[ T r a v e l D a y 3 ]

They had finally arrived at the stadium.
After a tour, they would be taken to their rooms where they would be staying for a few nights.

The stadium was enormous.
It intimidated some of them whenever they looked at the amount of people this stadium could hold.

"How long are we staying for?" Natsuo questions the coach.
"Three nights! Tonight, tomorrow, and the day after will be an extra day for you guys to rest before hitting the road again!"

Bakugo was behind the entire crowd, which was a first.
Kirishima noticed, and of course he wasn't going to let that happen...

"Yo, Todo-! Hold up... I gotta tie my shoe."

He picks the knot apart and pretends to be tying it again, taking his time to allow Bakugo to catch up to him and Todoroki.
As Bakugo passes him, he quickly double knots his shoe and jogs up to him. Todoroki walks up to him calmly, suspicious of what Kirishima was doing.


Bakugo shoots him a weak glare and snaps his eyes to the ground. His hands are shoved deep in his pockets and his head lowers.

"How are you doing?"
"Kirishima, what--"
"You can go up ahead, Todo. I'll catch up eventually."
"You... could just join me-"
"Ah, dude I'm tired..."

That was an obvious lie.

Todoroki shrugs and begins to walk further away from them, eventually catching up to Sero and Kaminari.

"Not much for talkin' today-?"
"Can you fuck off? Or do you want to be strangled before the fucking game?"

Kirishima simply continues to stare at him with an unchanged sympathetic smile.

"You wouldn't want a black eye before your fucking cheerleading performance, would ya?" He grumbles.
"You wouldn't."
"Wanna fucking try me?"
"Nooo, I wanna befriend you."

He begins walking faster.
But that doesn't lose Kirishima.

"What's the matter with having a friend...?"
"You're the fucking 'matter' here. I want nothing to do with you."
"You don't even know me..."

Bakugo grumbles something under his breath.

"What was that-?"
"You don't wanna fucking know-- Get lost."
"C'mooon! Give me one day! Today! I'll show you I can be a good friend!"
"Get lost."
"I'm still taking the opportunity--"

He sighs heavily.

"I won't pay fucking mind to you."

He walks faster, and Kirishima stays behind as he cheers silently in victory. With a smile doubled in size, he runs past Bakugo and towards Todoroki, Sero, Kaminari, and TetsuTetsu.

Bakugo is hiding in the bathroom.
He's splashed his face with water countless times, in hopes he would calm himself down.
He felt sick...
His stomach was twisting, his heart was racing, he felt lightheaded, his face was hot and red.

'Don't tell me I'm getting a fucking cold before the game...'

"Yo, Kats- Everything alright in there?"
"L-...Leave me alone..."
"Need me to call someone?"
"Y-Yeah-- Your fucking funeral manager-- I'm gonna KILL YOU... IF YOU DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE-"
"Mhm. Heard that one too often."

He hears a few starting steps away from the bathroom door.

"I'll leave ya to your business."

His back hits the bathroom's concrete wall and he slides down, head falling in clutched fists.
His teeth grit hardly, as his mind begins to run unbelievable distances.
All. Of his thoughts. Somehow included the redhead.

He was questioning everything.

For a long time, he's called himself Asexual.
Everyone, which was solely two people, he's ever gotten with, was out of sheer experimentation.

He's tried with a girl.
And he felt nothing.
He's tried with a guy.
And yet again, he felt nothing.

He was questioning his sexuality at this point.
And with these questions, he falls into a rabbit hole of questions.

'I have a type? I'm not asexual? What the fuck am I feeling? What do I do?'
'Why... Is it starting to hurt?'
'I'm so annoyed...'

Each player, or cheerleader, had their own individual room.
A dorm, with their name written on a star-shaped whiteboard outside, beside their door.
For the first time in a little while, Bakugo's room was not placed beside Kirishima's.

And something about it... bothered Bakugo and Kirishima.
