Chapter 10: Fall Festival

It's been a day or 2 since that whole... Daemos fake marriage thing with Ava...
I stayed in the Daemos's magic castle for the days, mainly because the Daemos took up Ava's lounge, along with the TV.

After a while, I decided to leave the magic castle. And once I got out... It smelt...bad!

Ava, Pierce, Leif and Asch were all talking.

"What even happen?" I said

They all turned to me.

The Daemos looked a mess... Well, they looked like they haven't bathed in a while, or at all.

"Rhys told us to stop using our magic" Leif said

"...And not using your magic will make you all unhygienic?!" I said covering my mouth and nose

"Yes" Pierce said

"Rhys said we had to conceal our magic or else we won't be able to go back to Daemos" Asch said

"Oh, yeah... I actually forgot you all need to go back to your world soon" I said sadly

"Yeah... Now, Princess Ava, what is this Fall Festival you speak of?" Asch asks

"I'll explain it later, but for now you guys need to get clean" Ava says

"How do we do that without magic?" Leif asks

"Oh my god, you guys don't know how to--- You guys already know what it is. You walked into me taking a bath" Ava says

"Oh.... That thing" Leif muttered

"How do you even do that?" Pierce asks

Ava just drags them all into the bathroom, I follow quickly behind them.

She begins explaining to them about basic human hygiene, she even showed them how to shave their non-shaven beards.
But after that, Ava explained to them how baths work.

Though the Daemos didn't know anything about a bath and how to use one... Ava hesitantly volunteered herself to teach them.

"Ava, if you don't want to do it than I can. I honesty don't mind" I said

"N-nono! It's fine, really. You have been doing so much for me and the other guys, I can take care of this task" Ava said nervously

"If you say so, i'll wait in the lounge then" I said, walking out of the bathroom towards the longue

As I waited in the lounge I hear Ava screech and scream. Are they trying to kill her or something? Ehh, maybe it's just the fact Ava doesn't want to see naked men.
I mean, if I was Ava I would have just helped either using my magic, or manually.
Though, it would be a bit awkward...

But after a long time of waiting... Pierce, Asch and Leif were finally done.

"There! Well, what did you guys think?" Ava asked

"It was... eh... interesting" Asch replied

"...Refreshing" Pierce muttered

"I enjoyed it" Leif said with a smile

"Of course you enjoyed it, you locked yourself in the bathroom so you could play with the boat" Ava said, furrowing her eyebrows

I laughed, they all stared at me.

"You all are really funny" I said

As I walked over to them, they started talking about the Fall Festival.
It's weird. I always wanted to go to the festival, but I was never allowed to. Mainly because my father being like: "No! You have to stay here. It's all to risky, i'm not loosing another source of my power".... Blah, blah, blah. It's all I ever hear from the guy.

Rhys and Noi come out from hiding and they wanted to go to.
Though I offered to help them, Ava declined and she helped them... or mostly instructed them on how to bathe.

Once that was done, I teleported all of us to the Fall Festival.

"OMG! I remember when my dad's use to bring me here when I was little! This is going to be so fun!" Ava screeched in delight

"You really like the festival, don't you?" I say

Ava nodded.

"Of course! It's really fun here, there are so many things to do! It's all so enjoyable!" Ava fangirled

I smirk.

"So, where's that Lorelei girl anyways?" I ask

Ava gets a message on her phone.
She looks at the message and then smiles even more.

"She's going to be running late, so let's go in the carnival and spend time together! All of us!" Ava says happily

I smiled.

"I'll get the tickets! Just wait here" Ava says before running to get us tickets

"So this is the place, huh?" Asch muttered

"Yes" Pierce replied

"Well, I hope you all know this place means a lot to Ava" I said

"It does?" Noi asks

"Yep, can't you tell from her attitude change?" I comment

They all nod.

"Exactly, so please. Just enjoy yourselves as well" I said

Before the Daemos could comment any further, Ava comes rushing back to us with the tickets in hand.

"I got the tickets! Now let's go!" Ava says happily

Ava rushed into the carnival, we all follow her in a hurry.

Once we entered, I caught my gaze on Ava. She was at a balloon cart, and she got a free balloon.

She walks back to us all cheery, pink balloon in hand.

"Look! It's a balloon!" Ava says as her eyes light up in excitement

"Do you eat it?" Rhys asks

I laughed a bit at Rhys's comment.

"Why do you guys always want to eat new things when you see them?" Ava questions

"Why do humans make things look delicious?" Pierce asks

"I mean, your not wrong... but anyway follow me! I want to show you all that the carnival can offer" Ava says chirpy

She then runs off into a random direction.

