[ D a n c e ]

"Holiday Dance! Seven PM to Ten PM on Friday, Sophomores to Seniors! Please show up!" The girls exclaims, waving banners and papers up to get anyone's and everyone's attention.

The dance is two days after their game, and one day before their holiday break. It'll celebrate the holidays, and their football-- AND Cheerleading-! Teams.
Kirishima is extremely excited.

And Bakugo...
Is getting butterflies.

It's something he's hated the idea of before... but now, is craving.

The thought gives him heart flutters...

Waving the flier around, he runs up to Bakugo with a wide smile.

"Katsu Katsu-!"
"Jesus, slow down, you're gonna fall..."

Yet he keeps running until he bumps into Bakugo, and wraps an arm around him. Bakugo laughs at the excitement.

"Can we go?! There's gonna be the best party king and queen-! Katsu we can be kings-!" He laughs.
"My god, are you excited." He chuckles. "You want... me to take you...?" He asks quietly, sounding a hit hopeful.
He bows his head down and smiles. "Yeah... I'll take y--"
"YES-!" He hugs him tightly. "Thank you thank you thank youuuu--!"

He's as smiley as ever.

"The dress code is guys wear suits, girls wear dresses..." Kirishima lists out, reading over the flier. "Damn, the girls' dresscode list is so much longer than ours...- well, I guess its cuz they have... more to cover." He mumbles. "And I've seen dresses in stores before. Some of those things barely cover anything."
He turns to Bakugo, smiling widely.
"What are you gonna wear?"
"Eh... I guess, a suit? Isn't that what we have to wear?"
"Oh, right..." they exhale a few chuckles. "What colored suit-! And, like, a full on suit or like, those really attractive short-sleeved suits with a bowtie?"

'Now I know what to wear.'

"Can't tell you." He smiles.
"Whaa-? Why not, I wanna know!"
"You'll see at the day of the dance."
"Well, whatever you wear, I'm sure you'll blow everyone away."
"Are you talking about yourself? Cuz if so, I agree,-"
"No, Katsu--..." he giggles. He stands up and sits closely beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I'll have a blast. It's gonna be so much fun..."
"As long as you're happy..." he smiles curtly and shyly.
"You're so kind to me..." he rests his chin on his shoulder, and his eyes fall half-lidded. "You're the best boyfriend in the world."

His eyes widen.

"Th-.. you sure-?"
"A hundred and fifty percent sure."
"How... would you know? You've never gone out with other people..." he begins. "How do you know someone else can't treat you better?"
"Because no one can reach such a level of perfect like you do."

He slowly turns his head back to Kirishima, eyes widened and eyebrows furrowed in awe. He exhales a weak chuckle.

"Y-..you really mean i--"
"Of course I mean it, babe-!"

He looks down, suddenly feeling soft again.

"I... I've had crushes before. I've felt little crushes towards people, thinking that was..." he glances up at his eyes nervously. "Thinking it was love...!" He smiles shyly and curtly. "But... I've never... felt anything... like what I feel towards you."

Bakugo bows his head, biting his bottom lip as if he were biting back emotion. He cups his face, slowly lowering his head beside Kirishima's. 
Kirishima can feel him smiling against his cheek. There's a pause, before Bakugo plants a long kiss on his jawline.

"You're insane... for loving me."
"I'd rather be insane for you then normal without you-"
"Eijiro for the love of fucking god, I'm trying not to fucking cry here--"
"Don't worry, babe... crying or not, you're still the manliest guy I know..."

He chuckles quietly.
"Manly tears..." Kirishima giggles.

The two fall back on the bed, Kirishima feels Bakugo's arms snake around his torso.
Then they squeeze him tightly, his nose buries into Kirishima's neck.

"S-...sorry..." Bakugo muffles against his neck. "I... just need this... now..--"
"Don't ever be sorry for wanting to cuddle,-" Kirishima giggles.

He flips them around, giggling as he kisses his neck and lays his forehead against it.

"I'll cuddle you for eternity and more..."

There's a pause.

