Tomorrow's dream

⚠️Aragorn is a good cook apparently⚠️


"Eowyn, Eomer, I need you to look after Fabian, Fuyu and the others" Haldir ordered, looking up at her pleadingly "Please I need to focus" He said, holding the needle firmly in his hand this time.

Eowyn looked at him and nodded turning around to walk away though Haldir quickly called her "Can you take Fabian over to the others please?" He asked and motioned towards Fabian who was sitting at Legolas's side, frozen in place while staring down at Legolas with pierced eyes slowly leaking tears. He looked traumatised.

She nodded silently and walked over to Fabian.

3rd person PoV:

"You should rest" Haldir said after he had successfully stitched and bandaged up the wound at Legolas's side. It had been a couple of hours since the commotion had begun and with the sun beginning to rise, they felt the rush to gain as much of the little sleep that could, while they could and this time with someone on watch.

Legolas groaned and nodded his head, feeling slightly nauseous but he did not close his eyes "Legolas..." Aragorn said from next to him. Legolas turned his head "...You need to rest. It will help heal your wound"

Legolas brought the blanket around him up to his chin, feeling anxious with the two pairs of eyes staring at him expectantly. Haldir noticed this and looked away towards Fabian, who was sitting against the tree, fiddeling with his hands and staring off into space "I will go and check on Fabian, he looks quite shaken up over all of this" He said and strode off towards Fabian without another word.

Aragorn lay his cloak down next to Legolas and lay down on top of it. He turned onto his side to face Legolas, who was staring up at the slowly fading stars with glistening eyes. He placed his rough hand on top of Legolas's and gently caressed his fingers against the smoother skin on the elf's hand "Are you okay, Legolas?" Aragorn asked.

Legolas continued to stare up into the fading darkness with a few tears building up in his eyes, revealing them by the first light of the morning sun peaking through the gaps on the leafless branches "Of course I am not okay Estel..." Legolas said, still not looking at the man "...We saved Fabian, we saved them all so why am I not happy again?..." He said, silent tears falling from his eyes and caressing the fair skin on his cheek as he choked back a pained sob.

"...Why do I still have to express these emotions that if I were still a normal elf, I could easily hide? I killed the man that had inflicted pain on us all, that caused me to express my emotions in the first place yet I just cannot go back to normal can I? I just want to be normal again, have a normal life and for the people in it to not suffer like I did and because of me" Legolas said biting his lip to stop a sob from escaping.

Aragorn felt a bit taken aback by his confession, though he reached a hand out to stroke the elf's golden hair, comfortingly. Even with his hands stroking his hair and staring at the beautiful creature before him with loving eyes, Legolas did not look at him once, he just continued to stare up into the sky as if it were the only thing getting him through all of this. Though it wasn't, Aragorn was the one.

"Legolas..." Aragorn said "...Nobody expects you to change instantly and you are not causing anybody pain at the slightest. You were just stabbed Legolas, I think you need to rest now. Sleeping will not only help heal your wound but it will also clear your head of those thoughts for now. Promise me, you will feel better once you wake up"

Legolas gave him a side glance and nodded his head, not saying another word as he painfully turned on his side, facing away from the man as he gradually and reluctantly fell asleep.


The next morning, Legolas awoke to the smell of fresh soup. He groaned as he opened his eyes and shifted most of his weight to his arm as he pushed himself up, his other hand clutching at the stab wound on his side.

He looked around and the first thing he noticed was Aragorn cooking vegetable soup next to a small open fire and a stack of bread next to it. Fabian, Fuyu, Cassius, Corvus, Fern, Freda, Dari, Eowyn, Gimli, Eomer and Haldir were all gathered around, munching on the bread and sipping the soup. They were keeping a small conversation going, mostly to help the seven who were rescued to understand that communication was okay, since Mattsuke had obviously told them otherwise hence them being so quiet all the time.

Aragorn seemed to be a good cook, telling by the smell of it and it must have been better than Eowyns since they were all eating it even when piping hot (Do you drink or eat soup?). Aragorn looked over to him, noticing he was up. He smiled and waved him over "Legolas come on over, I made soup!" He said.

"I did not know that you could cook" Legolas mocked. It was true that he was feeling slightly better than the day before, both mentally and physically. Though maybe waking up to the smell of soup was the reason for his happier mood. (I don't even like soup lol. It was just the first thing that I thought of)

"Hey" Aragorn said, pouting jokingly as he poured Legolas a bowl of soup.

Legolas gradually made his way over to the man, hardly holding back a laugh as he watched Fabian grab the soup out of Aragorn's hands and limping over to him himself, some of the soup spilling from the edge of the bowl "L-Legolas..." Fabian said, wincing slightly as he struggled to stay standing with his broken ribs and abused body "...Are you okay?" He asked, cringing slightly as a droplet if the boiling soup spilt on the edge of his hand.

Legolas forced a smile on his face despite his worry for the elf "I am fine Fabian..." He said as he gently took the soup from Fabian's hands "...You should sit down, you are still injured"

Fabian nodded and guided himself back to where he was sitting with his head slightly tilted down. Legolas followed after him, sitting down next to his taller friend. To put it simply, Legolas was worried for Fabian. He would never usually act without reserve but now it seemed as though his wall had broken and all of his emotions were spiralling out of control, condemning him to act how he would, feel how he would without a care.

It was just how he had acted when he had escaped, only much worse. Someone would have to truly break him to make him act like this and Legolas would dread the day when he would have to tell Fabian the truth about their homeland. It would only break him more and Fabian was like a glass of water sitting on the edge of a surface and with every truth be brought to him, the glass would slip further to the edge until it would fall off and shatter, the water spilling out as quick as his emotions would and running away from the broken glass, leaving him an empty shell, forced to slowly piece himself together or let himself fall apart.

He did not want Fabian to go through that.

Shut up about welsh cakes princeofdarkess   lol, I prefer my paninis

Also once my dog leaned into a selfie that these people were taking and smiled.
She likes having her photo taken. It's funny lol