"Oh god, come on you guys! We have to keep up with Ava" I say, running after Ava

"Prisoners! Get back here!" Asch yells

"Hey! Wait up!" Noi shouts

I couldn't stop. I didn't want to loose Ava, but if I do... I might not even try to find her again. It's only because I don't want to teleport all over the festival trying to find them.... Wait! I didn't change my appearance!

Shoot...! Uhmm... No. I'm not going to change. If someone sees me, that's fine. It doesn't really matter anymore. I want to be myself when i'm around Ava and the Daemos.

I can feel peoples gazes onto me... But I don't care. I want to be with my friends!

After running for what felt like forever, I finally found Ava. She was just standing in front of many food stands and carnival games.

You know, we did this a while ago. Though it was an amusement park, and not a festival.

"OMG! Guys! We should go do some of the games first!" Ava said all hyper like

We all followed her, for the whole day.
You know, it was actually quite nice to see Ava like this.

The whole day we played games, got some food, won some prizes, it was a whole lot of fun.
I should have left my house ages ago! I could of had this much fun all I wanted if I just used my magic more often!

Once we were at these water shooting games, someone called out.

"Hey Ava! Ava..!" A girl yelled from a distance

I turned to the direction of the female voice.
The girl had short brown hair and turquoise eyes. She wore a lot and I mean a lot of white and turquoise. Beside her shorts, they were gray denim.

"Oh crap!, Lorelei's here" Ava muttered, trying to hide behind the water shooting booth

Once Lorelei got to us, she addressed Ava first.

"Ava! You can't hide if I already spotted you" Lorelei mentions

Ava slowly get's out of her hiding spot, that wasn't very good to begin with.

"No, no, I just dropped something on the ground and went to pick it up" Ava says with an awkward laugh

"Oohhh! That makes sense!... And I see you brought all of your hunks!" Lorelei says with a smile

"What's with her and calling us Hunks?" Leif questioned

"Beats me" I replied to Leif

Lorelei then finally notices me and then she is in a mix of shock and ecstatic.

"Oh my god! You're Y/N L/N!" Lorelei says with starry eyes

I laugh a little nervously.

"Y-yeah, you must be Lorelei I heard... good things about you" I said, extending my hand out to her

Lorelei gladly takes my hand and shaking it with joy.

"It's an honor to meet you! Really! I can't believe Ava knows you" Lorelei says ecstatic

"She's a good friend of mine" I replied

Lorelei then goes over to Ava and whispers something in her ear, though I didn't know what she said. Ava's cheeks tinted a little red.

"N-no! I already said- It's not like that" Ava stated

Then some other people come over to us.

"Hey Lorelei, what are you doing over-" A random guy said before noticing me

"Holy-! Aren't you Mr. L/N's daughter!?" A guy with a varsity says surprised

"What are you doing in a place like this? Weren't you suppose to be, like, missing?" A girl with blonde hair days

"Yeah! No kidding!" A guy with blond bangs says

"Firstly, I wasn't kidnapped. And secondly, i'm here with my greatest friends" I replied

"Wait. You're friends with all these hotties?" The blonde girl asks

"...And my best friend in the whole wide world" I mutter

As I walked up to Ava, I locked our arms together, smiling wide.

"Ava!" I purred

The other 3 looked shocked, but Lorelei was just happy.

"Ahh! I always thought Ava would make friends one day, but I didn't expect this!" Lorelei squealed in excitement

 "....You have got to be joking" The varsity guy muttered

"Excuse me?" I said

"How could you be friends with her? You're so joyful and nice, and Ava... she's boring" The blonde bang guy says

"Yeah, it's some what possible to see Lorelei being friends with Ava, but you? Did she pay you and these hunks to be friends with her?" The blonde girl asks

"H-hey guys! Don't be so rude" Lorelei says

I glare daggers at them.

"I can't believe-!" I was about to shout at them, but Ava shook her head

I turned to Ava, she gave an blank empty expression.

"..Ava?" I murmured

Out of no where Ava unlocks our arms and started glaring at them.

"It's not true! At all! Why can't you guys just let go of the past?! I've changed from the once 'boring' personalty! I'm different now! And why would I pay for friends!?" Ava shouted at them

She then started to tremble a little, she started to tear up.

"When Y/N came into my life, I thought she was going to be like everyone else..! But she wasn't! She at least gave me a chance.... She gave me another chance unlike everyone else! Even these guys, they gave me chances!" Ava stated, trying to fight back the tears

I then patted Ava on the shoulder, she couldn't speak anymore. So, I decided to do so for her.

As I glared into their souls with my most piercing of eyes, I said this.

