[ N e w S t u d e n t s ]

<Third Person>

"Welcome back claasss!" The teacher begins happily. "Before we start everything I'm sure you all may have noticed a new face in the class-!" He continues quickly. "We have a new student! Would you like to introduce yourself-? Yesterday we went about the room and the students said their first and last name, their nickname, something they like to do, and something you want to try thos year!"

The new student slouched back in chair shining the curious eyes a smug look.

"Sure..." He shrugs lightly. "I'm Nayto Kamura. Call me Nay, if you want. I like football. And I dunno what I wanna do this year."
"Alright-! Welcome Nay,-!"

"Wait- I swear I saw you this morning-- You looked different though-?!" Kaminari speaks up.
"White hair? No piercings? Looks exactly like me? That's my twin."

The class, blown away with interest and curiosity, begin to mutter questions whenever they didn't shout them at Nayto. The teacher chuckles, curious himself.

"So you have a twin! What class is he in?"

At the end of class, there seemed to be a starting pattern.

Kids would bolt out the doors, as Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari packed their things calmly while chatting about random things-
And while Todoroki sat in his desk silently.
But today, Bakugou and Nayto were there as well.

Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero couldn't help but to exchange quick glances.

"Half and half.. This is Nayto..." Bakugou gripes.

Todoroki nods his head at the new arrival silently.

"We've known each other ever since childhood." Nayto claims.
"Okay...? Cool...?" Todoroki responds. "Nice to meet you.. I g--"
"Be fucking respectful you piece of shit."

Kirishima's heart stung.

Todoroki sighed, seeming unbothered by the rude snap from Bakugou.

"Nice to meet you. What, do I have to shake his hand too-?"
"Nayto, just fucking leave it..." The blonde groans. He chin-motions towards the door and him and Nayto walk out without another word.

"Dude- What an asshole-?" Kirishima suddenly comments.
"SHHH-- Bro-?!" Kaminari jumps in fearfully.

They fall silent.

"Yo, Todoroki, are you okay-?" Kirishima asks softly.
"Why wouldn't I be okay- Mind your business." He snaps.


"Please." Todoroki sighs. "Don't... Waste your time. Just go home."

He gathers his things, and leaves the classroom.

Kirishima frowns, Sero and Kaminari exchange worried glances as they knew what the look meant.
