[ P r e p a r i n g ]

<K i r i s h i m a>

We were sitting in the common area of the dorms.
I understand that... we can't really show affection towards one another when we're outside of one of our dorm rooms...

And Katsuki does change when we're not alone.

He's more snappy, and angry.
But I won't force him to smile... I know his case.
I don't want him to be forced...

The more people push on the subject as of why he's acting calm and quiet, the more he clearly gets annoyed.

At one point, he snaps.
He stands up harshly and growls out to everyone.

"FUCK ALL OF YOU!" He snaps.

He began to walk away... towards the door.

"I'm gonna get ready..." he grumbled.

But before he shut the door behind him, he winks at me.
Never failed to get my heart racing...

"Ah... thank god." He sighs with a soft smile.

I approach, to be surprisingly hooked by his arm.
He hooked his arm around my waist and pulled our bodies together.

"Come practice with me." He whispers softly close to my ear. "I don't wanna leave you with these assholes."
He kisses my cheek sweetly, and begins walking forward while never releasing my waist.

God damn...

"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Gym. After the gym we'll jog for a bit... and... I want your help."
"M-..My help? For your practice-?"
"I can't stop thinking back to that last game... how you threw that football so fuckin' perfectly..." he begins. "I want you to help me practice with my catches..."
"O-..Okay-! Just a heads up, aside from that night, I've never threw a football in my li--"

He turns to me, wide-eyed. "You're kidding?!"
"I-... I'm not...!"
"That throw takes YEARS of fucking practice to perfect-?!"
"Todoroki just told me the basics..!"

He stops.
His eyes....

They become venomous.

I... didn't like it.

He suddenly twitches. His head drops, and a heavy sigh is exhaled.

"Right." He grumbles. "Right. That was... before."
"He's my friend, Katsuki."

He nods slowly.
He takes a while to respond, and starts walking again before he does so.

"I... gotta learn... how to share you."

My eyes fall pitied.

"You're doing an amazing job, Katsuki."

His eyes glance up at me, a small gleam popping.
He bows his head backs down, exhaling a curt chuckle.

"Y-Yeah... I... I try."
"But that's what's so amazing. You're trying... that's more than enough, baby."

He nods weakly.

"But I go all the way."
"Oh, even greater." I chuckle. "You'll get there. I believe in you."

He finally locks eyes with me.
"That's... all I need."

He hands me a football... and I won't lie when I say I feel a bit nervous.

I look up at him with uncertainty.

"Kat... are you sure-"
"Eijiro you did fucking amazing at the night of the game-- What's the uncertainty about-?!"
"I-! Maybe I'm horrible-! I'm definitely horrible-! That night I was just high in adrenaline--"
"Babe," he laughs. "Throw me fucking football."

He steps about fifteen feet away from me. 

"I'll throw it first, if you're not certain. Watch me throw it."

I chuck the football and he grips onto it...--

His eyes change.
And for some reason... I feel the biggest fluster-
They're determined... they glare through me with passion and sheer confidence-

Holy shit...

"Ready, baby?"
He exhales a curt chuckle. "Heads up."

I catch the football using my chest to my advantage, like Todoroki had told me before.
He nods curtly and opens his arms, showing he's ready.

So I copy what he did and remember back to what I had done that night... and chuck it back at him.

It wasn't that bad. But by him...-

"Fuck,-! How are you-?! You've played before, you're fucking joking-!"
"I swear I've never played football!"
"I don't fuckin' believe you-" he begins to laugh quietly. "My boyfriend's so fuckin' talent, what the hell..."

Call me narcissistic.. but I love it when he does that.
I feel important when he does that.

We continue throwing the ball to each other while he calls it a 'warm up'. We spent about five minutes like that.

"Okay... I need to work on my catches." He claims. "Could you randomize where you throw? I'll run to catch it."
"Ohh I get what you mean- Sure!"

He smiles at me out of nowhere.

"Likin' the confidence, cutie..." he chuckles, passing by me and handing me the football. "That's what I like to see--"
"Can you stop setting my heart on fire, I'd appreciate it-"
"You wanna talk about setting hearts on fire? You look so fucking masculine throwing a football." 

The things I sign up for--

"You're more masculine!" I shout.
"Oh but you're hotter."

He laughs as he begins to walk forward, glancing down at the football.

"C'mon, throw it."

"You two look beat..." Sero laughs. 

Bakugo and Kirishima are exhausted... and sweating by the amounts.
Their knees are scrapped with grass and dirt, and their backs are covered in grass as well.

