Chapter 5: Helping Hand

{Jumin's (Your Father) P.O.V}

Today's meeting is more boring than usual....
They are just updating me on the politics with the campaign, along with some financial orders... Not useful.

A sudden knock is heard by the door entrance before someone walks into the room, my assistant.

"Mr. L/N, We have a update on your daughter" My assistant states

I then excuse myself from the meeting and my assistant gave me the update in details.

"Your daughter has not been found yet sir" My assistant stated

My expression changed to a snarl.

"....But a few of Mrs. Y/N's bodyguards encountered her... Or someone like her yesterday afternoon" My assistant explained

"Someone like my daughter?" I murmured

My assistant nodded.

"Apparently she started running away after refusing the bodyguards commands, but once she ran into a alley way.... She had disappeared" My assistant explains

"No trace of the girl?" I questioned

"No sir, she just vanished. It was a dead end alley way as well, so it would have been impossible" She states

"I see..." I mumbled

It could be Y/N... But there is a chance it could be someone else with magic like Y/N...
Why does this have to be so complicated..?

"Do you think that girl is still in town?" I question

"It's likely, the bodyguards did say that she was carrying a large amount of food, more than she would need. She could be staying with someone" My assistant commented

"Then get all bodyguards to check every house in this city" I state in a annoyed tone

I begin walking back to the meeting.
My assistant hurried over to me.

"Mr. L/N, are you certain?!" My assistant questioned unsure

"I'm certain, if my daughter or another magics user is in the city still.... We can find them and take them back to the offices. That way we can still go onward to my goal" I murmured

"O-Of course sir!" My assistant stuttered as she began to walk away from me

Y/N... I know that's you.
You can only do the impossible, my daughter, my power.... You won't get away from me that easily...

(Time skip: Back At The L/N House)

I open my bedroom door and I see my life sitting on the bed, her eyes light up at the sight of me.

"Hubby!~ Your finally back!~" She jumps onto my wrapping her arms around my neck

"Have you been waiting long?" I question

"It's been a few hours, I got board quickly..." My wife pouts

I nodded and I walk towards the desk and began working on some things for the company.

"Your already going back to work? What about spending time with me?~" She purred

"I have to keep up with the campaign Darling, I can not get side tracked" I murmured

"Please....? I am your wife after all" She says sadly

I sigh, I have to constraint on work... But I also have my wife being needy...

 "After I am done with work we can spend time together for a while" I respond

She perks up and began giggling.

"Ok! I'll just begin making lunch for you!" She then leaves the room a giggling mess

Great, now I don't have to bother dealing with her for a few hours.
She doesn't know how to cook...

My wife gave me a gift, a powerful one at that.
She even forgot about her own powers!

It's a good miracle that she doesn't remember Y/N, It was the most sadist day for Y/N but it was the happiest for me.
What happens if I tell her about Y/N being our child?


Like that would ever happen.

If I were to tell her, then she would believe me and she wouldn't approve of how I am raising our child.

I'll enjoy the peace and silence, doing my work.
Until my wife comes back...

{Ava's P.O.V}

I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door, I didn't see any of the guys or Y/N. So i'm guessing they are in that magic portal in the wall.

As I walked towards the door I hear faint voices.

'Do you think anyone is home?' 

'I'm not so sure'

'Well, if no one answers then we will break down the door!, we where told to check every house to see if she was here'

Break down the door!?! No! Who the heck do these people think they are?!

I quickly open the door, I don't want to pay another house bill because of someone breaking something again!

In front of my eyes where 4 men all wearing the same black suits with the same matching black ties. 

They had a emblem that was apart of their suits.
It was a gray and purple shield that had a white outline to make it stand out more. Above the shield there was writing, a last name I was familiar with....


"Oh, someone is here" A man said

"Hello Mrs, we have a search warrant, so if you may..." Another male states holding the search warrant to me

"What for?!" I asked

"The daughter of Jumin L/N went missing a while ago, we were told she went missing on the day her and Mr. L/N went to a business meeting that you and your parents attended. So, your a suspect in this" The man responded

My eyes just widen.

