[ B a k u g o ' s " F a m i l y " ]

Their day started off early already.
In reality, Bakugo can hardly wait until Kirishima meets Koji and Kat.
He seemed to get along with Natsuo...
And after the talk the two had, he doesn't feel too bad about Todoroki tagging along.

At 5:25 in the morning, Kirishima is awoken.
A light hand, warm and gentle on Kirishima's shoulder, shaking him lightly until he exhaled that soft groan he always did.
He can immediately tell that the bed has a little too much space,- Bakugo isn't laying down anymore.

"Morning, darling..."

His heart felt fuzzy and raced immensely at the nickname, the soft voice...
His eyes flutter open, and a smile stretches across his face, pushing dimples on the sides of his cheeks. The hand on his shoulder moved up to pinch his cheek.

"Wake up, gorgeous, we're getting ready."
"Mm...? 'Ready'...?"

He sat up slowly and yawned as Bakugo gave him a sweet hug.
He felt so soft... so excited...

Today's going to be a long day... but a special day, a fun day...
A nostalgic day.

"My god, Katsuki, it feels like I'm waking up next to a bucket of sugar," Kirishima chuckled. He sunk into the warmth with a soft hum, enjoying the moment to the fullest,-

Until Bakugo grows playful and begins to tug him out of the bed.

"Baaaabe--! I'm gonna fall-!" He exclaimed.
"Like I'd ever let you do that," Bakugo claimed, "c'mon, get ready--"
"Wha-! Katsuki the sun's not even out yet-!"
"I know," he laughed, "that's the point, gorgeous,"
"L-Listen sir, my heart can only take so much sugar-" Kirishima exhaled a baffled, flustered chuckle.

They meet up with Natsuo downstairs in the kitchen. Todoroki met up with them shortly after.
Natsuo and Bakugo looked the most excited. Natsuo continuously looked at his phone to either reply to something or read something. They currently waited for 'something'.

"Can we know where we're going-?" Kirishima asked with a sleepy chuckle. "I really can't think of a place to go that requires waking up this early-"
"You're gonna love it," Natsuo responded.
"And what are we waiting for?" Todoroki asks.

Bakugo's smile was what Kirishima absolutely loved when he responded. He can already tell this person means the world to Bakugo.

"The person who just arrived--!" Natsuo claimed.

Bakugo bolts up and just... leaves.
He rushes towards the door and quickly jiggles the doorknob until he set foot outside, and the three laughed at the pure excitement. Natsuo jogged out, as Kirishima and Todoroki sleepily but excitedly walked out after them.

Kirishima's heart bursts.
Todoroki is utterly surprised.
And Natsuo is, of course, his usual happy, smug self.

About a yard from the building's porch, Bakugo is rocking side to side as he hugs a much shorter girl. He recognizes her from previously given descriptions,

Bakugo's supposed 'little sister'.
It's beautiful how Kirishima can feel a bond between the two.
Beside them is a taller guy,- Kirishima and Todoroki can already tell that he's Natsuo's brother.

They approached still as they parted from the hug. Immediately when the girl's eyes land on Kirishima and Todoroki, she gasps out loudly.

He can already tell the girl is extremely outgoing and playful.


Bakugo and the other laughed as they simply let her charge towards Kirishima.
Kirishima almost falls back from the impact, her arms wrap around him tightly.
Her excitement is purely contagious.
They hug tightly, despite Kirishima not fully knowing who the girl is.

"Eijiro, Icyhot, meet Koji." Bakugo claimed from a few feet, as he made his way back.

She pulled herself away and hopped excitedly. She gasps again.

"What happened to your eye, are you okay-?!"
"Yeah, glass accident...- I'll be fine," he chuckled, shrugging lightly. She nods quickly and turns to Todoroki, acting like an energetic kid in a candy store.

"And you're Todoroki right!?" She smiled.
She lunged into his arms as well.

"Careful, she hugs." Natsuo claimed, earning laughter from the group.

She parts from the lighter hug and shines the four a wide smile.

