Chapter 19: Confronting {On Daemos}

(This is continuing off the choice: Let Them Stay On Daemos)
{Your P.O.V}

I walked with Lady Grandma, you know, for a old lady... She actually seems pretty young at heart...
All that anger and frustration in such a small package... Who would of thought?

"So, Y/N. What are you?" Lady Grandma asked

"Huh? I'm a human. What else would I be?" I muttered

"A human with magic properties... How strange" Lady Grandma murmured

"It's in the family, but I assure you, I am fully human" I said

We continued to walk down the hallways for about 20 more minutes and we finally found Lady Bish.

She was talking to one of the guards about something, Lady Grandma looked pissed, by a scale of 1 to 100, I would say a solid 1001.

"BISH!" Lady Grandma yelled

Lady Bish turned to meet our gazes, then she started to seem a little panicked, but she remained calm.

"Oh! Lady Grandma, is there something you need?" Lady Bish asked, as if she did nothing

Once we got up to her, Lady Grandma glared daggers at her.

"How dare you use your magic on me!" Lady Grandma yelled

"Oh whatever do you mean? I wouldn't possibly use my magic on the former queen of Daemos" Lady Bish said calmly

Wow, now I see the resemblances. Lady Grandma, the King , Rhal and Asch all have one thing in common, they all shout. Really loudly and they are always demanding things.
It's kinda scary how this family tree is.

"Bish, stop lying" I said monotone

"You are implying me of lying?" Lady Bish asked

"Yes. Because you are lying. I can see it all over your face" I stated

"Huh?" Lady Grandma and Lady Bish said confused

"...It's a form of speech where I come from" I sighed

"But am I really lying?" Lady Bish questioned

"Yes" I said

"Then explain, how am I lying? What am I lying about?" Lady Bish asked

"...You froze Lady Gandma to get into the casting spell room thing to cast the magic portal to Earth so that Zex can get Asch" I explained

Lady Bish looked a little surprised.

I know i'm right. I know i'm right because everything matches up. From what Zex has told me and what I have seen on Daemos, I can't be wrong.

"But the real question is... are you right?" Lady Bish muttered

"I just told you. You. Are. Lying. No matter what you try to do and say, my answer will always be the same" I stated

"Even if I was lying and I did use my magic... There's nothing you can do about it" Lady Bish said

"How dare you-! I am the-!" Lady Grandma was cut off by Lady Bish

"Former, queen of Daemos. There is nothing that a former queen can do to someone that will ascend the throne and be the actual queen. You dont have power to do anything to me" Lady Bish stated

I can make sure Asch becomes the next king and not Rhal. It's pretty simple really. All I need to do, is not screw up on my memory altering. I can add memories, but not fully, i'm still new at this, so...

Lady Grandma growled a Lady Bish.

"Isn't it still a bad thing that you did that to the former queen?" I asked

"Why ask?" Lady Bish questioned

"If I go talk to the king, then he would at least hear me out, it's not really a good idea to so such a thing to a blood relative of the current king" I stated

"The king doesn't hear anything out from anyone unless it will benefit him" Lady Bish explained

"Oh, he will hear me out. I'm quite valuable in his eyes from what I can tell... So I think he will listen to what I have to say" I say with grin

Lady Bish looked a little panicked. She probably knows she will get caught.
It seemed as if she was a good lie detector, since she did give off a bit skeptical with me and Ava in the beginning.

"So, though it's not a good idea to physically hurt you... I can make someone else do that for me if they please" I mutter

I then turn to Lady Grandma who seemed a little surprised about the whole situation.

"Let's go lady Grandma, I think that's all for now" I said

Me and Lady Grandma then walk off.

"You seem to have a smart mind" Lady Grandma muttered

"It's just the way I would normally think, not that big of a deal" I said

"Oh, but it's something to be praised for, from your magic, to your personality, not to mention your body..." Lady Grandma trailed off

"Uhhhh...." I was a mix of grossed out and confused

"Oh come on, being so young, smart and attractive can make the most handsome men addicted to you. I can see the way those boys look at you and Princess Ava. It's like the way my husband use to always look at me" Lady Grandma said in a purr

"But i'm not looking for just anyone Lady Grandma, though the Daemos are nice, I can only choose the one I love the most" I said

"You have feelings for one of those Daemos, so go after him, but Pierce is mine!" Lady Grandma stated

"Uhhmm....?" I was yet again, confused

"Well, if you have strong feelings for Pierce, then you may be with him... But if you hurt him in anyway I will do everything in my power to find you and hunt you down" Lady Grandma said

You know, though she can't do really anything to me, Lady Grandma can be scary when the time comes to it.

