


But no help was needed. Legolas stood there watching as blood dribbled out of the gaps in Haldir's fingers as they clamped around his nose. Legolas's eyes were wide open in shock and he took a step back. He spoke with the most venomous tone Aragorn had ever come out of his mouth. He sounded menacing, malicious and his words dropped out of his mouth, full of undeniable hatred "Don't you dare!...If you really hated me that much then you should have just left me there while you had the chance! Then I would not be forced to enter or leave your idiot settlement ever again!..." -Legolas

Legolas began walking away "Tell your treehouse friends I said hi!" Haldir shouted after him. When Legolas did not reply, he huffed walked off in another direction.

As Legolas walked off into the distance, he wondered if he would return. Aragorn slid down against the tree and put his head in his hands. He did not want to see his friend gone without them...


3rd person PoV:

Aragorn walked, he was searching for Legolas, whom he had not seen for a few hours since the incident. Trees passed him like arrows, quicker and quicker he sped for the more he got worried.

When he saw a figure sitting on a log close by, he stopped. It was Legolas. His golden hair was covering his face, lazily and his pearl-blue yes stared up at the sky. The log that he sat on was hollow, it's perimeter thin, if it was not an elf sitting on the log it would have broken instantly. Aragorn stood and pondered, for not seeing his friend in hours he felt ashamed.

Remembering the encounter he witnessed, he felt like a stalker, only watching his beautiful friend and stupidly staring at him like a crazed man in love. (Hahaha 'like')

Why was he nervous?

The human walked forwards, to when he was only a few feet away and smiled "Legolas, I have been looking for you for a long while now, what are you doing?" He said, adding as much concern into his tone as he could muster.

"Just admiring the forest, of course" Legolas stated and continued to look up at the trees.

Aragorn steppes forwards so that he was blocking Legolas's view. For Legolas, the chirping of the birds seemed to have stopped and he looked up at Aragorn. Aragorn, again, addressed the elf "It is late, we are all worried about you, come back with me"

Aragorn hoped he would agree. Why would his friend leave them, alone? He would obviously not leave them even if his life depended on it.

Would he?

"As I said Aragorn, I am admiring the forest, I will come back when I am ready" Legolas repeated with a more stern tone.

"Come back with me now, I have been searching for hours and I do not wish to return without your company" Aragorn said and held out his hand for Legolas to take. Legolas looked up at Aragorn with a flustered look on his face and grabbed Aragorn's hand with his own bloodied one.

Aragorn eyed his hand with a plan. He would not lie if he asked, would he? "What happened to your hand?" He asked, testing their trust. But he knew he was going to lie, he was not exactly going to say: 'oh, that was from when I punched Haldir in the face after he threatened me to leave and quit the fellowship...nO bIg DeAl!'

He was right of course: Legolas took his hand away and muttered "It's nothing, I-I fell and hurt my hand"

Aragorn sighed and wiped away the blood with the hem of his sleeve. Even after he had wiped away the blood and found nothing, he continued to hold his soft hand. He stared at it intently as if his life depended on it.

"I can explain" Legolas started.

"No you don't need to, I have realised that now" Aragorn said and dropped his hand, so that it fell back down to Legolas's side. The human turned around and began to walk away, betrayed.

Aragorn was not angry, he just felt as if his trust had been broken. He had sworn to Legolas that he would protect him yet in return, the trust he thought was between them felt thin. Thin was also his temper so what was he to do if Legolas angered him further? Would he mistakenly tell him to leave? That was why he was walking away...

But no, Legolas had the audacity the gently walk to wards him and grab his shoulder, roughly. But it wasn't his fault.

"What?!" Aragorn snapped and turned around with annoyance in his eyes. He had lost his temper. Legolas took a shaky step back and opened his mouth to say something but Aragorn had cut him off "I thought you trusted me!"

It was not like Legolas had ever seen Aragorn this angry so his voice was understandably shaky "...I do Aragorn. But, it just-"

"Blood, elf blood that has come from someone's veins, yes I am quite familiar with that substance" Aragorn said, cutting him off.

Legolas was shocked "But Aragorn, it IS only blood, I do not understand why you are getting so worried!" Legolas yelled.

"Yeah, yes it only blood no big deal" Aragorn muttered sarcastically and stared straight into his azure eyes before speaking again "...So are you going to come with me or are you going to leave?"

"You saw us fight?..." Aragorn nodded "Then why did you ask me in the first place?!" Legolas yelled. Now it was his turn to get angry.

"Trust. That's precisely the point of my argument, I wanted to see if you could trust me didn't I? Know that I know that you can't trust me, who are you going to talk to then?" Aragorn questioned and glanced at him again before walking off back in the direction of the fellowship.

Aragorn feared that he would not follow but after a while he heard soft footsteps behind him. Though Legolas could not see it, Aragorn softly smiled to himself, It was not his fault, he just couldn't hold it back.

Now, Aragorn could begin to smell the trust form between them unlike a certain elf who couldn't smell anything at all with a broken and heavily bleeding nose. That elf could only smell his inner stupidity...
