[ S m a l l D i s a s t e r ]

On the day of the dance, the day was calm... Kirishima claimed he would squeeze in a training session with his cheerleading team for the day and Bakugo agreed to do the same with his team.

At around two o'clock, however...

Bakugo gets a call from his boyfriend.
Well, his boyfriend's phone.

Sero was the one who spoke with him.


/Five Minutes Ago/

No one knows how it happened.
At one moment, everyone is agreeing on having Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari backflip out of their spots and into their new placements to progress the performance...

And another, Kirishima is kneeling on the ground, clutching a hand over his left eyes and retching over in pain.

He's crying out suddenly, and it alarms the entire team. All of them immediately run towards him.

"Kirishima-!" Sero exclaims. "Bro, what's--!"

They all fall dead-silence when a single drop of blood drips to the floor.
And another... and another...

Until it forms a small puddle on the ground.

"Kiri-!" Kaminari squeaks.

Sero and Kaminari kneel beside him, holding his shoulder and trying to get him to respond. Sero finally raises Kirishima's head to reveal his left side of his face covered in blood, running from underneath his hand.

"K-Kirishima oh my god-!" He exclaims in slight panic. "Dude, what happened-!? Get your hand off, let me see-"

He pulls his hand away quickly,-
Aoyama gags and turns away, Ojiro covers his mouth and stares in shock, TetsuTetsu begins to pace around quickly, clueless on what to do,  as Kaminari and Sero try to rush things.

"D-Do something, you idiots!" Ojiro exclaims. 

He pushes Sero out of the way and begins to examine Kirishima's eyes, as Sero runs to do the first thing he thinks of.


"What!?" Bakugo exclaims. "Put him on the phone-!"

He hears the squeaking of Sero's shoes come to a harsh halt on the other line. He can hear his boyfriend grunting and crying out in pain...

He's pissed... scared... worried...

"Eijiro!" He calls.
"K-Katsuki-! Sero why did you call him-?!" 
"I- I dunno-!? He's your boyfriend, dude--"

Another small group of voices suddenly speak up in the background.

"Wait, 'boyfriend'--?" A curious, sick voice begins.
"Ughh-- Aoyama, not the time-!" Another voice, who sounds closer to the phone, snaps.

"What the hell is going on!? Eijiro, are you okay-?!"

"I-I'm fine, Katsuki-!"

"B-Bullshit, dude-"

"Are you at the back of the dorms still?!" Bakugo asks.

He's running to his bags and packing everything at a fast pace. His team is staring at him, curious, baffled, and confused. 

Todoroki is approaching slowly. He's worried, of course. Kirishima is a friend.

"I'm coming!-- Just, fuck-- I'm coming!"
"Bakugo?" Todoroki begins.

Todoroki ignores the outburst. 

Bakugo runs out of the field, leaving his team extremely confused and clueless.

He drops his bags to the ground and runs towards the group. He pushes away Ojiro and Kaminari to get to Kirishima. The bleeding had gotten worse, and Kirishima is starting to get nauseous and faint from seeing all of it.

"Eijiro! Eijiro,--!"

He suddenly growls lowly.

"What the hell did you dumb fucks do to him!?" He snaps.
"K-Katsuki don't-" Kirishima slurs weakly.
"Oh my god, how long have you been bleeding for--"

He cups his face, careless about getting blood on him, and immediately spots it-
His left eye is the source of the bleeding. Kirishima can't open his eye... it's clear that he can't.

"Eijiro open your eye for me." He begins.
"I-.. c-..can't..." he slurs.
"Stay awake-- are you gonna faint?--"
"B-Bakugo, do we get an ambulance or a teacher-?" Kaminari asks.
"Ambulance, you fucking idiot!" Bakugo snaps. He turns his head towards Ojiro. "You! Go get a towel!"
He then turns it towards Aoyama. "You! get water! Get your shit together, we don't need another fucking problem!" He looks back at Kaminari. "Get an ambulance." 

Sero kneels beside Bakugo as he snaps at TetsuTetsu to remain calm. "What do I do!?"
"Stay out of the way."

He doesn't take offense. Bakugo turns back to Kirishima.

"Eijiro look up at me-- don't look at the ground, you're fine-" he begins. He sounds... panicked... he's sick with worry. 
"I- I'm gonna puke..-"

Sero, being the smartest and most straight-minded at the moment, runs to his bag and takes out his gatorade bottle.

