Chapter 1: Friends With The Enemy

{Your P.O.V}

A meeting was sent out today for my father to meet the other runner up in the City Council campaign. Andrew.
The children of the runner ups also had to attend, it didn't bother me so much so I decided to go along with it.

Because, I am the whole reason my father is getting anywhere is this campaign.
I have my magic powers, they built his company and made him famous, but all the work he has claimed to be his, was always mine to begin with.

A random though crossed my mind, who is the child of the "enemy"? as my father likes to call him.

Me and my father where in our limo driving to the restaurant that we will meet the two candidates.

"Remember to use your manners Y/N. We have to make a good impression on the enemy" My father explains to me

"Why do you call Andrew the "enemy" exactly?" I questioned

My father shifted in his seat at started to stare out at the window.

"You know the reason why Y/N. They are trying to ruin my chances to be city council!" My father states in anger

"I understand father, but you need to work with your manners as well" I respond giving him a bit of a glare

After hearing a scoff from my father I can feel the air around us change.
He is starting to get mad again.

"We are arriving soon, so just watch your tongue" My father states

I keep quite.
My father wants to be the leader so badly, he will do anything just to make him and his family look good.

From donating to charity to helping in vets and making things like cell phones and other electronics. He wanted the L/N family name to be perfect.
But behind closed doors he is rude and ignorant.

Maybe that's why I hate him so much, but either way, I had to deal with living with him.
I want to escape.

Once we arrive at the restaurant we get our of the limo and my father began his fake persona and started smiling.
I decided to piss him off so, I just had my normal bland face.

We walked into the restaurant and we where greeted by a waiter and he assigned us to out table, Andrew and his family didn't arrive yet so we waited for a little while.

"Y/N L/N, smile." My father demanded

"I don't want to be apart of the campaign. You can act all nice and friendly to them, but I don't want to show them a fake me that smiles so much" I hissed back

My father glared at me through his prescription glasses and he snapped out of it once he noticed someone else's presents.

A man wearing a suit and tie was walking along side a man with blonde hair and a girl that was around my age, she was wearing a casual outfit.
I'm guessing that is Andrew and his child.... I don't know who the other guy is.

"Ah! Andrew, you arrived!" My father smiled

I stare at the girl. She had raven hair and hot pink eyes.
She was actually quite pretty.
I envy her, not because of her looks, but because of the fact that she was able to wear such casual clothes. My father didn't want me to wear my casual stuff because he wanted us to be more like royalty than anything else.

"Oh, Mr. L/N, it's very nice to meet you in person once again" Andrew grunted at the nice part

They hate each other equity.

The blonde next to Andrew turns to look at me and he begins smiling.

"Hello there!, it's nice to meet you i'm Devin, you must be Mr. L/N's daughter" Devin says waving at me with a kind smile

"Likewise, I'm Y/N L/N" I say extending my hand and giving Devin a hand shake

"It's also nice finally meeting you Mr. Andrew" I say standing up and turning to Andrew and I bow a little

Andrew laughs a little and he just smiles.

"It's good to see you have a genuinely kind daughter Mr. L/N" Andrew commented smirking at my father

"And this is our baby Ava" Devin says gesturing to the raven haired girl

"Hello Ava, it's nice to finally meet you as well" I extend my hand to Ava

Ava hesitated before she took my hand.

"N-nice to meet you" Ava said

We then finally begin the meeting/lunch and while my father talked to Ava's parents me and Ava sat in silence.

I strangely felt a off presence of some sort, I felt like someone, no. Some people where behind me and Ava.
I turned around, but I didn't see anyone. I still felt the presence there though, but I decided to just go back to eating the food that was out.

{Ava's P.O.V}

I notice Y/N turning around for no reason. Why?

My eyes widen and I remember, those Daemos are here, aren't they?

I forgot that they can go invisible! But we can still touch them.... Oh no, if they bump into one of them then that could mean....

I shake my head.

No, no, no, no. Everything is fine, I just have to make sure that none of them bump into one of those guys.

I look to Y/N to see her staring at me with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Everything ok?" Y/N questioned to me

"O-oh!, uhmm... yeah. Everything is ok" I say a little nervousness in my tone of voice

"I can tell you are lying, but i'll just put it off as you have something of your mind and that is all" Y/N says calmly

I bit my lip, she's just gonna put it off?
But I can tell she is a little curious, but why is she not questioning it more? Any other person would have questioned it.
Why didn't she?

I try to put it off and eat some of the food that was on my plate.

Suddenly, I felt a tapping on my shoulder and I was suddenly dragged to a different place, which was the bathroom.

Once I was stopped being dragged I saw all the Daemos in front of me.

"Why did you drag me into the bathroom?!" I questioned

"Shut it prisoner, does that other human female have powerful magic like you?" Asch questioned a little annoyed

"I-I don't know, why are you asking me?!" I looked at Asch a little pissed off

"It's because she turned around where we where standing, she must of felt our presence in the room" Rhys stated

"Maybe she does have magic" Noi commented

They actually believe she has magic...?
She might just be good at sensing people's presences.

"We need to get her magic as well" Asch stated

"Sounds like a plan to me" Leif said smirking before grabbing out his weapons

"W-wait! No! Don't!" I started to shake my head profusely

"You can't tell us what to do prisoner" Asch mentioned

"Did you forget, i'm a princess. That also means Y/N is a princess too...!" I say sarcastically

The Daemos's had a sudden realization and everyone started either smirking, smiling or just staying the same calmed look.

