He will be there on your awakening

Sorry if I am updating less, I have to revise a lot for my gcses


"Let us rest here for the night, Legolas will wake at midnight" Gandalf said, stopping at an opening. Laying Legolas down on the ground; I took my cloak off and covered him with it to keep him warm.

"I will take the first watch" I said without a second thought as the rest of the fellowship began to huddle together to rest.

"I will too" Frodo beamed, sending a smile at me and Legolas.

"I guess that's understandable" Gandalf huffed as he sat down on a rock, not laying down like the rest of the fellowship.

"It is" I said stubbornly.

Time past and I bit my lip nervously waiting as Gandalf continued to sit on the rock.

And so time continued to pass until: "That's unusual" I lifted my head up to look at Gandalf, the lightness of his staff had reappeared, illuminating the area around us. He turned to look at Legolas, who was sleeping on the ground beside me and Frodo "But understandable"

"Gandalf, not that I'm not glad that your magic is working again but I thought that it wouldn't work until three days time?" Frodo said obviously alarmed by the light.

"Well it's working and you should be glad"

"I am" Frodo said, annoyed.

Beside me Legolas began to stir and I huffed out nervously and took his hand "A-Aragorn? Where am I? W-What's happening?"


3rd person PoV:

The situated position that they were in could only tell Legolas the awful truth that they were in fact in the mines of moria. He breath shook and he clasped Aragorn's hand to the point where it felt numb; he refused to cry, yet he refused to acknowledge his surroundings and he squeezed his watery eyes shut.

Anxiety bubbled up inside of him like trapped air to the surface of the water, it was conscious yet persistent on finding its way up...up to the surface of the mind and keen on making the prisoner suffer in the most torturous ways, all inside their own mind. And it will never leave them alone. (A/N~ wow that was a vent)

"Legolas you need to open your eyes, you are worrying me" The young elf heard his friend say but he kept his eyes closed as if he were on the edge of a cliff and trying to disclose the reality of the circumstance that they were in.

Though the reality of the moment was much worse...for all of them. Even Aragorn as he couldn't isolate the possibility that he might leave a mental scar on his dear friend. And he knew how mental scars worked, they left a permanent impact on you...unlike physical wounds, they would never leave you. Legolas had a legitimate fear of caves...his point was: how could he help him?

Aragorn placed his weary hand down on Legolas's shoulder and took a deep breath in. He was fed up with it, he was fed up with all of it. He just wanted to see him smile again...and forevermore.

The ranger leaned down and wrapped his strong arms around the shaking form of the Prince. Legolas continued to shake; with effort, he slowly peeled his eyes open the empty void of darkness that he so passionately hated.

Though his eyes opened, he only focused on the body that had his arms wrapped around his frail form...not the darkness, the silence nor the plain simplicity of remembering the nightmarish memory of that day.

But yet, he continued to shake and he now understood why...Was it pain? Was it fear? No, it was the pure plainness...of a memory that should have been long forgotten, tossed away and never to be seen again. But at what cost? If the memory was true to be lost what cause would he be fighting for, himself or the pure evil of the world that elves were supposed to seclude themselves in?

The man continued to hug him, clasping onto him like a vice as if he were the most precious being in the world. He asked himself, why did he care so? Was it sympathy or real concern or just an imagination that he had created over year's of suffering, in his head?

Aragorn gripped him tightly and brought his lips up to the elf's leaf-shaped ear and whispered, so only he could hear "I know that you are frightened but I am here for you, I am always here for you and I will NEVER leave your side through everything that we will go might through and anything that we do go through, we will go through together"

Ultimately, Legolas didn't reply. He protected his mouth behind Aragorn's shoulder and stayed silent as his mind drifted off to thoughts of betrayal or possible dishonesty to increase personal hierarchy.

The Prince's eyes were wide with anxiety as they crossed between Gandalf and Frodo, whom seemed confused by their position. Legolas awkwardly drifted his eyes again towards the floor, examining the dust that covered it with unique interest.

He felt a soft voice against his ear yet again "Leaf?" Aragorn whispered into his ear using a nickname to comfort him in an unusual way.

The quiet elf stayed speechless for he did not feel, in any way, like talking. For he couldn't, not when his worst fear had been brought to existence. How could he?

"Okay" The Ranger whispered into the young elf's ear and brought him over to Gandalf, the glowing staff illuminating his friends face. The light brought out his sea-blue eyes and protruding cheekbones, made his golden hair glisten like starlight in the dark, ebony surroundings.

"You need to relax" Aragorn spoke and sat him down on the ground "...come here" He continued rather embarrassed and patted the floor beside him. Legolas hesitantly sat down.

As the night slowly eased on, Legolas continued to refuse sleep so, as a result, Aragorn watched over his friend deep into the night.

Again I am sorry for the short chapter and the late update, I have been quite busy revising for mock exams for my GCSEs

Thanks for reading and have a good week :)
