RP 32 - The Accident

Inspired by:Riverdale4ever1

Betty and Jughead were basically inseparable from birth. The two grew up together and did everything with each other, no matter what it was.  Now the two were both sophomores in high school and still did everything together, some even thought they were dating, since the two were hugging and kissing each other's cheek and heads a lot, though it was mostly platonic. That's what they told themselves anyway, but everyone around them knew that they liked each other, a lot.

One day, Jughead gets in a terrible accident on his bike with a drunk driver who ran a stop sign. The young man gets rushed to the hospital and is immediately put in intensive care. He's in a coma for a couple weeks, his wounds healing over those couple weeks. But sadly, he had hit his head pretty bad and got amnesia, not remembering anything at all.

Sadly, his parents were too busy with work to be able to see him, so Betty offers to see him everyday and take care of him. After a couple days of Jughead still not remembering anything, the doctors know that he would probably be there for months, since nothing was working. So the doctors tell him that Betty has to tell him everything about his life, so he can slowly start to get his memory back again quicker.

Betty soon takes a chance after lots of thinking and tells him everything about his life, adding a little detail that wasn't there before. That she was his very own girlfriend. She knew it was a bad idea after she told him, but it was too late now, right?

What happens if Jughead recovers from his amnesia? Will Betty have to tell him about their actual relationship? Or will he just ignore her for the rest of his life?

Betty- you
Jug- me
