A decision well made



Anger and sadness boiled up inside of him and a tear cascaded down his cheek. He watched as Legolas picked up his cloak.

He had had enough. He marched as fast as he could out of the water in his bear feet and his clothes soaking wet. His mind was racing, he forcefully grabbed onto Legolas's hand and spun him around "E-Estel-" was all Legolas could manage before Aragorn's lips had slammed into his.

Aragorn pushed Legolas so that his back was against a tree trunk and continued to abuse the shocked elves lips. Tears were slowly slipping down his face and onto Legolas's cheeks but he couldn't help it. He was angry. He slowly felt Legolas begin to kiss back and he slightly smiled.

After a couple of seconds he pulled back and stared into Legolas's wide azure eyes. Legolas's cheeks were stained red and his lips looked sore, he took a step back in shame "Do you think I don't care about you?..." He mumbled barely audible, his voice sounding strained.

"I-I..." Legolas tried to say but he was speechless. He watched as Aragorn broke eye contact and walked over to grab his sword and cloak. His body had seemed to have forgotten how to move but he eventually relaxed his muscles and he looked down at the floor, blushing more than he ever had in his life.

Aragorn looked at him and muttered silently "We should get back..." and he began to slowly walk off


3rd person PoV:

Will Legolas ever tell Aragorn the truth? The answer was yes. Not the full truth but the truth behind his lie. His lie. His lie was his mask, a mask of his face and a wall that held those two apart.

That was what he was scared about though, the truth was not as simple as it seemed no matter how may times one may say. It was not simple, it was messed up and purely dark.

Dark was to say the least: a scourging act of eleven kind was what it was and it was committed by none other that the person he most trusted. Imagine trusting someone who was there for you since you were a child, someone who encouraged you to be who you wanted to be, someone who 'loves' you was really someone who regretted you, someone who trained and lied to you, someone who reminded you too much of his wife, someone who sat on a throne of slaves and dead bodies with un-remorseful blood pumping through his veins. Imagine if that person was your father. Imagine if every living day since your birth you were lied to, every sentence, every word dedicated to reside in your fate. Nothing else just fate and that was why he hated it: he had been lied to about everything even love, his life was a living lie.

You may ask why he needed his trust but as said, that question was not as simple to be answered as it seemed but to the man who had raised the eleven Prince, it was. It almost seemed like he did not care about his existence, his happiness or freedom, he only seemed to find joy in waiting for his time to strike.

Legolas sat down on a rock, his leg out in front of him and his head high. He seemed to enjoy listening out for any sounds or any sounds that the white wizard may have created.

Legolas sighed and stood up "...I can't hear anything" He muttered, not looking at Aragorn. He had been very much flustered ever since Aragorn had kissed him, every time he looked at him or any time they made accidental eye contact he would blush and look away.

And Aragorn knew it, in some was the human found it incredibly adorable not saying that he still was not slightly mad at the poor elf. Aragorn sighed, he had been very worked up lately about what Legolas had said to him:

I-I...I should never have existed" He muttered just clearly enough for him to hear. Aragorn's whole body tensed and his heart broke into a million pieces and he watched him begin to walk towards the shore.

He could still remember exactly how he felt in that moment as those words slipped out of the broken princes mouth. He could physically remember his heart shattering into a million pieces, the shards graining at his insides and a stone like lump building up in his throat, feeling like he was being choked.

Why on earth would Legolas want to die? Aragorn wondered, he just saw no reason for it, there had been no signs that the would ever feel that way and no reason to die but ever since that moment on the lake, he felt as if he hardly knew he friend. There was more to him than what meets the eye.

Yes that was true, he admitted, but I mean for that to change very soon.

And Legolas thought the same, he did not want anymore lies between them, no arguments, nothing. If they were going to be friends then they better act like it. In reality, Aragorn has done so many things for him and he needs to repay him somehow. He felt selfish.

Legolas clenched his fists, he had made up his mind.


I'm lazy I know
