Chapter 20: I'm No Dream {Leif}

{Your P.O.V}

You turn around to come face to face with Leif.

"Oh! L-Leif, did you need something?" I questioned

Leif stared at me for a moment, gazing into my e/c eyes. His cheeks tinted slightly of red, but he seemed nervous, I wonder why?

"Hey Y/N... Can I talk with you in private for a little bit?" Leif asked

"Uhh... S-sure" I stuttered

Leif walked to the magic portal castle and I follow. Once we got into the castle part, he stopped in place. I stopped in place as well.

"So, what did you want to talk about Leif?" I asked

Leif took a deep breath and walked up to me and stood close.

"Y/N, I found out something about myself not too long ago... And, I need you to hear me out" Leif said

"Yeah, of course! I'll always listen to you" I said

"...You see, that's the problem" Leif muttered

"Huh? What do you mean?" I questioned

"Just. Please listen to me. Really listen to me" Leif murmured

Oh... I guess he's serious.
I nodded and stared at Leif, waiting for him to speak.

"Lately I have been feeling... weird. And it's your fault" Leif said with a smirk

Wait, what!? What did I even do? Wait, did I get him sick? But I wasn't sick..?! Is it something that only happens on Daemos? Does female humans give male Daemos's ST-

"I love you, I really mean that" Leif stated

I was shocked. So I didn't give him... Why would I even think that anyways...?!
I'm just glad that he's only feeling 'love'.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, he stared at me confused.

"So, you've finally come around" I smiled sheepishly

"Huh?" Leif said confused

"I means, you finally agree with me" I say

"Wow, I knew you where selfish the moment I saw you" Leif said with a slight smirk

I chuckled.
"The only thing I am selfish for is you" I purred

"Hey, could I do that thing you did to me on the boat?" Leif asked

I smiled.
"You don't need to ask..." I mumbled

Leif lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger, then he bent down a bit so he could meet my lips.

One tender kiss after another, it was really just so magical... He was surprisingly good.
We kept at this for what felt like hours, then suddenly, I felt Leif's hand slide under my shirt.

I eyes shot open and I slowly pulled away.

"...Did I do something wrong?" Leif questioned

"P-please, no. Leif, not now..." I stuttered

Leif seemed to be in a trance, but he did stop.

"I guess I was moving a little too fast there... Maybe later" Leif said

I felt my face fume. Later..!?

Leif then chuckled.
"I'm kidding!....Well, unless..." Leif mumbled

"J-just give me time" I said

"Of course" Leif murmured

"You are my boyfriend" I say

"What's that?" Leif asked

"It's a thing that human males are if they are courting someone?" I explained

"Oh, well... I am going to be the best boyfriend!" Leif said

I then intertwined Leif's hand into mine.

"Oh? Did you already have enough time?" Leif said, teasing me

"Ha! You wish! The original plan was to show off to the others that i'm yours" I explained

"Oh, that makes more sense. Yeah, let's do that" Leif said with a small smile

Seeing Leif smile like that made me fume again, his smiles were always the best.

We walked hand in hand out of the castle, through the portal, and to meet the other Daemos still eating their food.

They stared at us a little surprised, yet confused.

"Y/N? Leif? What are you two doing?" Rhys asked

Before I could answer for myself, Leif pulled me in a tight and protective embrace.

"Listen up, because i'm only gonna say this once! Y/N mine, so no one go after her or I will personally kill you myself" Leif stated

Ok, wow. Who knew that I would have someone this hot being basically my protector for the rest of my life?

Even the other Daemos seemed surprised. I mean, who would of seen this coming?

"...And because he's my boyfriend, I get to to whatever I want with him" I purred, briefly kissing Leif on the lips

The other Daemos stared a little intrigued.

"You know, you can do that to Ava once she has fallen for one of you guys, just keep that in mind" I giggled at the thought

Honesty, that whole shipping thing that I have seen everywhere on the internet, who do I ship Ava with?
Eh, I can think about that later, Ava has her own life and she can pick whoever and whatever Daemos or human she wants! so, I shouldn't be the ultimate ship master just yet. I need to sort out my own life too!
And what would be better than sorting out my life with Leif in it?

