Rp 34 // Shipwrecked

(WiFi at my moms house sucks so I'll post the gifs next week!)

One day, the prince, Jughead Jones, was walking along the beach of his castle with his dog, when suddenly the white/grey dog sniffed something and soon ran off. The dog soon found a girl, washed up on the shore, passed out, only in a sheet, a rope tied around her to hold it up.

Jughead quickly runs after his dog and finds the girl also. He immediately brings her back to the castle and she's put into immediate care. After a couple of hours, she wakes up, the only thing she remembers being her name and that she was in a horrible shipwreck with her being the only survivor.

Jughead decides to let her stay at the castle to help her and take care of her, knowing his staff would gladly help him and get her clothes and stuff. After a about two days, the two grow very close and Betty starts to catch feelings for him.

Betty decides to take a trip to town and soon stumbles into the bad side of the village, soon encountering a witch. She claims that she'll be willing to give her-her memory back, only if she gave her-her voice in return. Also with the downside of having to make the prince fall in love with her and kiss her in three days, or else, she'll die.

Will Betty be able to get the man of her dreams and her memory back? Or will she fail and die?

Betty: me
Juggie: you
