Chapter 13: Daemos...

It's been a few days since Zex has come to Earth.
To be honest, I wish I could of just got rid of him when I had the chance.... But Ava said I shouldn't turn to violence.

I just sigh, I know the Daemos would have to go back at one point... But, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them if they don't go back with a whole new magic source.

Would it really be ok if I went to Daemos?
I would get to spend almost everyday with the Daemos, but what about Ava?

I turn to Ava talking with the Daemos.
Seeing her talk with them so happily, it just... She would be so sad if we left her. I know her going with us is out of the question, her father's wouldn't be so happy with the situation at all...

I then lay my head onto the kitchen counter, closing my eyes.
What am I even going to do?

"Y/N..? Are you ok?" I hear Rhys ask

I sit up straight to look at him, his eyes full of worry.

"I'm ok... I was just thinking" I say

"Do you wish to talk about it?" Rhys asks sitting beside me

I chuckle, before a small smile appears on my face.

"It's really nothing to worry about... I was just thinking of what I can do to help you Daemos" I explain

Rhys nodded.

"You have been helping us out a lot recently, is there any reason for you to?" Rhys says

"I want to help you guys and Ava because you all have changed me" I reply

Rhys raises an eyebrow.

"How so?" Rhys questioned

"Do I have to explain this again? You all have made me more happier after I left from my father's grasps" I said

Rhys smiled a bit.

"Welp, have you figured out what all of you want to get for Daemos's source of magic?" I ask

Rhys looks to his side and he sighed, pushing his glasses up a little before looking back to me.

"...We haven't made a clear decision, all of us want different things" Rhys said

I frowned.

"Well, once you guy's make a decision, I will help however I can" I say

"I'm happy to hear that" Rhys says

He then gets out of his seat.

"Going back to the others?" I say

"Is it ok?" Rhys asked

I nodded.

He then leaves me alone with my thoughts.

You know... Why is everything going down like this?

Then suddenly, I hear a loud scream.
My head jolts up and turns to the direction of the scream and it was Ava!

"Ava!" I shout along with the Daemos

I see Zex.
He held a black dagger up to Ava, she was scared, she was trembling.

The Daemos brandish their weapons.

"Let her go!" Asch says, holding up his hand creating fire

"Ha, not happening" Zex replied

The Daemos move closer to Zex.

"Another step and I will slit her throat, your choice" Zex said with a twisted grin on his face

The Daemos stopped.

"Prince Asch, you will return back to Daemos" Zex said

My thoughts were clouded, what was happening!? I said I would protect them! Why is everything going so wrong at the wrong time!?

They began talking about how the Daemos have been lying to Ava and deceiving. Zex explains to her the real problem with Daemos and how they can only power their world with human souls.

Human. Souls.! Are they kidding me!?

I guess they came here to Earth to get more human souls... God...

Ava started to get more upset, no kidding, I was too.

Then, Zex pulls out a potion. I don't know what it is, but it resonated with magic power.
Before Zex could use it however, Rhys goes up to Ava and places his hand on her forehead.

The room started to glow white, I rushed over to them before anything else can happen...

Everything was white... Then, I was in a dark place.
I could barely see what was around me, but it looked to be a forest.

"What the..? Were did she go!?" Zex say a little paniced

"What the crap was that?!" Leif shouts

"W-we're back on Daemos..." Noi stuttered

Leif turns to Zex and then vanishes.
He appears in front of Zex, gripping Zex's shoulder.

"What did you do!?" Leif yells

Zex vanished and re appeared on a tree.

Zex then mutters to himself before vanishing again without a trace.

"That bastard!!" Asch yelled

"Let him look" Rhys said

"What?!" Noi said shocked

"We need to find her!" Pierce growled

"Yeah, no kidding Rhys! I'm not letting that creep get his hands on her!" I say

"Y/N?!" They all yelled in shock

"Of course it's me! I just didn't expect to be here... Anyways... Back to the topic at hand, Ava" I said

"...Of course, Ava is our priority, however, she will be safe on Daemos as long as my magic lasts" Rhys explained

"What do you mean?" Leif asked

"Ava is smart, let's just hope she is calm about the situation. As long as she can lie, she will be safe. Let's just hope we can find her before anyone else does" Rhys explained

"What do you mean?" Asch asked

"Rhys, what did you do?" I asked

He was silent.

I stared intently at him... Then it hit me.

"...W-wait.... Rhys, y-you didn't.... did you..?" I stutter, completely horrified

"...Yes, if your thinking that, then yes" Rhys muttered

"You turned Ava into a Daemos?!" I shouted

"What!?!??" The other Daemos shouted in shock

"L-look, it was the best option for Ava, if I didn't... She would of been killed" Rhys explained

"...I guess you are right. I hope she's alright" I say

"Well, let's get moving" Asch says

He then starts to walk off.

"W-wait, Y/N needs to..." Rhys stuttered

"It's ok Rhys, I know what you mean and I can do it myself" I say

I use my magic to change my appearance. 
I wore similar clothes that the Daemos would always wear, adding horns and changing my hair, though it's still my normal h/c hair.

(Thanks to @ErrorGlitches for making this!)

(Just change the white to any color you want, same with the gem, do whatever :D But you are wearing these type of clothes)

"So, do you guys want me to get your clothes?" I asked

They all stared at me, in complete awe.

"...Hello..?" I muttered

"U-uhm.. yes, if you could" Rhys answered

I then summon their clothes and they just dropped onto the ground.
I turn around, waiting for them to get dressed, but once they did, they were all in their normal Daemos clothes.

"Ok, let's go find Ava" I say

"We should search the forest first" Asch says

"I can find her, I can track her down using my magic " I say

"Wait, you can?" Leif said

"Yeah, I just have to think of her and it will show her location" I say

"Do it, do it now!....Please..." Asch says

"I need quite, now please, no one talk" I say

I then close my eyes, I think of Ava, what she looks like.
I start to see pictures of a location and I saw Ava laying on the floor unconscious and she had horns....! Though the main thing I need to know is the location, it looks like a castle...

I opened my eyes again.

"Well..?!" Asch asked

"She's at some sort of castle... I'm not sure where, but there is quite a lot of purple light. The castle looked really big too..." I say

I bring up what I saw using my magic, just to create some sort of picture in the air in front of me.
The Daemos stared at the picture and Asch looked furious.

"T-thats...!" Noi stuttered

"My Castle!" Asch growled

"Are you sure this is the location Y/N?" Rhys asked

"Keep looking at it... You'll see..." I said pointing to the magic picture

They keep staring at it until they saw Ava. Everyone's eyes widen.

"So, believe me now?" I say, closing the magic picture with my magic

"W-well, now that we have gotten the location, we need to make way to the castle" Rhys says

"Can't Y/N just teleport us there? It would be much faster and quicker" Leif said

"I can't teleport to places I have never been to before" I say

"But you teleported us to that theme park!" Asch barked

"I may have been there once or twice... But it was only for a quick moment when I was testing out my powers" I say

It wasn't technically a lie, I was testing out my powers and I have learnt how to do a bunch of things!
Though, it was only because I got help from mother.

"Let's get going before anything happens to the Princess" Asch stated

After that, we all made our way to Asch's castle.

Don't worry Ava, we will find you and bring you back!
