Chapter 8: Love Is Evil...Sometimes. {Leif}

{Your P.O.V}

I decided to go after Leif, he was clearly my obvious choice!

I started running after Leif, I can't see him in sight but I do see his foot prints on the sandy floor.
After running for what felt like 5 minutes, I found Leif! He was sitting in a boat... And trying to stab it?

"Hey Leif!" I shout

I ran towards Leif and when Leif turned around he looked a little surprised, but that surprised changed into a toothy grin.

"Oh, you followed me Princess?" Leif asked

"Yeah, so what of it?" I purred

Leif chuckled.

"So, what are you doing to the boat?" I questioned

"It's not listening to me, so I am stabbing it" Leif stated

"You don't know how to control a boat" I sigh

I get into the boat along with Leif and he looks a little confused.

"Well, your lucky you didn't stab it too much" I murmured

"Then i'll stab it more!" Leif says raising up his Dual Sickles, ready to stab the boat again

"Nononono! Leif, don't!" I place my hand on his wrist

"But why?" Leif asked, pouting a little

"Because, you want the boat to listen to you commands... don't you?" I asked

Leif nodded.

"Well, it will listen to you! Just, don't stab it anymore" I said

I stared at the boat controls, I remember reading a book about how to work a boat once! I am so lucky my father had a full library and had a book on how to work a boat.
Without that book, how else would I spend my time with the person I am attracted to?~

"Leif, we are going for a ride" I state

"What kind of ride?~" Leif purred

"Oh my go--! A boat ride Leif!" I barked

Leif laughed.

His laughs where so cute.

"I know, I know, I just wanted to tease you a little" Leif smirked

I sighed.

"Well, let's explore the beautiful ocean waters" I say smiling

As I start the boat, me and Leif ride the boat out to the ocean.

Leif stumbles a bit as the boat moves, but he finally gets the memo and sits down.

"Where are we going?" Leif asked

"Somewhere, I just want to go out and explore the ocean with you for a bit" I replied

Leif chuckles a little.

"Is that so?" Leif asks

"Uhh... Yes. I want to explore the ocean with you, is that a problem?" I asked

"No, no, it's fine. As long as I see things get stabbed or die, then anything and everything is good" Leif says with a smirk

"Of course" I giggled

As I drove the boat further away from the land.

"Hey, Princess Y/N? What was that hot stuff on the ground back there?" Leif asked

"It's called sand, it's usually hot because of the sun, but after a while it gets cooler and you care bare with the heat" I explained

After driving the boat for what felt like 10 minutes, I found something that was... beautiful.

I stop the boat and look off the side of the boat.
It's a coral reef, it was shining bright so I was able to see it through the thick water. (lol)

I back away from the edge and I use my magic to create some scuba gear for me and Leif.
Once I created them I hand a pair to Leif.

"Here, put this on" I said

Leif takes the gear, but he just looked at it confused.

"How do I even put it on?" Leif asked

"O-oh! That's right, you don't know a lot about what humans..." I muttered

I then walk closer to Leif and help him put of the gear, but for the wet suit I just used my magic to put them on.

Once we both were geared up I jump into the water.

Leif jumps down after me and then he kinda... sinks.

Shoot! Does he not know how to swim!?

I quickly swim after Leif and I grab his arm.

"I'm not letting you drown today!" I said

Despite us being underwater, I made these... Scuba suits.
You are able to communicate to your peers, think of it like talking in a microphone. Also you are able to hear them like you have headphones on, the good kind as well.

But it can stay completely dry because of the advanced waterproof technology that my father's company has.

"What's 'drown'? Also, I wouldn't be the one to drown" Leif says confidently

"Sure... Anyways, how do you like it down here?" I asked Leif

He takes a look around and he stared at the coral reef, so surprised.

"Wow..." Was all Leif muttered out

(Shhh.... I didn't find a real life pic that looked good, so I used a minecraft one 😆)

"On earth we call this a coral reef. It's really pretty, isn't it Leif?" I say

"I- Uhh... Yeah" Leif responds

"Oh Leif look! There's some dolphins!" I say exited

I point over to some dolphins, they were swimming freely and they did some awesome tricks in the water.
Mainly just spinning around in the water and doing some barrel rolls. But still, it's awesome how easily they glide in the water!