Outside from Kaminari's and Sero's knowledge... the two had a tackle fight.

It was completely out of simple playfulness and triggered by flirtatious fluster. 
The two had fun with it though... they felt extremely cuddly afterwards...

"He tackled me." Bakugo immediately claims, pointing a finger at Kirishima but owning a playful glare. 
"He was teasing me!"
"He triggered it-"

Sero and Kaminari watch in amusement as the two carry the playful argument. Watching the two get closer and closer to each other's faces and shooting each other painfully obvious playful glares at each other until they burst into pure laughter.

"You two... are two goofballs." Kaminari comments, chuckling lightly.
"Dude, you know what? That's so cute..." Sero comments. "You're like best friends... but, you know, boyfriends."

Bakugo and Kirishima share another soft glance, letting the comment sink in.

"Those are the best types of relationships, you know that?" Sero asks. 
Kirishima's smile doubles in sweetness as he wraps his arms around Bakugo. He snuggles his head against Bakugo's cutely.
"I told him that. I said he's my best friend."
"Ouch... I'm right here bro..." Kaminari jokes. The three laugh quietly as Bakugo is quietly and slowly pulling Kirishima closer. 
"You two wanna go clean up so we can go out for ice cream? Kam has been annoying me nonstop for mint chocolate chip ice cream-" Sero laughs.
"OH- Sure!?" Kirishima jumps up. 

He grabs Bakugo's hand immediately and pulls him up with him. He tugs him towards the door, wearing a large, excited grin.

"We'll be back in a few!"

Bakugo is sitting on the floor, cross-legged like a child, while Kirishima cleans Bakugo's face from dirt.


He puckers his lips, earning a giggle from Kirishima. He leans forward to give him a soft kiss, but Bakugo is quicker.

His strong arms wrap around his neck and tugs him to the side, as his lips already kiss him deeply. Kirishima smiles and wraps his arms around him as well, allowing Bakugo to lay him down and to kiss him--

It's the genuineness and love Bakugo is putting into the kiss that has him completely melted. 
"Mmh.. Kat-... they're waiting..." Kirishima giggles softly. He's simply not bothered by the fact that Bakugo is continuously pecking his lips. 
"Let them wait..." he chuckles. 

He sits Kirishima back up, and his warm hands stay on the sides of Kirishima's torso, over the sides of his ribs as Kirishima's hands cupped Bakugo's cheeks. 
The small, soft pecks are drawing out into longer kisses, potentially becoming the longest they've kissed for. 

And it's heartwarming for both how the fact that they both can do this for hours is said. It's clear... basically thrown in the air and easily read by each other. 
But every good thing comes to an end, unfortunately.

"Am I... going insane... or do you just keep getting better and better at kissing?" Kirishima breathes out quietly.
"I think it's the fact that each time we do, we do it for longer-" Bakugo laughs. 
"I could go for longer though." Kirishima grins.
"Buuut Sero and Kami are waiting and I want ice cream... sooo... guess we'll have to keep going later." He chuckles.

He gets up, leaving Bakugo baffled.

"'Keep going'-?" Bakugo asks.
"Kissing! I meant kissing!" Kirishima exhales a nervous laugh, knowing his face suddenly got red. 
"Uhuh." Bakugo laughs as well.

During the rest of the day, throughout the afternoon out with Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima, Bakugo gets a bit quieter. Whenever asked, he'll genuinely say that he's mentally preparing himself for the big game. Kaminari and Sero would look at Kirishima hesitantly but he, someone who's learned to read the boy confirms it. 
He rests an arm over his shoulder and leans against him as he finishes his ice cream, looking down at him softly as Sero and Kaminari watch quietly.

"Katsuki... we can go back if you want."
"No.-" He immediately responds. "No, I-... uh, it's fine... I'm just..."

His PTSD is showing a bit more now. 
He's nervous to meet back with his team... he knows something bad will happen just for the fact that Todoroki is part of the team. 
Under the table, he interlocks his hands with Kirishima's. Kirishima's gaze softens even more, but pity shows through.

"Are you sure?"
"It's nervousness for the game, right?"

He looks away.

"I wouldn't say 'nervousness'. I'd say..."
"Your... PTSD?" Kirishima asks quietly. Sero is the one to make out what Kirishima had so secretly whispered to Bakugo.
Bakugo nods, lowering his head.
"Oh... it's gonna be okay..." he rubs his shoulder blade comfortingly. 