"Finally! I get to meet you two!--"
"This is Kat." Bakugo introduced, lazily pointing towards the taller boy.
Kirishima shines him a large grin. "What's up-? Nice to meet you, man,"
He returned the smile and bowed his head to greet him as well.

"God, come on, Kat, don't be so fucking loud," Natsuo joked.

And there it was, another contagious smile. He ducked his head away and exhaled a barely heard laugh and looks back at Todoroki and Kirishima.

"Hi... I'm Kat." He introduced.
"So, where are we going?" Todoroki asks.

Koji's eyes light up.

"TO OUR--"
"Shhh Koji-! Damn-!" Natsuo laughed, looking back at the building. "You're gonna wake people up-!"
"Oh-" she curled up her posture playfully, "to our secret hideout--!" She whisper-shouted.

"If it's still there," Bakugo claimed, crossing his arms, "s'been a while-"
"Oh, it is--" Kat spoke up, "Koji and I visit there often still. Everything is still there."

They walked for a while, but exhaustion wasn't even in their minds.
Laughter is all that radiates off the group.
And Koji, Natsuo, and Bakugo together are complete goofs.

Even Todoroki laughed at what they did. Kirishima had to stop walking often to recollect his breath from the laughter they caused him to have.

Of course, Bakugo loved it. Kirishima's laughter is his favorite thing...
And Todoroki and Natsuo really are surprised,- but they're proud, too.

Bakugo is changed... extremely changed. And they know Kirishima is the reason.
They see them as a good pair. A balanced, healthy pair.

"Suki is literally such an early bird-- it exhausts me-" Koji claimed with a playful sigh.
"Yet you fucking agree on tagging along every damn time," Bakugo responded.

" 'Suki'--" Kirishima repeated. Todoroki chuckled.

"Yeah 'cuz it's a free opportunity to annoy you more-" Koji smirked.
"And I tag along-" Natsuo smirked as well.
"Who's the most annoying," Koji put a challenge, "me, Kat, or Natsuo?"

"What, Icyhot isn't an option?" Bakugo laughed.
"Yeah 'cuz I'd immediately win the challenge," Todoroki claimed, "it'd be unfair to them,"
They laughed out loud at the (true) claim. "And me, I'm not an option?" Kirishima smirked.

Bakugo looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. "Oh yeah, of course, how could I forget, the most annoying-" Bakugo flailed his arms out in exaggeration as he sounded the sarcastic phrase. Him and Kirishima laugh quietly amongst themselves as Kirishima gave him a light punch on the shoulder.

"Oh yeah," Natsuo's smirk increased, "don't think I forgot, Katsuki," he grinned, "the sports trip--"
"All the grudges he put up 'cuz mister prince charming over here wouldn't stop playing with his heeeaaarrt--"
"AAWH-!" Koji screeched.
Bakugo groaned loudly as Kirishima stares with arched eyebrows.

"So THAT was why--?!"

"To think about it he was overprotective over you ever since the first football game," Todoroki joined, "he wouldn't even let us talk to you,"
"Damn, we couldn't even look towards your direction, he'd lash out on us,-" Natsuo nudged Todoroki on the shoulder as he added, "he didn't want anyone to steal his prince charming--"


"That's not all," Koji smirked again.
"Koji don't you fucking dare--"
"He told me your smile is really pretty--"

Kirishima's face is a deep red. He's smiling dumbly and giggling at what he's hearing-

"Whatever. I fucking hate you--"
"You love me," Koji teased.
Bakugo shot her a fading, playful glare, the two crack up in quiet chuckles.

And that's when Kat speaks up.

"He fanboyed over you, Kirishima,"

After what felt like hours of walking, of joking around... the sun had started to rise, at last, as Natsuo claimed they were close to arriving.

The closer they got, the more Todoroki and Kirishima realize they're going further away from civilization.
The place is deserted, abandoned, neglected-
Yet beautiful, all the same.

It smells of nature... of rain, a dense smell of dirt and leaves and pinecones... the morning chilly air is fresh to breathe in...
This is heaven for Bakugo, Kat, and Koji.