"I- I have Gatorade-! Is that oka--?!"
"Give it-!"

He catches the bottle and opens it clumsily. 
He helps Kirishima drink at least a few gulps of drink, and Kaminari runs back towards them.

"They're on their way-- they just said keep him responsive, stay calm, and to not touch his eye..." he claims.
"Good.. good..." Bakugo mumbles. "Eijiro? Eijiro keep your eyes on me,- don't look at the ground-"
"We gotta move him, he's getting freaked out by the bl--"
"Don't even fucking say it," Bakugo sighs. "Eiji I'm gonna pick you up, is that okay-?"
"I- N-No, I'm gonna p-..puke...-" 
"Then can you turn around?" Sero asks. 

They begin to try to get Kirishima to stand up, but his knees are shaking too much. Bakugo carefully guides him back down.

"What the hell happened, no one fucking answered me..." Bakugo grumbles under his breath.
"W-We don't know-!" Kaminari whines. "We were practicing! He just cried out and fell to his knees when we landed backflips-!"
"Again with the fucking backflips!?"

"U-Uh... guys," Ojiro's voice travels from behind them. 

He drops two towels for Bakugo, but turns back and returns to the spot they were practicing at.

"There's glass on the floor--"
"You're lying--?!" Sero squeaks.
"Oh no- O-Ohh no--!" Kaminari's voice quivers.

Kirishima falls back against Bakugo's chest weakly.

"Eijiro-! Eiji, babe it's okay-! You're good!" He immediately begins. 

The stress is getting to Kirishima. The word 'glass' got to him.
There's gruesome images of shards of glass in his eye playing in his mind... his nausea is increasing by the second.

"K-...Ka-..ts.." he slurs out quietly. He sounds in fear. He grabs Bakugo's hand with a freezing hand as his body begins to go limp.
"No no no-- Baby don't-- Eijiro- Eiji, please, work with me here-" Bakugo continues a bit faster.

His hearing is invaded by a loud, nauseating ringing... and his vision fades to black.

When he wakes back up, he's in an ER room. His vision is only from his right eye... 

He feels a bit panicked. 

Bakugo, Sero and Kaminari sat in the room with him. Bakugo sees Kirishima's arm move, and immediately stands up. 


Kirishima turns his head towards the voice.

Bakugo exhales a long sigh.
He moves towards the bed and leans down, to lay his head on Kirishima's chest. He grabs Kirishima's hand and squeezes it lightly.

"Where... are we...?"
"We're in a ER room..." Sero responds from the seats. Kirishima's eye lazily moves towards the voice. He finds Sero and Kaminari, they look worried but relieved.
"Guys..." he comments quietly. He suddenly falls silent. "I- I can't see out of my left eye..."
"There's bandaging there, you're not supposed to see out of it for now..." Bakugo responds. "Can you sit up?"

He holds his hand almost in a guiding way as Kirishima sits up. 
As soon as his head lowers, Bakugo grabs his chin and lifts his head again. 

"Just... don't... look at your clothes..." Kaminari claims.

Kirishima swallows thickly.

"Wh-Why not-?"
"Do you not remember anything?" Sero asks.
"Kind of... we were training a while ago." Kirishima responds. 

He suddenly shudders.

"O-Oh god... the images-" he whispers. "Eugh... god damn--"

Kaminari simply kicks the trashcan over to him. 

"You're fine now. They took it out of your eye... it was just in your eyelid, you got lucky bro..." Sero claims slowly. 
"S-So... it didn't puncture my eyeball?"
"No, it did,--" Kaminari bluntly states.

Bakugo clears his throat loudly.

"You're okay." He states at last. "It'll heal."

The room falls silent.
Bakugo has pulled him into a gentle hug... feeling relieved and protective of him.

Kirishima suddenly gasps quietly.

"What time is it...?" He asks quietly. "The dance is tonight...--"
"What--? No, Kiri, you're still thinking about the dance?" Sero asks.
"Dude you're literally on a hospital bed, I think the dance can pass-?" Kaminari joins.
"Eijiro the doctor said you need to rest."

Kirishima pouts lightly.

"But... I've been waiting for tonight..." he mumbles.

Bakugo falls silent again.

