Chapter 20: Change My Mind {Noi}

{Your P.O.V}

You turn around to come face to face with Noi.

"Oh! N-Noi, did you need something?" I questioned

Noi stared at me for a moment, gazing into my e/c eyes. His cheeks tinted of red, but he seemed nervous, I wonder why?

"Y/N... Can I talk to you for a little bit?" Noi asked

"Sure Noi, what did you want to talk about?" I questioned

"I-I mean... p-privately..?" Noi stuttered

"Oh..Uhh... S-sure" I stuttered

Noi walked to the magic portal castle and I follow. Once we got into the castle part, he stopped in place. I stopped in place as well.

"So, what did you want to talk about Noi?" I asked

Noi stared into my eyes, he was blushing wildly. Oh my god, is he sick?!

"Y-Y/N, Y-you know I like you a lot...." Noi stuttered


"I-In... what way?" I question

"Romantically!" Noi said, being more embarrassed

I couldn't stop a smile growing upon my face. He actually liked me..!

I rushed over to him and kissed him.
He was surprised, but then he just eased into the kiss.
Then, we kept at it for a while.

I was giving the kisses one moment, and then he just takes over.
He surely knows how to be the dominant one.

But, it was over. We needed air or else we would of suffocated, though that would be a nice way to go.

"N-Noi~" I purred

Noi blushed once again, though, he tried to hide his blushing face by hugging me.

"Y/N... W-will you give me the honor of courting you?" Noi asked

"You mean... being my boyfriend?" I asked

"Y-yeah... That..." Noi mumbled

I chuckled.
"Hmm... I don't know... Maybe you'll need to kiss me again so I can decide" I said jokingly

Then suddenly, Noi kissed me again. But this time, it was brief and soft. Nothing to major, but it was still a sweet kiss.

When Noi pulled away, he stared in my eyes.
"So, does that help with my chances?" Noi asked

"It was always going to be a yes Noi" I said

So then I took Noi's hand into mine, he was blushing again, but he was smiling with joy.

"So Noi, let's show off to the others that i'm yours" I say happily

"Y-yeah!" Noi said

We begin to walk out of the castle to the portal exit. Then once we go through, the other Daemos stared at us a little confused and surprised.

"Y/N? What are you doing with Noi?" Pierce asked

I smiled at Pierce's comment, this was a first he talked before the others.
"Noi is my boyfriend. We are in a relationship. But, you guys call it 'human courtship?'..." I explained

The other Daemos seemed surprised at my explanation.

"Noi is my boyfriend. Because he's my boyfriend, we will be spending a lot of time together" I say, kissing Noi briefly on the lips

The other Daemos stared a little intrigued.

"You know, you can do that to Ava once she has fallen for one of you guys, just keep that in mind" I giggled at the thought

Honesty, that whole shipping thing that I have seen everywhere on the internet, who do I ship Ava with?
Eh, I can think about that later, Ava has her own life, I shouldn't be the ultimate ship master just yet. I need to sort out my own life too!
And what would be better than sorting out my life with Noi in it?

The other Daemos thought of the idea for a few seconds, before blushing.
Ha! Predictable, I mean-, all the Daemos had a strong relationship with Ava, so I wouldn't blame them for falling for someone like her. She's great!

"So when are you and him getting married?" Seb questioned

"Oh god! S-seb?! You're still here?" I asked

"Well of course i'm still here! I was waiting for you all to come back. Especially you love birds! Finally, you both are getting somewhere. Now answer me. Are you two getting married?" Seb said

I chuckled, though I didn't hear Noi laugh.
I turned to him questionably, and he looked serious and determined.

"Of course I will marry Y/N! She's the one I love!" Noi stated

"Noi!" I squeaked

"You don't want to marry me?" Noi questioned

"It's not that... Look, I will only take it seriously when you get down on one knee, pull out a ring and ask me to marry you" I said

"Is that how you humans get married on Earth?" Noi questioned

"The first step anyways, but you can find out more if you do some research Noi" I smiled, kissing Noi on his cheek

I then begin walking to Ava's room.

