Rp 38 // The Bodygaurd

Jughead had a traumatic childhood to say the least. Jughead had horrible PTSD, having terrible night terrors, had random episodes, bad anxiety and very heightened reactions. He had some mood swings sometimes, got agitated easily and would isolate himself for days at a time. What sadly caused this was watching his family get murdered in front of him when he 14, feeling helpless as he was tied to a chair, his mouth ductapped, the burglars making him watch the horrible scene. And he was never the same since.

Ever since, he worked out every day, having two goals in life now. Find the people who murdered his parents and sister, and try to help other people before it happened to them. He eventually joined the FBI, just trying to keep his mind off of what happened so his PTSD didn't act up.

Betty was a young women married to a rich political. She had been forced into it, so her family would have money and Betty would hopefully have a lavish life. She did, but she didn't love the person she was forced to marry. She fears for her life everyday, having gotten many death threats, their house being broken into and many many more things. Her husband eventually got a bodyguard for her, only getting it because Betty made him, and because it made him look better if he was married.

Jughead gets assigned onto the blonde's request, having to be by her 24/7. Well not literally but whenever she went outside and just stayed at the house just in case.

What happens when the two get closer? Will Jughead tell her about his mental disorder and his dark past? Will the blonde accept him and help him?

Betty- me
Juggie- you