"Now, if you don't mind... We will be searching your house" The man stated

Then all the 4 men walk into my house and began to search it.

I followed them into the house and I started freaking out.
That red rectangle is still on the wall!!!

But once I got into the room.... It wasn't there...

The men stated looking around and began searching the rooms individually.

Did they remove it?! I am so glad that---wait.
If they removed it... Then does that mean...? OH NO! Nonononononononono!
I pray, I pray to the god that is out there....! Don't. And I mean don't. let. them. appear.
Not yet!

I kept praying to the gods silently until I get interrupted by a voice.

"Excuse me Mrs, I would like to ask you a few questions regarding what happen at the lunch meeting" One of the men question

"O-oh? Sure.... G-go ahead"I stammered

"Do you remember what happen before Mrs. L/N disappeared?" The man questioned

"W-we where having lunch..." I bluntly said

"Is that all?" The man questions

"W-well....I went into the bathroom after a while" I state

"...And?" The man raised a eyebrow

"...And once I came back Y/N was gone and everyone was out cold" I explained

"You aren't lying...?" The man says a little surprised

"N-no? W-why would I be?" I stutter

"It's just you are the first person who added more information into your story" The man responded

"H-how so?" I question

"Well, none of the other people present said you went to the bathroom" The man states

H-huh?! But I did! Where they...?

"Excuse me, but she is telling the truth" A voice stated

"Huh? Who are you? And how did you get here?!" The man questioned

Once I saw who it was... It was someone I didn't know... 

She looked like a high school student---wait... That's Y/N!!!

"Aubrey Libert. And she's telling the truth about what happen. I was there" Y/N states

"You where there!? But....!" The man was cut off by Y/N

"I was one of the waiters" Y/N says

"But you look young!" The man says surprised

"My father is the manager, he said I should help out that day so I did" Y/N explained

"W-wait... Your that Aubrey Libert?! The daughter of that manager?" The man was shocked

How the---! What!? So she's telling the truth?!

"Yes, Ava did go to the bathroom. I was there serving refreshments when I caught sight of her" Y/N said

"O-oh! I'm sorry about that! It was a misunderstanding!" The man said with a bit of a sweat

Y/N scoffs at the man and she walks over towards me.

"Ava, did he harass you much?" Y/N questioned

"No...?" I responded

Y/N crossed her arms over her chest and nodded.

"Now, when will you all be leaving, we have things to attend to" Y/N jeered

"U-uh.... Mrs, we will be gone once we searched the property" The man stammers

"Can't you take my word on it? Ava here didn't take anyone" Y/N says a little rudely

Y/N was telling the truth, it was the Daemos who kidnapped her, not me really...

"Sorry Mam', but we where ordered to search every house property in the city" The man responded sighing sadly

Wow, that must be hard...

"Fine... I'll be making some coffee, you want some Ava?" Y/N questioned

"I'm fine for now" I respond

Y/N then walks over to the kitchen and begins making herself some coffee.

Y/N saved me back there... I think I would have been more of a suspect if she hadn't come in and confronted them...
She really doesn't want to go back, does she..?

After what felt like a century (which was only about 5 minutes) Y/N came back to me with a white mug in hand filled with coffee.

She looked uneasy, she was tapping her fingers on the mug constantly and she kept biting her lip.
She wants them to leave so badly.

After 20 minutes the men finally finished searching the house and they left without another word.

I sigh of relief escapes my lips as they left my house, I didn't really like the fact that they where searching through almost all of my stuff...

"Don't be relieved yet, they did something to the house" Y/N whispered

"Huh? What do you mean?" I questioned

"Knowing my father, he would have told them to put camera's in the house, my father doesn't like your father so much and he might still suspect you" Y/N murmured

My eyes widen, would he really do that?!

Y/N then began walking around the house to check for hidden cameras, I decide I needed to go back into the Daemos's spa pool because I needed to relax after all that integration.

I enter the magic portal through the way I always come in, glancing at the gold and white quartz walls, I still am amazed that something like this was created by magic.

