[ C e l e b r a t i o n ]

The blonde ignores everyone as he storms to his new room- He didn't care about the celebration that went on downstairs. He didn't care about anyone- 
The usual.

He was in the fourth floor, with two other students. He finds his door easily, as it was heavily decorated-- But his wasn't the only one.

The door beside it was also decorated.

And it was clear. Who's door that was.

'No. There's no FUCKING way...'

'My dorm is next to his.'

'My life couldn't be fucking worse...'

'What the fuck is gonna happen now?!'

He stared at the door with a flat expression, but on the inside he was in extremely interest.

The door had countless pictures of the leader, along with other people. The school's initials, glittery letters that stood for the leader's first and last name, and the such.

His eyes remained on the pictures- His eyes remained on the redhead, on the pictures.

His smiles were beautiful.
He was extremely photogenic.
He radiated happiness on every photo.
He was beautifu--

He scoffs at himself, baffled and even scared. His hands slam against his door and claw down, ripping the abundant and flamboyant decorations and finally opening his door, leaving the mess in front of his door. 


For the first time ever- The small group had seen Todoroki smile.
It was small and quick, but it was for the cutest, most innocent reason as well. 

He was complimented for the thousandth time that night, and once Midoriya had complimented him to finish off a conversation, he smiled. And how much did Midoriya feel accomplished...

"You play like a beast though-! How can you be insecure-?!" Kaminari comments.
"Ah...- Well..." Todoroki felt the reason was too.. Dark... To be said. 

"I have a question." Yaoyorozu begins softly. "Doesn't the strongest player of their team earn the title of leader?" 
"Yes.." Todoroki responds.
"You're not the leader?"

He was beginning to feel overwhelmed again. Why did everyone think so highly of him?

"I-.. No... No, I'm not the leader... Bakugou is-"
"He was okay." Ash comments. "You did really good though-!"
"Todoroki-kun-- You scored eleven points-!" Uraraka comments. 
"He would have scored twelve if it wasn't for the time-!" Kirishima joins. "And you're here doubting yourself?"

He falls quiet. His head bows, and his hands slowly raise to his own elbows, hugging himself tightly. 
Kirishima, Sero, Midoriya and Kaminari notice he would that whenever he got overwhelmed or upset.

"O-Oh...- T-Todoroki-kun, it's okay-!" Midoriya begins sympathetically.
"We mean it-! You did amazing out there... I don't know what others used to tell you.. They were lying!" Kirishima claims.
"They were jealous, so they put you below themselves to feel higher than they were." Midoriya claims.

Todoroki's eyes meet green,- Those words... Made him feel light.
Sure, he didn't fully believe it.
But... It meant something to him. 

It made him question more things.
Why did he waste so much time with those assholes... These people were all here, surrounding him...
It could have prevented his ptsd. It could have prevented the scars he has now. Hell, it could have even helped him shape into the person he wants to be sooner.
So it made him also promise something.
Forget the others.
Stay with these people. Open up to these people...

And by what his heart tried to say, he would start by speaking with Midoriya. Because he, out of the other three, made him feel more secure. More comfortable.

And Todoroki, he never waited to do something. As soon as he found the opportunity, he pulled Midoriya aside.


The walked upstairs, to the building's 4th floor's stairs. They sat down on the stairs' fifth steps, against the wall. Todoroki couldn't recall the last time he felt so calm within someone's presence.

"What's up?" Mididoriya breaks the silence.
"I... Want to ask... For help."
He cut straight to the point.
"Oh-! Of course! What do you need help with-?"
"I also don't want to overwhelm you... Or the others..." Todoroki claims quietly.
"Well... Tell me what you need help with, I'll do what I can...!"

Todoroki looks away.
It was starting to hit again...

"I-..." He grits his teeth, angered with himself.

'You pulled him outside, don't waste his fucking time...'

"I need help! With myself!" He claims. "I... Want to change..."


His eyes snap open at the sound of the familiar voice.

"I need help! With myself!"

What the hell was he going on about.
He gets up from the bed, his head pulsating with immense pain and pressure. He drags his feet towards the door, resting his head against it.

"I-... I don't like who I am... I.. Want to be like you... And Kirishima... And-"
"You... Came to.. me...? For help..?"

Bakugou realized what had been happening.
And he wasn't liking it.

He listened to their entire conversation.
He didn't know who he was talking to, but he couldn't care.
All he knew,
Was that their football team would fall one member short.
And that their class would fall one student short.