"That settles it then, we are taking her as hostage too. We can be more powerful if we take both princesses hostage" Asch says giving a over confident look

Oh, no... What have I gotten Y/N into...?!

All the Daemos then run out into the restaurant and begin knocking everyone out and kidnapping Y/N and taking both of my fathers back to my apartment.

Once we got back to my apartment we lay my fathers down on the couch and the guys look Y/N into their secret dimension house thing.

{Your P.O.V}

Once my vision came back I noticed I was in a huge room with pillars with lot's of gold and quartz. I tried moving, but it seemed like I was tied up.
I then see 5 guys with horns and I see Ava.

"Ava, what's going on?" I questioned

They all stared at me.
Ava walked up to me.

"Hey Y/N, sorry about getting you into this mess, here, i'll help you out" Ava lent me a hand but I shook my head

"It's ok, I can do it myself" I said before untying myself from these ropes.

They where pretty tight, but I managed to get out after a minute of shaking and tugging.

I then stood up and I stared at the 5 horned guys.

"So, where are we Ava? And who are they?" I said looking unimpressed

"Don't look like that at us human, we are all powerful Daemos and I am your prince" A guy with black hair and white horns barked at me

"Uh, huh. That's the presence I felt at the restaurant. It was you guys" I said walking up to the Daemos

I studied them carefully, they all didn't look so bad. They actually are pretty attractive.

"You aren't surprised?" A young looking boy with orange horns questioned a little surprised

"Not really, am I suppose to be surprised?" I say raising an eyebrow

"That's really not needed" Ava commented

"So, Ava, who are these guys and why do they have magic powers?" I tuned to Ava a little confused

"W-well, you see..." Ava trails off before continuing

The Daemos stared at Ava waiting for her to answer my question.

Ava then explained to me who they where and how they met. All about how the boys are from another dimension and how they need to gain more magic and how they are planning to take over earth.
Also about Ava being their "prisoner" which is kinda stupid and funny at the same time.

I learnt their names. Asch, Rhys, Leif, Pierce and Noi.

"Well, I guess I should at least show off my powers now that I know that his place is a safe and secure part" I say and they all looked eager to see and Ava was just confused.

The thing is, my family has a special power that gets passed down through each generation. 

I get into a stance and I closed my eyes.

"Get ready, Ava, you might want to hold onto something" I state and Ava just get's behind Pierce.

My body begins to glow blue along with my necklace and I then use my magic, a huge gust of wind flows out and knocked over everyone in the process except for Pierce, he stood his ground and Ava was holding onto him.

I then relax my body and I walk over to Pierce and Ava and gave them a pout.

"Did you both think I did well?" I say tilting my head

Ava looked shocked, why? is it because I am just a mortal but I have magic?

"Y-you actually h-have magic" Ava stuttered surprised

"It's not like I wanted these powers though, it's just something my family inherits every generation" I explained

Pierce looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I couldn't tell if he was confused or impressed, maybe he is a mixture of both?

The other Daemos groan in pain before getting up.

"That's only just one of my abilities as well, I can show you all more later, but I am a little tired and hungry" I state yawning a little

"Why don't you just show us now?" Asch stated

"Because, I don't want to. Anyways, let's go Ava. I can cook up something to eat" I say grabbing Ava and walking her out arm in arm.

Once we exit the golden and quartz like castle we entered another room that looked like it was a apartment complex. I'm guessing this is Ava's house.

 "Are you going to tell other humans about me and my family secret?" I said in a monotone voice looking away from Ava

"N-no! Well, it's not like I can anyways, I don't really have that many friends" Ava stated

I nodded and walked over to the kitchen and checked to see what was in the cabnits and fridge.

I decided to teleport to the store quite to buy a few cooking saplise.

Once I was finished paying for them I teleported back. Ava stared wide-eyed.

"I got some food saplise Ava, don't worry. I payed for them" I state

Ava nodded and he went over to her cat who I remember she brought up. It was Johnny.
I remember buying a bunch of things because I have a father that sees me as the golden child, so it's kind normal for him to give me so much cash in my card.

I searched through my bags and I found the cat food I bought.
I handed it to Ava and she looked surprised again, she then smiled at me.

"Thanks Y/N" Ava said taking the cat food

She then fed Johnny the cat food and I began cooking some food.

I didn't care about me getting kidnapped by them. I was already in a toxic house hold so this place is better then my actual home.

After making our food and some for the Daemos I gave Ava the food and she began eating it.
Her eyes sparkled with delight.

"It's really good!" Ava exclaimed

I giggled and smiled at Ava

"I'm glad you like it Ava, Anyways I need to give the food to the guys" I say and I began stacking the plates onto me and I began carrying it to the Daemos.

Through the magic portal and I see the Daemos talking to eachother.

"Hey you guys, I cooked food for you all" I say handing them the plates

They all looked surprised.

"Just eat the food, I know you might think it's poisoned but I promise it's not. Just eat up and come out if you want more" I stated before walking out once again and started cooking once again.

You know what, I can get use to this, being in a house with Ava and the Daemos. I wonder how this will turn out...
