Rp 31 - All The Way Across The World

For Betty's 21st birthday, Veronica and Betty decided to go on a little trip to France to celebrate, well more specifically, Paris, the city of love. The two girls stay at one of the nicest hotels, deciding it would just make more sense-since they are staying there for about 2 weeks.

Betty goes out one morning to explore the beautiful city when she accidentally bumps into a tall, handsome man. The two get to talking and Jughead decides to give her a mini tour of the city, since he's lived there his whole life.

The day soon turns into night and two basically became friends. The two weeks go by and the two had gotten extremely close, and she sadly had to leave and go back home to America.

Will they ever see each other again? Or will their little relationship just be yet another fling?

Betty: me/you
Jug: me/you