"Does he want to go back?" Sero asks.
"He's just not... feeling too great." Kirishima claims quietly. "Kat it'd be better if we went back... so you could get some rest, right?"
"Oh, that's all good bro." Kaminari shines him an encouraging smile. "You guys can go ahead, Sero and I might stay for a bit longer."
"Cool...- thanks for inviting us!" Kirishima smiles.

He steps out of the booth they sat in, allowing Bakugo to step out as well. 
While doing so, Sero and Kirishima exchanged glances.

That, was enough to let Sero know what was happening.

"I'll text you guys later." Kirishima waves as the two begin to walk away.
"See you later!" Kaminari chirps.

The two fall silent for a bit, hearing the ice cream shop's doorbell ring as their friends leave.

"He was getting a PTSD attack." Sero claims quietly. He sighs. "Dude, I feel so bad..." he mumbles.
"Ohh... but he looked calm-?"
"'Cuz Kiri was there."

Kaminari's eyes sparkle.

"That's adorable-?"
"Still a bit... dangerous. I dunno. Think about it- Someday Kiri won't be by his side... it could drive him insane."
"Like, drive him back to what he was-?"
"Maybe worse."
"Oh. Oh god-"
"I don't... think about that though. I know it won't happen... Kiri isn't one to leave people like that. And Bakugo, it's clear he's attached to him..." Sero chuckles. "I feel bad for Bakugo... it just must be hard. You know how a PTSD attack goes?"
"No, you do-?"

The two carry a conversation on that topic, forgetting about the time rolling by.
As Kirishima walks Bakugo back to their dorms, holding his hand tightly as he does his best to carry a conversation with Bakugo, to distract him from his own mind.

They're cuddling, but Bakugo indicates that Kirishima could hold him a bit tighter this afternoon. He's laying over his chest, burying his face into the crook of Kirishima's neck to be stuck with his boyfriend's soft, calming scent. Kirishima is brushing his hair out softly with his fingers, beside his bed his phone plays music quietly.

"Katsu..." Kirishima begins softly. "Is it actually another attack?"
"Can weeee... talk about it? So my Katsuki can get better? Because me may be worrying me just a bit because literally a few hours ago he was smiling and happy and flirty but now he's sad and looking hurt and scared?"

Bakugo pulls away from his slowly. His head lays on his shoulder now. 

"Last game I had... I was still a fucking prick." He simply states. "But... the assholes from my team all already caught on that I was... dealing with a shit storm inside my mind. Natsuo, especially. I know what's gonna fucking happen... and it's just fucking... getting me so fucking mad-"
"Okay- calm... nice and calm..." he stops him. "What's gonna happen?"
"Half-and-half bastard is in the fucking team- and the moment I fucking see that prick my hands are gonna be fucking covered in blood-" Bakugo growls.
"Oi,-- take a deep breath, Katsuki... jesus christ..." Kirishima mumbles. "He doesn't want to hurt you. it's going to be fine...-"
"How do you fucking know that-?!"

They fall silent.

"S-Sorry-" Bakugo whispers.
"You're fine."
"N-... Eiji really- I am-"
"Babe you're good, it's okay... your mind's all over the place." Kirishima caresses his head softly. "I promise you, tomorrow will go well... you're gonna play super well, like you always do... you're gonna bring home gold again... and the night will be amazing."

Bakugo exhales a shaky breath.

"Todoroki won't bother you. Natsuo won't bother you. And if he does, tell him to leave you alone."
"You think I don't? That bastard's a fucking leech."
"Then you'll step away from him."

He nods slowly.

"Sometimes, Katsuki, the real man leaves the battleground. To come out of it looking the less scratched."

Bakugo's eyes widen.

"Exactly. Doesn't it make sense? Usually in a fight, people call the one looking the less cut up the winner, right? But if you truly are strong... you know when the fight isn't worth it. So you save yourself instead."
"How... do I fucking deserve you-"

Kirishima giggles softly.

"Consider what I said, alright? Most of the fights you threaten to pick aren't worth it, Katsuki... they end up in you getting hurt more."
He nods weakly.

Bakugo is laying down again, trying to fall asleep early so his thoughts fade away quicker.
Kirishima pauses the music and pulls up his text messages...
He wants to help the situation out a bit.

There's about a minutes pause. He's about to set his phone down in defeat... but it pings again.

His eyes glance down at Bakugo, beginning to run his fingers through his hair again.

"Baby?" Kirishima begins softly.
"Is it okay if I step out for a bit?"

Bakugo sits up slowly, rubbing his eyes and trying to hide his true upset expression.

"Y-..Yeah... just..." he sighs as his head lowers. "Please... c-..come back..."
"Of course... I'll be fast."