"But that's if the some I love is Pierce. I mean- They are all so... Nice. They helped me and Ava out when we needed it and overall, they are really good conferring people" I explain

"Well, we should go back to the other Daemos" Lady Grandma said

"Wait- we aren't going to the King?" I asked

Lady Grandma shakes her head.
"It wouldn't matter in the end, though I dislike Bish, I can't do anything about her wishes" Lady Grandma said

I sigh.
"...Fine" I said

We then headed back to the others.

(Time skip a few months later)

It's been about 4 months here on Daemos, I wished to stay on Daemos and so did Ava. We did contact all of Ava's friends and family to let them know where Ava will be.
They were confused and thought we were lying, but once I showed them my magic they understood.

So, what are me and Ava doing now?

We still live in Asch's castle, Ava was promoted to duchess and I was too... At one point. But I didn't want to be a duchess, so I asked the king if I could be the general. To help train the knights in fighting and to help with battle plans for any war situation.... And some how, I was granted with that!

Did I get to be with one of the Daemos?


I chose Asch in the end. He was the one I loved the most and, well, just his whole personality and character is just... I just love him ok?

Asch is the Prince of Daemos, but because i'm now Asch's wife, the king thought it would be a good idea for Asch to be the next King of Daemos!

Bish and Rhal didn't seem happy about the whole thing, but haters gotta hate.

I still help out with war strategies along side Ash, Rhys and Rhal, and it's been quite fun.

Asch is my one and only prince... He's the best thing that could of ever happen to me.

I chose Rhys in the end. He was the one I loved the most, I felt the most calm when I was with him...

Because i'm a general, I help out with the war strategies along side Rhys, Asch and Rhal.
Rhys is really smart and tactical when it comes to war.

I also have been asked to help Lady Grandma with a whole lot of experiments. Because of my magic and all that, but it was nice to see that I was on her good side the whole time.

My level-headed boyfriend is amazing... He's the best thing that could of ever happen to me.

I chose Leif in the end. He was the one I loved the most, he was always fun and wild, and I like that in a person.

Though I don't get to see him that much on Daemos because he's always with Asch, whenever he got free time he would watch me train the other knights.

He supports me through a lot of things and I do the same.
Leif and I always spent time together when we are off work and he managed to sneak a few dates in as well... Though it was tough because Daemos has creatures everywhere... That just our dates, fighting monsters together.

This assassins mine! So no one can get any ideas... He's the best thing that could of ever happen to me!

I chose Pierce in the end. He was the one I loved the most, Pierce was always there for me, helping me and comforting me whenever I needed it.

Though he's busy helping Asch, he's always managed to get time to spend it with me. He's a real kind-hearted person.

Usually, we would walk around the castle gardens, talk about what happen, eat food together and cuddle. Daemos food tasted really weird, but it wasn't that bad. I usually would feed Pierce and-! Oh, he's just the cutest.

Though he's a man of few words, I love him... He's the best thing that could  of ever happen to me.

I chose Noi in the end. He was the one I loved the most, Noi was always so curious and determined to tend to me, it's the cutest.

Though he's with Asch and the others all the time, he manages to always bring me back something from their journeys... I got this weird bunny snake cross bread last time. It's actually quite cute, a snake like creature with white fluff and rabbit ears... Not to mention it's eyes are always closed and this is my new pet!

Seb is still with us, he basically acts like me and Noi's kid, though he has the mind of a dirty-minded adult.
But, he's still a good... kid.

He's so cute, but he's my man... He's the best thing that could of ever happen to me.

This isn't the final chapter! The Earth time line is still continuing with one more chapter (20) and then after that, the story will be over, but until chapter 21 the story will be complete! (Chapter 21 is a lemon chapter)
