
I am glad that people are enjoying this story!


There was a long pause where we just stood there in uncomfortable silence until he suddenly looked up beckoning me forwards "...Follow me"

"Where to?" I asked, more than confused.

"Out" He simply said with a harsh tone in his voice as he began walking.

I raised an eyebrow "Why? Not a moment ago you were arguing with me" I said, confused as I hurried after him slightly relived that my chance to get out of this forest came.

"You are trespassing" he said calmly as we continued to walk.

I sighed "You wouldn't care if I was in danger neither if I died " He even threatened to kill me if I didn't answer some questions.

"So I would not care enough to show you the way out?" He said, arching an eyebrow.

"But..." I trailed off, giving up as I followed the elf through the dark forest.


Aragorn's PoV: (I am rly sry that there hadn't been any of Lego's PoV yet :( if you rly want a Lego's PoV in the next chapter then I will, so comment :) )

We continued to walk, me following close behind him careful not to loose my way again. My eyebrows had been plastered in the same furrowed place as I stared at his light, starlight hair. He confused me to say the least, but that was an understatement, I was beyond confused. His sheer lack of understanding for state scared me and my eyes constantly lingered to the wound on his leg. Indeed i needed to check if the wound was bleeding through the bandage, but at what cost? I couldn't risk getting my head chopped of by him. Mirkwood wasn't that far away, so he should seek out the help of his kin as he would most likely make it in time.

The dusty leaves crunched underneath my feet and I found myself staring ahead towards the opening of the forest. My eyelids felt heavy against my eyes as I strained to keep them open and we continued to walk through the night.

I had grown up beside elves so sleeping wasn't that very common among them, one would sleep maybe once a year or twice, rarely. But this was a different situation, I had been walking all day and had stayed up most of the night to watch over Prince Legolas, therefore my tiredness didn't come to much of a surprise for me. However, the elf's tiredness did, he honestly didn't seem to want to keep walking and it came to a surprise when he suddenly stopped and turned to look at me, his eyes like glass, the colour like the sea shining in the moonlight, and moonlight was exactly what it was as it shined down on him through the canopy of the trees. His eyes seemed to sparkle like a star as he spoke "I cannot go any further, your horse is over there is it not"

"Why can't you go any further?" I questioned, utterly confused.

"It would be easier to get to Mirkwood if I go through the paths of the trees" He said raising his head a bit higher as if to prove his point.

"Why couldn't I find it?" I asked, already knowing my answer.

"You did not look hard enough" He looked over his shoulder and his hand began to shake "I must go, A-Ada would be worried" He stuttered, something uncommon for elves. I stared at him.

"Do you want me to accompany you, just to make sure that you get there fin-" I asked concerned but he cut me off.

"N'uma (No)" He simply said, taking one look Himself before meeting my eyes again.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, I felt it shake underneath my touch "Mellonamin, naa lle sure tanya lle nauva tereva? (My friend, are you sure that you will be fine?)"

"Amin vesta (I promise) (*has flashbacks to eleven*)" He stepped back "lle kela (you should leave)" I looked at him pitifully, something that I didn't quite understand...I just felt sad.

"If you wish" I mounted Jean (the horse) (get the reference hehe) "Mellon nin, will you tell me why you were wounded?" I asked one last time, hoping that he will forfill my wish by saying 'yes'.

"I can't" He stepped back and gave me a fake smile "Namaarie (farewell)" he didn't do the elvish farewell, instead he just slightly raised his hand and looked back into the forest.

"Namaarie, Mellon nin (farewell, my friend)" I turned my head around to face the land I was going to cover and closed my eyes "Just make sure the wound doesn't get infected, it would make it more painful than it seems. Promise me...Mellon nin? Mel-" I turned my head around to face him again but he was gone, vanishing back into the cover of the forest.

I sighed and took one last look at the forest before trotting off on horseback, hearing the soft humming of the crickets and the music of the birds. I didn't pass much on my way back, however close to the forest was a small fire with three men gathered around it. I didn't really pay much attention to them as I walked by and they didn't seem to either, in fact they kept their faces covered. I didn't find it that strange as I did it so myself, so I carried on with my journey with the Prince on my mind.

Okay I am very sry for their short chapter