"You three should be ashamed of yourselves. You should of been the kind of people to see how much of a great person Ava really is. She was kind to me, she led me to smile more. Why can't you guys give her another chance?" I said stirnly

"...Is she brainwashing you?!" The blonde bangs guy said

Oh that's it! I'm going to give them a piece of my mi--!

"That's enough you guys!" Lorelei shouted

We all turned to Lorelei.

"You guys have been like this since forever! Ava doesn't deserve this kind of treatment!" Lorelei exclaimed

I felt like raising a flag in that moment, she is defending our main girl right here.

"I went to the movies with Ava and her guy friends! It was really fun!" Lorelei stated

"...W-wait! You went to the movies with...!" The girl stuttered

"That's right! Ava gave me her popcorn and drink too!...Even though we got kicked out of the movie, I still had a fun time" Lorelei said

She then goes up to them, looking them straight in the eye.

"So please listen to me!, Give Ava another chance" Lorelei says

The three of them stared at eachother for a little while, before nodding.

"...No" The three said


"What do you mean no?" Lorelei asked

"We just.... don't think it's a good idea" The varsity jacket guy says

"...Well, I hope you guys enjoy the festival" Lorelei said, walking back over to us

"Huh?!" The three said confused

"I want to hang out with my other friends for the time being. So, enjoy the festival" Lorelei said, giving them a small smile

She then locks arms with me and Ava.

"Come on! Let's get some food before the fireworks start" Lorelei says

I nod, after a little while... Ava nodded too.

We then head over to the food stands, along with the Daemos.... And we got ourselves some good food... .With my money of course.

Once we got our food, we headed over to a place where we can get a good view of all the fireworks.... Lorelei showed us this place.

"So... Why are we here?" Leif asked

"I'm not so sure" Rhys muttered

"Apparently, this is where we will be seeing... fire-works" Pierce said

"But we already know how fire works! I can--!" Asch shouted, but Ava covered his mouth

"Fire works... Are someone humans can make and they shoot them up in the sky. They create a bright image before disappearing again" Ava explained

We then stood around for a few minutes, before the firework show finally started.

It looked so... beautiful.

"Wow..." The Daemos said in unison

"Awwe! I always love seeing these every year" Lorelei said

"...I don't remember seeing this" Ava said

"Oh! They added it a few years ago, when we were in high school" Lorelei said

Ava stared at the fireworks amazed.

You know, I want these moments to last forever.

After the firework show was over, we all left the festival. We stood outside the entrance gate for a while, just talking.

"I had a fun time Ava! And i'm glad you showed up" Lorelei said

She then turns to the Daemos.

"It was nice meeting all of you again too! Tell me... Have any of you got with her yet?" Lorelei asked

"..Got with her?" Noi questioned

"You don't--- Oh, never mind!" Lorelei said

She finally turns to me with a smile.

"It was an honor to meet you Y/N. I hope we can hang out again sometime" Lorelei said

I nodded.

"Likewise!" I said

We all waved goodbye to Lorelei... Well, me and Ava waved Lorelei goodbye.
We began walking back to the apartment.

(Back At Apartment)

"Thank you guys for coming along" Ava said with a smile

"Huh?" The Daemos said

"I had fun for the first time in a while... And I wanted to thank you guys..." Ava stated

"No problem" The Daemos replied

I smiled at the situation. You know, i'm really going to miss things being like this one day.

"...Now! Let's all talk about the marriage!" Asch yelled

"Oh my-- You're still going on about that?!" Ava barked

"Of course! I want to be the kind of the ear-th!" Asch stated

"No! Me!" Leif shouted

All the Daemos started arguing.
Rhys comes over to me.

"Princess Y/N" Rhys said

"...Yes Rhys?" I replied

"We will be leaving in a few days from now..." Rhys responded to me

I felt my hear break a little at his words.

"...Why are you telling me this?" I ask

"Because, we all think you should know. We can't stay here on ear-th much longer... Though we do need to find a new power resource for our world" Rhys mentions

"Can it be any power source?" I ask

"Just as long as it can power Daemos's magic" Rhys says

I mean- I can just go to Daemos and give them some of my magic, not like I want it anyways.
You know, I was thinking of solar powering their world, but that's not how to restore magic... Maybe I can create one so that it can hold magic my energy?

"Rhys, I think I have a few ideas in mind..." I said

He gives me a questioning glance.

"Just... Meet me along with the other Daemos back in that magic castle room you guys have" I say

"But, that's using up my magic" Rhys stated

"You don't power up that room anymore. Can't you feel a little at ease? I'm using my magic to power the room" I replied

Rhys is a little surprised by my statement, but he then finally agreed with me on my ideas.

I then head to the magic room in the wall and waited for them in the throne room.