"You're the best human being out there."
"Awwwh, what a cute lie--"
"I'm serious, Ei..."
"'Ei'-..." he giggles. "You're so cute-"
"That's rich coming from you."
"You got no proof of that, sir-"
"You're literally cuddling me?"
"No proof of it."
"You're right here-"
"Mm, no one will believe it."

Bakugo smirks.

"If I whip out my phone and snap a photo, everyone will."
Kirishima gasps sarcastically. "Bakugo Katsuki taking photos? Are the legends true-?"

Bakugo takes out his phone, turning it in and switching to his camera before holding it up above them.

Kirishima slowly lifts his head.

"Y'know what,-"

Bakugo pokes his finger on Kirishima's cheek and sticks his tongue out, looking up at the camera.

"Smile, beautiful.." he teases.

His face flushes a deep red, and he hears the sound effect of a camera shutter.

"K-Kats, that's not fair-!"
"Oh it's completely fair, cutie." He buries his face on the side of head and peppers his cheek with kisses.

Kirishima steals the phone from his hand and looks at the photo.
And now, his cheeks darken in color because of Bakugo's pose.

He hadn't noticed how Bakugo held up bunny ears above his head.
And the smirk... the tongue out...

"You've been staring at that photo for like, two minutes now-"
"I'm dating a model-?"
"HAH-- You're funny."

He turns his head to stare up at Bakugo, accidentally looking cute.

"You're stealing all the attractiveness- Save some for the rest of us, damn..." he whines quietly.
"Mm? Want me to help you?"
"Yes please?!"

He's laughing when he tells Kirishima to stand at the foot of the bed.
He gets up, rummages through the closet... looks up and down Kirishima's body... ruffles his hair, and sits back down on the bed, staring in thought.
All in the while he's holding back laughter.

"Okay," he chokes through suppressed laughter. "Done-"
"You didn't do anything-! If anything you messed up my hair!"

Bakugo is gasping for air through so much laughter.
And Kirishima's heart couldn't grow fuzzier.
He approaches slowly, staring at the laughing Bakugo with awe-coated eyes.

"You're so pretty..." he chuckles. "Laughin' so hard like that,- anyone ever tell you you got a great smile?"
"N-No-!" He stutters through laughter.
"Well, you do."

He can't resist it after staring for a mere minute.
He scoops him up in a tight hug and squeezes him tightly, groaning in fake annoyance.

"Stop being so cute..." he chuckles. Bakugo is calming down, breathing deeply in his arms.
"You stop being so cute, what the fuck-?"
"No, you--"
"No you-"
"No, YOU-!"

Their entire afternoon passes from just the two of them trying to convince each other who's 'cuter' or 'prettier'.
After about an hour of randomness hits, they begin trying to get each other to slip up, and confess that they were cute or pretty.
Bakugo wins eventually, and earns a groaning, defeated Kirishima in return.

"You're so fucking cute when you pout,-"
"I'm not supposed to be cute when I pout, I'm supposed to look intimida--!"
"'Intimidating'-?!" Bakugo bursts out into laughing again. "Cutie I fucking KNOW you can look intimidating-- but this ain't that-!"

He pouts more, sulking and grumbling incoherent things.

"You're annoying..."
"Oh but you love me."

He looks down.

"Damn it I do-"
"Still doesn't change the fact that you're annoyiiinnngg...~" Kirishima sings.
"Still doesn't change the fact that you love meeee~" he mocks.

Kirishima stares at him with squinted eyes, growing playful again.

"How many times are you gonna state the fact today?"
"Mm, dunno. However many times it'll take."

He chuckles.

"You just like saying it-"
"I just fucking love remembering it." He sighs in defeat, chuckling lightly. "Feels nice... sounds nice..."
"You're... actually drunk in love-?"
"So fucking drunk." He looks down, smiling dumbly.

He giggles quietly, quiet enough that Bakugo doesn't hear.


Bakugo glances up at him, smiling shyly, trying to look sly.

"What, don't expect me not to brag about it. I'm dating the fucking cheerleader leader." He shrugs. "And god damn it, I'm proud of my boyfriend... and I'll show that pride at the fucking dance."