Once there, Bakugo had taken Kirishima's hand. He smiled at the sweetness, Koji and Natsuo, of course, cracked teasing comments at the two.

"Watch where you step." Bakugo began in a calm tone.
"Dude-- this place is amazing-" he commented.
"You haven't seen the best of it yet-!" Koji chirped.

And to almost no surprise, Natsuo declares something expected.

"Koji, race ya there--"

Kirishima's and Todoroki's eyes widen as the two run ahead.
Koji tried to catch up to Natsuo even though he'd gotten a jump's start, Bakugo, Kat, Todoroki, and Kirishima are left alone, to calmly walk towards where the three had run off to.

Within two steps, it comes into sight.

Possibly the prettiest sight Kirishima and Todoroki have seen so far.

It's the side of a heavily neglected, abandoned building... it seems to be the remains of a large, old-schooled family home.
It had many floors up... some covered by rotten wood as falling-apart walls or completely exposed to the nature that it's surrounded by.

Despite its openness, their excited shouts echo in the empty space. Todoroki and Kirishima take note of how cautious Bakugo, Kat, Nayto, and Koji are about where they step, so they follow in their example.
For Kirishima, though, it was easy. Bakugo is by his side, holding his hand and guiding him if it's okay to step where he would step or not.

As they reach about less than halfway deep inside the building, Koji stops them.

"Guys, wait up a sec--" she began, "since To-... Can I call you Todo?" She asks with a smile.
He shrugged lightly and bowed his head, "call me what you want,--"

" 'Todo' is fine."

The group laughs quietly, before Koji takes their attention once again.

"Since Todo and Kiri are like, super new here-" she laughs, "we should go over... like, safety-"
"Oh, yeah...-" Kat joined in.

"You two know what poison ivy looks like, right?" Koji begins. The two nod and mutter quiet 'yeah's.
"Okay-! So, footing. Please please PLEASE be careful where you step,"

She turns a heel and points down to her high-knee socks, dirtied by mud already.

"I had to get eight stitches because of a stupid mistake," she declared, "please don't pull a 'Koji'." She insists, earning more laughter. "And also! There's hella broken glass in here!-- pieces that are sharp enough to go through the sole of your shoes,"

Her eyes trail to Natsuo.

"Some of us have experienced that," she mumbled jokingly.
"One time!" He exclaimed, "one time!"

"No thanks, I've had my fight with glass-" Kirishima sighed, "I'm done with it." He claimed, throwing his hands up in the air as defense. "Also, the stepping-- what-"

"If the wood basically doesn't match the larger majority," Kat explained, "so, right beside you, actually,"

Bakugo immediately grabbed Kirishima's forearm and pulled him closer to him, his eyes snapping down to where Kat had motioned towards.

"If it's dark like that, it's rotten. It won't support your weight and give in.-- The floors get more like that towards the higher floors, so just be careful so you don't fall through."

"Should we really be here then, if it's so dangerous--?" Todoroki asks.
"Been here for the past eight years, I'm still fuckin' alive, thanks very much," Bakugo claimed, "let's get going,"

The jokes returned but the fooling around lessened, which truly showed Kirishima and Todoroki that they were serious about their, and each other's safety.

Walking through the strained rooms and hallways was like taking a trip down to the past... the wallpapers, even though they were barely stuck to the walls,- wherever there even were walls,- they looked extremely old-fashioned. Some rooms had carpeted floors and broken chandeliers hanging from extremely high ceilings... and even the architecture of the building itself was old-fashioned and inconvenient.

"So, crazily enough," Natsuo began, "this place was hit by a tornado twice,"
"What?! No way--!" Kirishima claimed. His tone is heavy in interest.

Todoroki and Kat wouldn't respond or interact most of the time. They'd build a quick bond already and found each other's behaviors to be very alike.

Koji, of course, stuck to Bakugo's side, and Bakugo seemed content about it. Natsuo effortlessly stayed with everyone. He'd crack up conversations with any of them, and keep it going like topics and things to say came up like quick-fire.