The other Daemos thought of the idea for a few seconds, before blushing.
Ha! Predictable, I mean-, all the Daemos had a strong relationship with Ava, so I wouldn't blame them for falling for someone like her. She's great!

"So, what's the wedding gonna be like?" Asch questioned, in a jokingly matter

I chuckled, though, Leif didn't laugh.
I turned to him questionably, and he looked confused.

"Your laughing at something that will happen in the future?" Leif questioned

"H-huh!?" I stammered

"Well, yeah. I would totally want to spend the rest of my life with someone as fun as you" Leif said

"Well, I will only take it seriously when you get down on one knee, pull out a ring and ask me to marry you" I said

"What?" Leif questioned

"You can find the answers if you do some research" I said, growing closer to him

Leif smirked at me, I then go on my tippy toes and kiss the bridge of his nose.
After that, I started to walk to Ava's room.

"Huh? Y/N?" Leif questioned

"I was going to take a bath" I said

"Ooh! Can I come?! The bath last time was actually quite fun" Leif said

I feel my face heat up at his words.

"T-There's something on Earth called 'privacy'! You should learn it Leif...!" I said, rushing to Ava's bathroom

I then locked the bathroom door.

As I was filling up the tub and decided I wanted to use a bath bomb.
So I teleported to the store quickly and bought a few different bath bombs. Once I finished my quick shopping, I teleported back and I started setting the bath bombs in the tub and getting undressed.

After I was done that, I chilled in the tub.
Yessssss..... I feel much more relaxed.

You know, the thought of me inviting Leif into the bath came to mind, but I think that would be too embarrassing for me... Maybe once I feel more conferrable with him, I mean- I already am... But, the thought of me and him like.. that close..! It honesty makes me feel like i'm about to die.

Oh... What is wrong with me..? Why do I have these thoughts...?

I just want to enjoy my bath now.

(10 minutes go by)

Ok, I should really get out now.
I hopped out of the tub and wrapped myself in a towel, but I then heard knocking at the bathroom door.

"Hey, Y/N? Is that you in there?" I heard Ava's muffled voice say from behind the locked bathroom door

I then unlocked and opened the door and saw Ava awake, with just the slight bit of bed head.

"Oh, Ava. Did you have a good sleep?" I asked

"Yeah..." Ava muttered

"And Ava... Good news, guess what?" I said chirpy

"What happened?" Ava questioned

"Leif and I are dating now" I chirped

Ava was shocked.
"What the-! When did this happen?!" Ava said surprised

"When you were asleep" I replied

"Was I asleep for months? Am I in the future or something? Because that happen a little too quickly" Ava said

I grinned.
"Maybe, but at least we didn't do... well, you know what" I mumbled

"Well, at least you have your morals" Ava muttered

"Yeah, so, good luck with the other Daemos" I said

"Huh?" Ava said a little confused

"I mean, they still think your a princess, though me and Leif are a thing, you still have the rest of your harem to worry about" I explained

"H-Harem..?" Ava stuttered

"Not just any harem, a reverse harem" I stated

Ava groaned in agony. I mean, hey!, at least they are hot.

"Well, did you want to use the bathroom or something?" I asked

"Oh, yeah. If you don't mind" Ava muttered

I moved out of the way and I exited the bathroom, back to were the Daemos were.

I saw Leif watching TV. Hmm... I wonder what he's watching?

Looking at the screen, it seems to be called a show about a sock puppet. What?

"What are you watching?" I asked

"Sockey The Sock Puppet, this is an episode I haven't watched yet" Leif replied

I couldn't help but smile. He's a child at heart.
I sat next to Leif and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Hmm? You tired?" Leif asked in a hushed tone

"Kinda, but I don't want to sleep just yet" I said

"And why is that?" Leif asked

"Because, I don't want this whole thing to be a dream..." I muttered

"I am not a dream, I will never leave you Y/N. That is, if you don't leave me" Leif said

I smiled.
"I promise... I won't leave you Leif" I replied

I closed my eyes.

"I love you" I said

"Haha, I love you too you idiot" Leif chuckled
