Rp 18 - Surprise!

Betty and Jughead have been dating a couple of years now, and yes, they had a very active sex life. But one day, Betty suddenly starts having stomach pains at weirds times. So her, thinking she's constipated or is just really sick, goes to the bathroom and waits on the toilet. After what seemed like hours, she finally felt water trickle down, knowing what was happening now. Betty had been pregnant without even knowing. She had been carrying around a baby for 9 monarchs without even knowing. They somewhat young couple wasn't prepared for a baby, let alone have the stuff to provide for a baby, since they were a little on the poor side. So Betty births their baby into the world, all alone for hours on end, not being able to call anyone, in too much pain to get up. Soon, she births a beautiful baby boy. What will Jughead think when he comes home from a business trip a couple minutes later, to now suddenly being a father. Will he leave her? Will he stay and try to provide for their unexpected baby? Will he get pissed at Betty? Or will they put their newborn son up for adoption, and pretend like none of it happened?

Betty- me/you
Jughead- me/you