"Are they going to kill us?" Leif asks

"Uhhmm... Well, no. Dolphins are normally nice, just hope they aren't on a empty stomach" I say

I then start swimming towards the dolphins, still having my hand intertwined with Leif's.

When the dolphins saw me and Leif coming, they swam towards us and they circled around us both. There was even a baby dolphin!!
The baby dolphin swam up to me and Leif and started... speaking?

'It's 2 humans!' a child like voice excitedly exclaimed

"Hi there little one, what's your name?" I asked

'Wait, you can understand me?!' The baby dolphin says surprised

I nod.

"Yep!~ Now, may I ask your name?" I ask once again

'The name is Flipper!It's nice to meet you pretty lady' Flipper said happily

"Can you actually do flips? Or is it just a name you were given?" I asked

'I can! I can! You know, if you want, I could show you!' Flipper says exited

"Why are you talking to it? It's just squeaking" Leif asked

 "Oh, I can understand what the baby dolphin is saying" I say

"Wow, you really have been surprising me lately" Leif mumbled

'Ohh! Is this your mate?!' Flipper asked

I feel my face grow a little warmer.

"Uhhmm... F-flipper, he's not..." I murmured

'But you both look so cute together! You deferentially could be lovers! More so, even develop a family' Flipper said

'Flipper! You shouldn't come up with accusations like that' Flipper's mother stated, at least, I think it was..?

'Oop! Sorry about that! Well by chance, do you want to mate with him?' Flipper questioned

"W-well.." I stuttered

"Princess Y/N, what is that spirit saying to you?" Leif asked

My eyes widen.

"O-oh! W-well, he was about to show me some flips! He said that he can do some" I said nervously

'Oh yeah! I'll show you both, just follow me up to the surface' Flipper says as he swims to the surface

"Well Leif, let's follow Flipper" I say as I begin to swim

I swim up with Leif and once we got to the surface we saw Flipper!, and he was jumping out of the water, doing some tricks and especially flips.

I have always wanted to see and meet a real dolphin, I wanted to see them do tricks and I have received what I wished for!
Well, one of the things I wished for.

I can't deny my feelings for Leif anymore.
I love him so much, more than anything or anyone else in this world.

After a while of Flipper doing a little show for us, he had to leave.
I waved him goodbye as well as his other family members and me and Leif decided to go back on the boat.

Once we got on the boat, we removed-- Well, I removed both of our gears and I used my magic to put Leif back into his swim suit.

"Well, did you enjoy that?" I asked Leif

"Surprisingly I did" Leif said

"Well, we can come again and do this again another time, if you want that is" I muttered

"Sure" Leif smirked

You know, I think it's the perfect time now.
I can't wait any longer really.

{Leif's P.O.V}

Ear-th has been pretty fun so far.
Especially with Princess Y/N by my side. Even though Ava is casual, somehow I prefer Princess Y/N.
Maybe because she knows how to have fun.

"Hey Leif, one more thing" Princess Y/N muttered

"Hmmm..? What is-" I said before getting cut off by Princess Y/N connecting our lips together

What the...?
Why is Princess Y/N doing this?
And why does it feel so.... right?

I feel my face grow slightly warmer.

After a while, Princess Y/N finally separates our lips.

"I love you Leif" Is all Princess Y/N muttered out

I was actually completely speechless for the first time in a while.

Princess Y/N loves me...? And whatever we just did right now...~

"S-sorry if it's not something you want to hear...! I-I need time to think, sorry" Princess Y/N stammered

She then teleports me back to the island and I was left standing in this burning hot sand again!
AUGHH! Could she at least teleport me back to the resort?

I--- ugh.. I shouldn't be mad at her over the littlest things... Princess Y/N isn't someone I should be angry with.

After all... She loves me.
You know, come to think of it.... I didn't really want to kill her, is this what this love thing does to people? It makes them not want to kill..?
Wow, love is evil....... sometimes....