"Long time ago, though," Koji added.
"Some rooms look like they were burned," Todoroki pointed out.
"We still don't know why," Kat responded, "Natsu thinks that's how the family that lived here died, from a house fire."

"Maybe we can find an article on the building," Kirishima commented with a shrug, "shouldn't be so hard."

The higher they went, the slower they walked.
But it wasn't annoying... it gave them an opportunity to appreciate the little things.

The sky, and horizon exposed out before them through large holes in the walls and broken windows. Bakugo is content, once again, as he simply can't get a specific thought out of his mind at the moment.

Kirishima had claimed to 'love the sky'.

Koji had left Bakugo's side and 'ran off' further along with Todoroki and Kat, while Natsuo insisted on trying to get to the next floor by climbing an oddly-specific pattern of knocked-out bricks placed on the outside of the house's wall.

Bakugo took the opportunity to give Kirishima his upmost attention.
He snaked an arm around his waist and lowered his head a bit, feeling a smile overpower him.

"Tired, still?" He asks in a softer tone.
"How could I be--?! This place is so cool-!" He claimed. "Thank you so much for bringing us here!"

He exhales a curt chuckle. "Glad you like it... I'll keep that in mind."


Bakugo sighs, and the empty house roars with the loud echoes of their laughter. Koji comes out of a room with widened, excited eyes as her hands jump up and down on her sides in extreme excitement, replacing the lack of ability to jump up and down.


"Don't touch the nest--...! It'll be abandoned by the mom bird if you do--" Kat began in a quieter, shyer tone.
"I didn't-!"
"Comin', I'm coming..." Bakugo grumbled playfully.

As they climb to the last floor, the stairs had been knocked down. Meaning, they had to help one another climb to the safe grounds of the last floor.

"So this is what I like about this place," Koji chuckled, "it's a great trust-bonding-exercise," she claimed, "you gotta reeeally trust your pals here-!"

And so, they begin.
Bakugo helps Kirishima up first by lifting him up and supporting him until he pulled himself up through the entrance on the ceiling. Kirishima pulls Bakugo up by the hand and holds him until he successfully pulls himself up as well.

And to completely surprise everyone.

Bakugo reaches down for Todoroki.

His face reads hesitation... but he's committing to helping Todoroki.

Without a word, Todoroki grabs his hand and accepts the help offered.
Kirishima is smiling softly at Bakugo, who just sighed and smiled back weakly in response.

After Todoroki, Natsuo lifted Koji up to sit on his shoulder while Bakugo pulled her up effortlessly. Natsuo is able to jump up himself, and he helps Kat up at last.

And so, the six reach the last floor; the fifth floor of the abandoned building.
The flooring is much stronger then those below them, but they're still careful about how heavy they land each step.

There, they find their 'area' to be untouched.
Beanbags, notebooks, boxes of toys,- from when they were younger,- and a telescope, facing out to the major hole of where once used to be a wall.

They settled happily; Koji and Natsuo sat on the edge, with their feet dangling from the ground to the outside, Kat and Todoroki sat on the beanbags, and Bakugo and Kirishima sat against the wall, beside the large missing wall. The group found it cute how Kirishima sat against Bakugo's chest, and how Bakugo seemed to be the calmest when Kirishima rested there.

Just out of childishness' sake and to keep filling the silence, Koji proposed a game of would you rather. Koji, Natsuo, and Kat found it to be a good opportunity to get to know Kirishima and Todoroki more. It quickly died down, however, as topics began to surge again out of simple questions.

Kirishima and Todoroki found the day to be extremely special. Kirishima can feel just how much these three mean to Bakugo... the way they exchange smiles so effortlessly is heartwarming. And Todoroki, he's surprised he was invited to come along.

He's surprised that Bakugo is acting as if they're all a family... acting as if they've never had a bad past...
Bakugo's focusing on the 'now' instead of 'then'.

