When will this nightmare be over?

⚠️Bad treatment of injuries, Injury detail⚠️


Aragorn made his way into the room, staring down at Legolas on the chair with sympathy "No wonder you didn't tell me" He said.

Legolas spun around on the chair, eyes going wide in shock as they stared into each other's eyes.

3rd person PoV:

Legolas spun around on the chair, eyes going wide in shock as they stared into each other's eyes "Aragorn..." Legolas said, eyes still wide with shock as he stood up from off his seat "...You heard all of that?" He asked.

"Of course I did..." Aragorn said, taking a couple of steps closer to Legolas, his brows furrowed slightly as he tried to think of what to say "...I am sorry for listening in but I was wondering where you had gone-"

"It doesn't matter Estel..." Legolas cut him off, hand slightly raised as if motioning for him to stop. The elf sighed quietly "...I was going to tell you anyway" He said.

There was a short, somewhat uncomfortable silence in which they just looked to the ground, staring at it as if it were guilty of something "What you said about Thranduil being behind it all..." Aragorn started, hesitantly "...Do you really believe that?" He asked.

Legolas gave him a cold look "Of course I do..." He said "...Do you not believe me then?"

"It's not that..." Aragorn cut in sharply, looking deep into Legolas's icy blue eyes "...It's just I don't think he would turn on his people like that" He said.

Legolas scoffed, the sound sending silent chills up Aragorn's spine "Trust me, when a elf like my father has that much ego, they can pretty much do anything they please..." He said, walking over to sit down on the edge of the windowsill "...It is beyond me why he did it but I don't think that it's normal for a non-abusive father to suddenly start abusing their son right after they escape being held hostage"

Aragorn hummed in agreement, though he still felt a bit weary on the subject as if some important factor was missing. He turned his head to the door upon hearing a slightly quiet Knock on the wooden door. It was Fuyu, she was standing by the door, looking at Legolas with a somewhat forced smile "The nurse wants to check your stab wound, Legolas" She said.

"But nurse Edith has already checked it, just an hour ago" Legolas replied, face holding confusion and brows furrowed.

Fuyu nodded "I know..." She said, paling ever so slightly but Aragorn noticed it "...It's a new nurse, he wants to check your wound so that he knows where Edith left off" (Just for clarification, Edith is the nurse that treated Legolas and the others, she has a name now finally lol)

"But where is Edith?" Aragorn asked.

"She has gone to visit family in Rohan, she might be gone for a while" Fuyu replied, turning to face Aragorn.

"But we only saw her a while ago..." Legolas said, standing up from off the sill, silhouetted slightly from the moonlight shining against his back "...And she did not look like she was preparing to go anywhere"

"That's what I thought..." Fuyu said, the flames from the various candles thought the room, dancing in her auburn eyes "...But you should hurry, he seems quite persistent on seeing you Legolas"

Legolas nodded, still quite confused as he headed towards the door. Aragorn followed after him, possibly to talk to the new nurse about what had happened. Before he walked past Fuyu, Aragorn put a hand on her shoulder, her gaze coming to rest upon him "Could you check on Fabian please?..." He asked, looking hopefully into her eyes "...I haven't seen him for a while " He lied, he had obviously seen him but he could not explain the reason behind why he was upset.

She nodded and Aragorn took his hand from off her shoulder and turned to follow Legolas down the hallway, towards the infirmary.

Legolas's cool hand turned the handle of the door to the right once they had reached the infirmary. Swinging the door open, they ignored the chatter between the other patients and the nurses and walked to sit down on the edge of a spare bed.

"Legolas I'm guessing" Said a very strange looking man as he walked towards the elf. He had completely white hair, that fell just below his shoulders along with light grey eyes and very pale but smooth looking skin. He looked very thin, young and wore an outfit that stood out from the other nurses, who wore their assigned uniform. A long white tunic he wore, that blended into the complexity of his pale skin, strange patterns outlined in red decorating the hems of the sleeves.

Legolas nodded slowly, getting a strange aura from the man as he sat on the chair opposite the bed.

"You don't look like a nurse" Aragorn pointed out, seeming to be getting a strange feeling from the man too.

"Oh this?..." The man said, motioning to his outfit with a chuckle "...I have just arrived at Gondor, I did not really have a time to change"

Legolas nodded hesitantly, forcing himself to believe what he was saying. The man sat, moving to open Legolas's tunic so that he could examine the wound "My name is Ezekiel..." He said in a soft tone as he began to unravel the newly put bandage from Legolas's wound.

"...And don't worry, as long as you are in my care, your wound will heal healthily" He said, practically ripping the bandage from Legolas's wound as he said this, watching as Legolas yelled out in pain, a dribble of blood beginning to ooze itself from the stab wound.

Aragorn shot up from his seat on the bed and grabbed onto Ezekiel's wrist, restricting him from touching Legolas anymore "You're hurting him!" He practically shouted into his face.

"It would have been more painful if I were to do it slowly" Ezekiel said, taking his hand from Aragorn's grasp, barely looking at the man as he went off to grab a new roll of bandages.

Aragorn sat back down next to Legolas, still huffing from anger as he watched the man walk back over to them, bandage gently clasped in his right hand. Ezekiel placed the bandage on a table at the side of the bed and grabbed some metal tool thingy as he knelt down in front of Legolas, to access the wound better.

"It looks like the stitches are ready to be taken out..." Ezekiel said, Aragorn watching his every move as he moved the objet forwards. Cutting the special type of string that held the wound in place and practically tugging the string from the wound, making Legolas yell out in pain yet again. Ezekiel patted the elf's knee almost mockingly "...Don't worry..." He said "...It's okay to have a low pain to tolerance"

Aragorn's hands clenched at his sides and his teeth gritted together angrily, restraining his anger for the sake of Legolas. Ezekiel grabbed the roll of bandage and unravelled it, wrapping it around Legolas stomach to hold the wound together.

"That's too tight..." Legolas said politely after a while, cringing in pain. He expected the nurse to loosen the bandage but he didn't, instead he seemed to be making it tighter "...It's tight, it h-hurts" He said a bit more impatiently.

Ezekiel didn't care and continued on but Aragorn had had enough of it. He stood up and slapped the roll of bandage from his hands "What is wrong with you?!..." He hissed into his face, standing in front of Legolas as if to protect him "...You're not a nurse"

A crazed smile plastered its way onto Ezekiel's face and he pointed to Aragorn accusingly "You are right about that..." He said making Aragorn's face contort with anger "...It's about as hard to act as a nurse as it is for Legolas to not blame his father for being the mastermind behind the kidnappings"

"Now let's start this again shall we?..." He suggested watching as their faces turned to one of horror "...Hi, I am Ezekiel, the brain behind it all"

What do you think of Ezekiel?

That scene was depressing

Also In case you want to know what Ezekiel looks like...
