazing things called eyes, then it wouldn't have hit you? What were you even looking at?" He rambled on. I knew that he knew what I was looking at. I could just tell by the look on his face.

"I was...nothing. Nevermind." I replied.

"Need a hand." I looked up to see Cheryl hovering over me, with her hand stretched out. I gladly took it. As she pulled me up I felt my body move closer to her. We were inches apart. I stepped back, continuing to rub my eyes.

"Thanks." I said.

"Any time." She answered. "You got some sand in your hair." She pointed. I tried to get it out. "Nope. It's still there." I kept trying and trying. "Here...let me." She out her hand to my head and stepped closer. She brushed the sand put of it. I looked into her eyes. They were the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. I actually hate myself. Now I'm gonna be crying for months because I met her, knew her for five minutes, crushed on her then went back home. Great. Well done Toni. Just had to go and do that. How is it even possible to catch feelings so quickly?

"There. Sorted." She stepped back, then picked up the ball, asked Fangs and Veronica if they were ready, before hitting it back over.

~after they finished their game~

"Told you we'd beat you." I rubbed in Fangs' face.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's just go back to the hotel, tiny."

"Hey...Cheryl...Veronica...would you like to join us for those drinks later? You can bring your other friend too. I mean, you were part of the game." I mumbled.

"Sure. We'd love to." Cheryl smiled.

"Which bar is this and what time?" Veronica looked at me.

"It's the White Noise Club...we'll be there at like seven o'clock. So yeah...feel free to join." I said. I'm glad they wanted to join us.

"Also, it's about five minutes from here." Fangs added.

"See you then." Cheryl looked at me and it was as if we were both looking deeply into the eyes of the other.

~at their hotel~

I was getting ready to go. I was just bits of my makeup and my hair.

"Seriously. Again, T?" Fangs moaned. "It's always the hair with you. Like I know you are like hardcore crushing on Cheryl and want to impress her...but seriously...this ain't the red carpet."

"And there is no need for you to always make a comment. Now shut up! I will be a lot quicker if you don't distract me."

"Chill, dude."

"Oh and also I am not crushing on Cheryl." I exclaimed, earning a look from Fangs as if to say 'really'. "that much..." I added.

"There you go. Finally admitting it. I swear, your downfall will be catching feelings too quickly."

"In that case...my downfall has already began." I sighed loudly. "Now go! I need to finish getting ready.

~at the bar~

Cheryl and her friends were running a little late, which was fine. Fangs and I were going to wait for them to get here before we order drinks or get Fangs to fae his forefit.

They walked in about ten minnutes late. I raised my hand and waved in their direction, gaining their attention.

"Sorry we are late. This one took forever getting ready. She would not leave until she looked perfect." Veronica pointed to Cheryl. I laughed because I knew I was the same.

"This short bitch was the same." How did I know he would say that?

We all ordered some drinks. I kept pointing at literally every person I saw, trying to get Fangs to ask one of them out. He made up excuses like "Too short", "Not my type" or  "I'm not feeling a connection", until finally I pointed out one guy that Fangs couldn't say no to. His exacts were "Holy crap! He is hella cute!". At this point, he was a little drunk, but not fully out of it.

So Fangs was off talking to this guy, Veronica and the other girl, Betty, were up on the dane floor going crazy. That just left me and Cheryl up by the bar...on our own. Why do I feel like I'm gonna say something stupid.

"Bit of a wild night, huh?" Cheryl said. I nodded my head. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was me, but I suddenly had the urge to say a certain something.

"Hey Cheryl...I know tonight Fangs is supposed to be the one getting some cute person's number but...can I have yours?" Dam it. I knew I would say soemthing weird. Now she is gonna run away forever.

"You think I'm cute?" I started to panic a little bit. I rubbed my neck due to my nerves.

"Well...I mean...yeah."

"Then sure. Pass me your phone." I handed it to her and watched as she typed.

For a while, we got to know each other better. She told me about her life and where she lived and I did the same. It was really nice getting to know her.

"Fancy a dance?" She asked me. I woudln't usually say yes, but I did to her. Again, maybe it was the alocohol...either way, I knew I wanted to hang out with her.

Authors note:
Hope you like this second part. Also happy December everyone! I can't believe the year is almost over. I hope you all had a good year and have a good 2020. I am hoping to get some more oneshots up soon and possibly release the Choni story I am working on before the new year. I'm not sure  when that book will get published but I'll let you know. Leave thoughts, questions or anything in the comments and I will try my best to respond!