"If you show recovery... until six today,- It's..." he pulls his phone out. "It's three forty eight." He claims. "If you show recovery until... fuck it, until eight o'clock... I'll take you to the dance for a few hours."
"Really--...?" He asks in a hopeful tone.
"But only. A few hours..." Bakugo repeats.
"Okay-...!" He smiles.

Sero begins to laugh quietly.

"You're such a dork, dude..." he laughs. "Almost getting blinded in one eye but begging to go to a stupid highschool dance..."
"Now I'm gonna try my HARDEST to make you two the kings of the party. You two deserve it after today." Kaminari joins Sero with laughter as well.

After getting back to the dorms, of course the classmates were all surrounding the four, bombarding them with questions.

The closest to the four,- specifically Bakugo and Kirishima,- are Midoriya, Ash, Todoroki and Natsuo.

"I'm okay..." Kirishima claims calmly. "It was an accident... we think Sero kicked a shard of glass in my eye when he did a backflip...--" he claims.
"What!? Sero, what the hell!" Ash exclaims. "What were you thinking?!--"
"Hey,- It's okay-! It's fine, I'm fine, he didn't mean to... we didn't know there was glass on the floor..." Kirishima steps in.

Ash changes her attitude immediately towards Kirishima.

"Oh, but I'm so glad you're okay! As soon as I heard the ambulance outside you were the first one I wished to be okay..."

Bakugo tugs him a little closer towards him.
He shoots the girl a dirty glare.

"Yeah. I'm sure you did." He grumbles. "He's fine. 'Cuz I was there."

Todoroki remembers a specific night... a specific thing the girl had said. And a specific someone feeling extremely uncomfortable about it.

"How bad is it? Will it heal?" He steps in.
Kirishima gives him a small, grateful smile. "Yeah,-- they say it's not as bad as it could've been... but it's still not the smallest thing..." he claims. "I'll be fine."

"None of you seem concerned, in which is actually confusing me more," Midoriya joins. He leans over Todoroki's shoulder, resting his chin over it. "Where were you guys? Exactly? And why was the glass on the floor to begin with?"

They fall silent, and begin to exchange glances.

"Uh... that's a good question," Sero responds.
"The right fucking question." Bakugo grumbles. "Where's that--"

His eyes spot Ojiro. "Oi, you're the one who saw the glass first-- you know what it was from?" He asks.
"It looked like a broken cup... but I could be wrong."
"Where were you guys?" Midoriya asks again.
"The back of the dorms... the patio." Kaminari responds.

More glances are exchanged.

"Strange..." Kirishima mumbles.

They're finally alone again.
When the door closes, Bakugo quickly walks towards Kirishima. He pulls him into a tight hug.

"Fucking hell I never wanna go through that again." He immediately claims.

Kirishima hugs him back gently.

"But can I just say... my boyfriend... is not only the best football player out there... but the best hero too?" He asks softly.

Bakugo freezes.

"I don't wanna be rude... or sound like I'm being rude to them..." he begins. They part from the hug lightly, but remain holding one another.
"But let's be real. It would have taken so much longer for me to be driven to the ER if you weren't there."
"You think I don't fucking know?" He asks.
They chuckle quietly.

Bakugo suddenly looks down, looking a bot upset.

"I heard you on the phone... you asked that kid why he called me. You sounded... angry? I-... I don't know if you were just panicked from the accident or...-"
"Oh...- I just really didn't want you to worry..." he claims truthfully. "But... a few seconds before you got there I realized it was more serious than I thought... and I started getting scared... you can even ask Sero, or Kami, or Ojiro... or even TetsuTetsu... I was screaming at them to call you again to say I needed your help..."

He nods slowly.

"You weren't scared? Of me?"
"No! I'd never be scared of you,-- Katsuki you're my boyfriend... I could never be scared of you..."

He nods slowly once again.

"I promise." Kirishima asserts.
"Yeah..." he mumbles. There's a quiet pause. "How are you doing...? Is the shock gone?"
"Ah... not really... I'm still a bit shaken up. I keep getting sick when I think there's a possibility there's glass in my eye still... it feels funny--"
"It feels funny-?"
"I-It's probably me just being paranoid... I'm sure the doctor got everything out..."

Bakugo pulls him into another hug.

"If you say you're okay, I trust you..." Bakugo claims softly. "Just please... be more careful next time. Where you train, doing stunts like that can be fucking deadly...-"
"I promise we'll be more careful."
"Thank you."