"Where are you doing Y/N?" Noi questioned

"I was going to use Ava's bath" I said

"Oh! Can I come? The bath was really fun and enjoyable last time!" Noi said

"U-uhh... Noi, humans like privacy when they are taking a bath" I said

"O-oh... Ok..." Noi muttered a little disappointed

Oh god... He's like an actual child.

I then went through Ava's room to the bathroom, I should tell her the good news once she wakes up, but for now, I want a bath.

I fill up the tub and decided I wanted to use a bath bomb.
I teleported to the store quickly and bought a few different bath bombs. Once I finished my quick shopping, I teleported back and I started setting the bath bombs in the tub and getting undressed.

After I was done that, I chilled in the tub.
Yessssss..... I feel much more relaxed.

Why did the thought of me inviting Noi into the bath came to mind? It's a little embarrassing to think of... Maybe once I feel more conferrable with him, then I can help him with his baths... And even maybe more....?~

Oh... What is wrong with me..? Why do I have these thoughts...?

Damn, I just wanted to enjoy a nice cold bath, but I feel more heated up than cooled down.

(10 minutes go by)

Ok, I should really get out now.
I hopped out of the tub and wrapped myself in a towel, but I then heard knocking at the bathroom door.

"Hey, Y/N? Is that you in there?" I heard Ava's muffled voice say from behind the locked bathroom door

I then unlocked and opened the door and saw Ava awake, with just the slight bit of bed head.

"Oh, Ava. Did you have a good sleep?" I asked

"Yeah..." Ava muttered

"And Ava... Good news, guess what?" I said chirpy

"What happened?" Ava questioned

"Noi and I are dating now" I chirped

Ava was shocked.
"What the-! When did this happen?!" Ava said surprised

"When you were asleep" I replied

"Was I asleep for months? Am I in the future or something? Because that happen a little too quickly" Ava said

I grinned.
"Maybe, but at least we didn't do... well, you know what" I mumbled

"Well, at least you have your morals" Ava muttered

"Yeah, so, good luck with the other Daemos" I said

"Huh?" Ava said a little confused

"I mean, they still think your a princess, though me and Noi are a thing, you still have the rest of your harem to worry about" I explained

"H-Harem..?" Ava stuttered

"Not just any harem, a reverse harem" I stated

Ava groaned in agony. I mean, hey!, at least they're hot.

"Well, did you want to use the bathroom or something?" I asked

"Oh, yeah. If you don't mind" Ava muttered

I moved out of the way and I exited the bathroom, back to were the Daemos were.

I saw Noi talking with Seb, I walked over to the both of them.

"Hey Y/N! Did you enjoy your bath?" Noi asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Y/N, you really are trying to seduce Noi? Aren't you?" Seb said in a teasing matter

I scoffed at Seb's comment.
"I just got out of the bath, I don't want to use my magic for something I can just wait to happen" I explained

"I guess... But what about your boy toy? He seems to be enjoying you showing more skin" Seb pointed out

I turned to Noi, he was staring at me, blushing a little, but he then started arguing with Seb.

"I-It's not like that!" Noi stammered

"Oh really? Then what's that in your-" Seb said, before I cut him off

"Enough...! Damn, Seb, chill. You can't always be like this to Noi. He and I are dating, please respect my wishes and be nice to him. If he needs help with anything, then just give him pointers" I said

Seb sighed.
"Fine. But only because you asked me to" Seb said, before poking his lounge out at Noi and leaving

"Well... That was something" I muttered

"He was telling the truth though... To some extent" Noi muttered

I hugged Noi.

"Huh? What's this for?" He said a little confused

Noi wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm doing this because I love you. And I care for you... Please don't ever leave me" I said in a hushed tone

Noi smiled.
"I won't ever leave you, and I will protect you with all my life. I love you" Noi murmured