He crawls off the bed, letting his hand linger over Bakugo's hand for a sweet second longer.

"I love you..." he smiles softly.
"L-..love you more..." he exhales a weak, curt chuckle.

Todoroki steps into the common area, already seeming to be controlling himself. He's maintaining calm, and keeping eye contact with Kirishima to show he's in the conversation at all times.

"Should we step outside to have this conversation in private?" Todoroki asks.
"That's a good idea..."

As the two step outside, Kirishima already makes the atmosphere lighter. 

"Thank you for agreeing to continuing. This means a lot." He claims.
Todoroki sighs quietly, nodding slowly. "I find you to be someone I look up to... so if it means it'll make you happy, then I'll make an effort."
"Thanks." He concludes. 

Todoroki glances up, most likely looking up at Bakugo's window.

"He, uh... he's still recovering?"
"Yeah... he's just... quiet now. He's doing okay." Kirishima responds quietly. He lets another second of silence pass. "Tomorrow's another big game... he's a nervous wreck." 
"He's nervous?"

Kirishima nods in response. "He doesn't want to... interact with any of you. He told me it's because you guys are going to push the fact that during the last game, he was going through... what he told me was 'coming to terms with his thoughts'--"
"He didn't want to admit he liked you, Kirishima. Natsuo and I talked about that." 
Kirishima nods slowly. "That... yeah, that makes more sense."
"So what you'll eventually ask, after rambling through excuses on why Bakugo is the victim, you'll say 'don't bring it up'. Correct?"

Kirishima looks away with a baffled look, feeling the bluntness from his tone hit him harshly.

"I-... Wow, alright... uh, I guess?" He responds. "But Todoroki- I'm not in any way painting him to be the victim. Both of you are. And not victims of each other." He clarifies. "What I want to say,- and correct me if I'm wrong, please,- is that neither of you had a clear choice of acting the way you do to each other. Your minds switch to the PTSD and it just... takes over..." he claims. "It covers your mind... doesn't it?"

Todoroki looks down, finding it a bit harder to control his calmness.

"Yes, Kirishima." He grumbles.
"I'm sorry if I'm prying into something."
"It's..." he sighs. "It's... fine. I guess."

They fall silent.

"Alright. If Bakugo doesn't step in my way... consider me gone from his path as well."

He looks away, feeling a bit hurt.
He feels as though he's splitting the two apart more.

"I hope things become at least... tolerable between you two."
"Don't wish for the impossible."

Kirishima flinches a bit.

"Sorry if reality is harsh?" Todoroki concludes flatly.
"No, it..."
"We'll see what the future holds for us." Todoroki corrects. "Is that better?"
"Sure." Kirishima sighs quietly, scratching the back of his head. "Listen man, I... I promised Bakugo I'd be back quickly... he needs someone to be with him right now... I wish you lucky for tomorrow, maybe we'll talk before then."

He turns to head back inside, and Todoroki takes note of Kirishima's change in tone. He looks down.

"Oi..." he calls out. "We're both insane... but I'm sure I'm crazier."
Kirishima looks at him with a flat expression, extremely confused at the suddenness and randomness. 
"Tell him I said 'feel better'."

And now, his eyes widen.

"And... you're a brave guy, Kirishima. You clearly see something... no one else does." 
"I know..."
"You're not the only one. You and Midoriya have a lot in common."

Kirishima slows down.

"Have a good night, Kirishima."

Kirishima returns, exhausted.
Bakugo is found sitting up, hugging his knees close to his chest and looking opposite from the door. He has earbuds in, and is unaware of Kirishima opening the door.
Kirishima, at the sight of him, is immediately hit with this... spear... through his heart.
It hurts. Extremely.

He holds his heart in agony as he manages to stumble a step forward. He closes the door closing his eyes as one single phrase repeats in his mind.

'It's not fair.'

He approaches quietly, putting a hand over Bakugo's again but looking down.
Bakugo jumps, stopping himself from hitting whatever startled him as soon as he sees it's Kirishima.

A sad Kirishima.

"Katsuki I love you so fucking much..." Kirishima whispers out through pain. "Pl-..Please don't...e ever give in to what anyone says..."
"Where... did this come from- Why're you about to cry-"
"D-Don't worry about it..." Kirishima clears his throat to get rid of a large lump choking him back from words as he climbs back on the bed. He pulls Bakugo into his arms against his will to hug him tightly.
"If someone got you like this I swear to fucking god Eijiro-"
"N-No... I... it was my fault, it's... okay-"
"What'd you do-"
"Don't worry about it..."