"So... Suki! When's the next game?" Koji asks excitedly and proudly.
"Two weeks from now..." he responded with a soft sigh, "you better fuckin' show up this time!"
"Oh, for sure!-- I can finally make time for it-!" She chirped, "besides! I really, really, REALLY wanna see Kiri perform-" she chuckled happily, earning a smile from Kirishima. "And Todo! AND Nats--! Duude! Kat and I will go!" She continued excitedly.
"Yo, Kats..." Natsuo called, "speaking of the games... last game, what happened, dude?" He asked quietly.
Katsuki sighed a bit heavier now. 
"Todoroki told the team you had a panic attack? I thought you were getting better ab--"

"Don't bring it up," Todoroki cut through, "most people like us... we don't like getting reminded of panic attacks we have," he claimed calmly, "it can trigger another one... especially for him and I."

Bakugo looked down, lowered his head and gaze as the atmosphere felt a bit heavy for him.

"Oi, Todoroki..." he called out quietly, before pausing. "Thanks... you tried to help."

He nodded curtly but slowly, adding meaning to the response.

Natsuo apologizes respectfully, and moves on quickly.

"Moving on...-!" He cleared his throat, "Kirishima, I heard you're into more stuff than cheerleading," he claimed, "care to share a few?"

His smile turned smug.

"I can beat ass in karate." He claimed boldly. The room fills with quiet and playful oohing, while Natsuo and Kirishima exchange confident but harmless and competitive glares.
"Yeah? What's your belt?"

"Black belt."

The oohing increases.

"Damn... well, I'm a red belt, still..." he claimed with nonchalance, "how's about you and me kick some moves?"
"Ohhh BET-" Kirishima claimed excitedly.

"Wait- not here, though-- you'll end up falling through-" Kat stepped in.
"I was about to say that," Todoroki joined, "bottom floor?"

Even though it's their first day all together, they act like this is the thousandth. The atmosphere is like a family's... and finally, Bakugo feels that old, childhood 'home' feeling he once felt. Except... it feels just a bit more special, now that Kirishima is here, smiling and radiating just the best type of happiness. True happiness.
And so naturally, Bakugo radiates that happiness as well.

He looks around and sees Kirishima smiling... Koji, Natsuo, Kat, and even Todoroki... smiling and laughing and shouting out in excitement and joy... they feel young, and my god, is the feeling so good.

This is the group that's not afraid to hug one another without a word or explanation. The group where they exchange one single look and smile for those three little random seconds and move on to doing what they were doing. The group that brings heaven down to earth by just being themselves.

The group that accepts one another despite of their pasts and preferences and looks.

They sit there at the bottom floor of the building as laughter travels miles throughout the dense woods, ringing back to life the blooming nature that surrounds them with a fresh, familiar scent. Kirishima and Natsuo are stoked to be putting their karate skills back to life after having put them aside for so many months, and teach one another how to either do, or perfect a move the other hasn't seen or learned yet.

Koji, Todoroki and Kat note how Bakugo's eyes... Bakugo's entire posture changes when he's looking at Kirishima. He's relaxed and loose, and the smile he's showing is so specifically pure.
He reminds Todoroki of himself when he's around Midoriya as well.

Kat and Koji are extremely happy for him... Kirishima is extremely happy for Todoroki, and Natsuo?
He's happy for everyone.

His little family is back together, at last, and with two of his new favorite people added to the beautiful chaos.
He's the happiest he's been in a while.

"Yo, guys," he called out with a smile, breathless and in a stance before Kirishima. "This one's called, 'I'm totally setting myself up to eat dirt 'cuz he's a fucking black belt and I haven't done this in seven months'--" 

The group bursts into laughter, their faces already red and hot from laughing previously to another joke. The best kind of laughter, where your stomach hurts and your eyes water- the pure laughter that your body releases.

"Also! I'm up to staying here until sunset if someone orders pizza." he continued.

The group immediately agrees to both claims. The day's long in reality, but it flies by for the group. 
A memorable day... that neither will forget.




[Here's a little visual of what Koji, Kat and Natsuo look like; for my cousin, Kion--]

[Featuring bad shaaddinggg--]
