Miracle man



Aragorn grabbed onto Legolas's wrist "Come on. We don't have time for this-" He said.

"Mercury changed his name to Mattsuke after his family was killed..." Ezekiel called after them, watching with a smirk as the two of them froze in their tracks "...I thought that you would remember, Aragorn! Did you forget that Callahan said his true name when he died?"

3rd person PoV:

"Mercury changed his name to Mattsuke after his family was killed..." Ezekiel called after them, watching with a smirk as the two of them froze in their tracks "...I thought that you would remember, Aragorn! Did you forget that Callahan said his true name when he died?" 

"How do you know all of this?" Aragorn asked, standing protectively in front of Legolas. His eyelid twitching in annoyance at the continuation of the conversation.

A sly grin played its way across Ezekiel's face and he parted his lips to speak "I keep an eye on everything" He said, pale fingertips continuing to drum against his side. Perfectly in sync with the beating of their hearts.

"That doesn't exactly explain it" Aragorn said, fingernails threatening to penetrate the skin on the palm of his hand as he clenched his fists "How do you know that i went into Mirkwood forest? That Callahan said mercury before Mattsuke died? That Legolas blames his father? I am asking you how you know!" Aragorn practically yelled, impatiently. Being weary of the people close by who had the power, at the moment, to listen in on everything that they were saying.

Ezekiel let out a long exhale. The drumming on his side stopping as he moved his fingers up to rest on his forehead. Without the tapping sound, the room was made unnervingly quiet. The only sound being the occasional statement from a nurse or patient. They had to strain their ears to hear what he was going to say, the people around them making it harder for them to concentrate on his words.

"I told you...I keep an eye on everything..." He repeated, eyes closed as he let out a sigh, reopening them a second later to reveal a cool glare as he tilted his head to look up at Aragorn "...I even entered that Mirkwood forest just to stalk you. You seemed very unaware of me when you were patching up Legolas eh?!" He smirked, letting loose a chuckle "I think I did good" He said.

Legolas took a step out from behind Aragorn, pushing him slightly to the side with his slender hands "You could have attacked us but you didn't, why?" He asked. Stray strands of hair falling in front of his eyes. At any other time, he would have cared to move it out of the way but at the minute he just did not have the ability to care. The man in the chair in front of him seeming to be more important at that moment than a few strands of his hair.

"Oh so you do believe me?" Ezekiel said, the restraint from holding back a laugh forcing a grin on his face.

"Just answer the damn question" Aragorn snapped.

"No" Ezekiel shot back as soon as Aragorn had said this. The pale complexity of his skin tinting lightly with red from frustration as if he had been expecting something else from them.

"Great then we will just leave" Legolas said, turning on his heel. Aragorn following prior to him.

"Ya know I was expecting a bit more violence upon revealing myself..." Ezekiel said, watching as they stopped in their tracks. Legolas's hand hovering over the door handle, feeling the coolness from it radiating off from its perimeter.

Legolas sighed, clenching his teeth as he contemplated what to do. Not having much of a chance to do so before Ezekiel spoke again, voice equally as monotone and boring as the first time they had heard him speak "...But it's my fault for getting my hopes up..." He said "...I shouldn't have expected more from you"

"And you won't expect more from us..." Aragorn said, head turned subtly to the side "...You're banished, whomever you are. And everyone in Gondor will be notified to report you if they see you here again" He threatened, shifting his foot in front of him impatiently, watching Legolas so the same to the door handle. As if they needed his permission to leave.

Ezekiel chuckled "I'll ignore the banishment just as much as I ignored your rules" He said, looking towards them carelessly.

"Then there is a cell waiting for you here in Gondor" Aragorn replied, following Legolas swiftly out of the door. The cold, insane giggles muffling as the door closed behind them, the sound coming in response to Aragorn's statement.

They did not say anything to each other as they took their first few steps down the hallway. Various thoughts contaminating their minds as they pondered over the man still in the infirmary, behind the closed door. It was only when they heard the creaking of the door handle did they make some sort of noise.

Their shoes squeaked against the newly cleaned marble as they span around. The sound screeching horribly in their ears as they did so.

Aragorn and Legolas's eyes came to rest upon Ezekiel, who had once again defied the orders that Aragorn had set in place. He stood there, the corners of his lips gently pushed back to express a stoic smile. The emotion in his eyes not matching the forced grin on his face as his glassy eyes stared at them.

"Leave us be or I will call out some guards" Aragorn threatened, obviously struggling to restrain himself from confronting him in a more violent way. Legolas stood by, watching.

Ezekiel let out a quick laugh, the sound so small that someone could have mistaken it for a gust of wind "You know, you remind me of Abraham..." He said, head tilted to the side as if to study Aragorn's features. Aragorn's nails dig into his cloak and he bit the inside of his lip. The statement seeming to effect him and Ezekiel relished it when he saw that look in his eyes "...When he was not boasting about his achievements he would act like you. Constantly giving orders as if he owned the place. Shame Fabian killed him, he would have made a great replacement for Mattsuke" He said.

"You cannot compare Aragorn to Abraham..." Legolas said from next to Aragorn. His soft footsteps echoing throughout the silent hall as he took a few intimidating steps towards Ezekiel "...Aragorn does not shed innocent blood like Abraham did"

"If I can remember correctly, Abraham stabbed you. Am I right?..." Ezekiel said, watching as Legolas clenched his jaw. His words seeming to remind Legolas of the uncomfortable stinging sensation coming from his stab wound. At no response to his question, Ezekiel continued on, seeming to revel in the way he tensed up at what came next "...Are you calling yourself innocent?"

Legolas opened his mouth to speak, but the words did not come out. He closed his mouth and glared down at the ground. At this, Ezekiel let loose another chuckle and he turned back to Aragorn. The man had been standing there, silently withering in anger as he struggled to contain himself. Dark grey eyes staring menacingly towards Ezekiel, being to only way that he could dispel some of the hatred for Ezekiel that was boiling up in his veins.

"As I was saying..." Ezekiel continued. Eyes focused on Aragorn as he continued to torment him. Most likely the reason behind why he did not react to the quickly approaching elf. Just as another sentence was about to come out of his mouth, a fist collided into him a jaw. The action causing him to fall back into the floor. The damp marble dampening his cloak as he clutched at the side of his face.

Yo mon petite fee (I have no idea what that means, my mum just keeps saying it lol)