As I walked downstairs to the hot hub I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Huh? Who--" I say but I get cut off by who was in front of me

"Princess Ava...?" Noi questioned

"O-oh, hey Noi, is there something you need?" I question

"Do you know where Princess Y/N is? She used her magic on us before rushing out in a hurry" Noi asked

"Used her magic on you..?" I was a bit confused

"Well..." Noi started to explain

(Flashback: In the throne room)
{Noi's P.O.V}

Price Asch was sitting on his throne, Rhys was having a conversation with the prince while me, Leif and Pierce listened.

"So, what do we plan to do now?" Asch questioned

"What do you mean Prince Asch?" Leif raises an eyebrow

"Prince Asch is talking about the fact we now have 2 human princesses in our grasp" Rhys states

"Does that mean we can take both princesses back to Daemos?" I question

"I... I am not so sure, while Princess Ava's parents seem friendly to an extent, Y/N's father is twisted, maybe even corrupted, it will be harder to get her hand in marriage" Rhys explained

"So, that leaves us with Princess Ava?" Leif said

"Not necessarily..." Leif murmured

"Huh?" Rhys said a little confused

"Listen, if we just kill Y/N's father, then she will be able to rule her kingdom and marry whoever she wants!" Leif explained, smirking at the idea

"...We don't know if she has both parents, but they might be highly guarded" Rhys explained

"You're right about that Rhys" A female voice said

We turned our heads to the direction of where the voice came from and to our surprise, it was Y/N.

"Why are you here prisoner?" Asch scoffed

"Because I am, anyways why are you all talking about killing my parents for marriage?" Y/N questioned

Everyone was silent.

"I guess I won't get a direct answer, well, just to answer Rhys's statements, he is right" Y/N states

"Why didn't your other parent show up at the meeting?" I questioned

"She was told to stay home, she doesn't remember me after all, so it would be awkward..." Y/N explained

Y/N sighs.

"If my father dies, then my mother would have to be in my fathers place, but she would outcast me" Y/N explained

"Princess Y/N..." I murmured

"Do you all really want to eliminate my parents?" Y/N questioned

"Yes" Leif blurted out

I looked around at the others and they where nodding their heads, everyone except me and Rhys.

"Well, i'll tell you how-----" Y/N gets cut off by something

"Oh no..." Y/N muttered

"What's wrong Princess Y/N?" Pierce questioned

Y/N steps a few feet away from us and changed into another person, she was really good at shape shifting...

"What are you doing Prisoner?!" Asch shouted

She then held out her hand.

"Sorry guys, but I can't let you guys run a muck for now, please forgive me once you wake up" Y/N explained before shooting some magic at us

There where sparkles around us, I started to feel heavy, tired.
I then look around to see Leif and Rhys on the floor unconscious, Asch sat at his throne closing his eyes and Pierce then collapses. After that, I follow suit and black out.

(Flash back Ends)
{Ava's P.O.V}

"....And that's what happen" Noi ended his explanation

I was a little surprised, she did all of that because I was having troubles...

"So what did you know what happen with Princess Y/N?" Noi questioned

"Oh, well..." I started

I began explaining to him what happen.
Noi was surprised at what I was telling him, but he looks a little happy as well...

"She saved you...? That's good you weren't taken away because of our mistake..." Noi say smiling a little

"Apparently Y/N thinks there are cameras set up in the house, so I don't think it would be a good idea if we go in there for a while" I explained

"Oh, those things that you humans do! Is it really a bad thing?" Noi questioned

"Cameras are like phones, they record images and people can watch from a device. But it's like a spy camera, they invade your personal life" I explain

Noi's eyes widen.

"T-that's kinda scary" Noi stuttered

"Well, I need to relax in your guys's hot tub again" I state before walking down the stairs to the hot tub

Once I get there I strip down until I am in my underwear and I hop into the water.
It's warm against my skin, I love this feeling.
But this time I wont get sidetracked, I got sick last time... And I don't want those Daemos to ask Mrs. Oats for help again... It was so awkward....
Wait, but even if I do get sick, Y/N can look after me. She has lived here for a while, she should know how to treat a cold.

Well, i'm just gonna relax until it's time I get out.....
