
Welcome to "Bleed him" a story in which the majority of the characters cling onto Aragorn for emotional support

I just wanted to let you know that this is set before lotr and Aragorn hasn't met Legolas yet

My third aralas 🥳

Enjoy and comment your thoughts on it so far if you want to :),


⚠️ Blood ⚠️

I can guarantee that 90% of you won't make it to the end of this story


Aragorn's PoV:

Growing up knowing that you would be king one day is not what most people want. Being that one person with a crown on there head with a city full of people who all know your name and face and have high expectations of you. Luckily my day had not come yet where I would rule, in fact, it wouldn't be a long time so I had a while to gather my thoughts and push the nervousness built up inside of me, out of my system.

Nobody should be brought up like this. Not many people have to endure the pressure of this lifestyle and not many people know how it feels to be surrounded by men and elves alike giving you tips and reminding you of your fate when you were still...only young. And being young didn't last forever, one day you will grow old and wither away and you would be forgotten, your name turning into legend and your body? Just a pile of bones buried in the ground.

That is why I spend my limited days as a ranger, exploring the lands of middle earth and going under the name of 'strider' before everyone realises it was a lie and notices my true name as Aragorn son of Arathorn and heir to the throne of Gondor.

I wore my most comfortable cloak on my journeys, it was worn down and torn at some ends from all of my adventuring and if I ever needed to, I would use the hood to cover my face if ever came a time of recognition. Smiling at this, I held my cloak For comfort as I walked through a dense and slightly eerie forest that I had stumbled upon by accident.

I had entered the forest a bit too over excited, eager to get away from the chatting of humans. I walked for what seemed like hours until I realised The dreading thought that I could be lost. So at this particular moment, frustration was the only emotion that I was feeling as I tried to find any noticeable trees that I might have passed on my way in, but with no luck. I felt as if the cobwebbed and surprisingly grey trees were moving around me, joking and mocking my every frustrating step I took in this growingly creepy forest.

All I could hear was my own footsteps crunching against the various twigs and fallen leaves, that had shrivelled and turned grey under the canopy of the trees that blocked any path of sunlight. There was no smell of old wood or fresh air, instead, it would be remotely surprising if I smelt anything alive in this forest that could distinctively help me find my way back to reality. (I feel like I am writing this in a PoV of a sniffer dog lol)

I continued to walk, with no hope and begging with all my being that I would not die in this forest until I heard something. I could not precisely recognise what sound I was hearing so I furrowed my eyebrows and strained my ears to look out for any sound at all that could connect to the sound of the first one.

The sound of twigs snapping behind me broke the silence and I whipped my head around expecting to see an animal of some sort, but It did not come to that. Instead, my eyes were met with an arrow pointing right in the middle of my eyes, only a mere inch away. I huffed out a sigh of relief and I put up my hands not yet seeing the owner of the weapon "Who are you? Why did you enter this forest?" A male voice said, sounding quite calm to be standing in the midst of a haunting forest.

"I am Strider and I come in peace"

He sighed "Real name"

"Aragorn" I said hesitant to give my name away due to him being a stranger but since he's had an arrow pointing at my head I couldn't think otherwise. He slightly stopped for a second.

"And why are you here?" He repeated.

"I could ask you the same question"

He pushed the arrow closer to my face "This forest is under the protection of King Thranduil and is ridden with evil, it isn't wise to go wandering around these trees you could meet anything"

"Ridden with evil?" I said sarcastically not surprised the slightest hearing that news.

"Yes" he said with a monotone tone.

"Okay, you have done enough interrogating, please can you lower your bow?" I asked as politely as I could.

He huffed slightly and lowered his bow all the while, slinging his arrow back into its holder. For the first time, I got a good look at him, he had golden hair that went below his shoulder, azure eyes and sharp pointy ears. I noticed that he had a slim frame and was leaning most of his weight on his right leg rather than the other. I grew concerned and looked back up at his pale face but not daring to ask a question until he spoke: "Why are you here?" He repeated, his lips quivering as if questioning his own words.

"I simply wandered too far into the woods and couldn't find my way back. Why are you here?" I asked just as concerned as he was of me.

"It is no matter to you"

"Fair enough. What is your name then?" I asked hoping to identify the elf just in case I see him in the future.

"Legolas son of Thranduil" Yes I could see the resemblance. Again I wasn't surprised the slightest but I asked just to verify.

"You're the Kings son?" He nodded and I shifted my gaze back to his seemingly wounded leg, he must've noticed my eye movement and added more weight onto his leg, I saw his handshake "Your hurt" I whispered slightly.

"I am fine, it is just a scratch" He muttered.

"Even if it is just a scratch it could get infected"

"I can handle it" He said stubbornly.

I noticed a crimson liquid drip down from his legging. I hadn't noticed until now but there was a patch of red on his leg that didn't match with the colour of his leggings. He was bleeding "Your bleeding, it looks serious. Please let me help" I said determinedly.

I took a step forward and he took a step back, in what I could imagine was fear or pain, I didn't understand "I can handle it myself" He said louder, continuing to walk backwards.

I stopped and reached out my hand Instead, noticing his fear of my incoming footsteps "I am not going to hurt you, I only want to heal your wound otherwise it will get worse"

"Leave me alone!" He said more loudly than before with a quiver in his voice.

"Why?!" I yelled just as loudly. I was confused, to say the least, nobody would usually refuse help when offered. But he was different I guess.

"I don't know you!"

"And I don't refuse to help people!"

"I DON'T NEED HELP!" He shouted pain in his voice as a tear slipped down his cheek, my eyes widened. Suddenly his legs gave way so I ran forwards and caught him, leaning his light and unconscious body towards the floor. I lay him down and stroked his hair comfortingly before moving down to his wounded leg as if by instinct.

I pulled up the fabric and cringed at the sight of his leg. The wound was deep and nearly went to his bone, I only wondered what foul creature could cause such a thing. I took out my drinking bottle and tore off a piece of my beloved cloak to clean the wound. Once I had stitched and bandaged up the wound, I checked his temperature.


It had been a while since I had healed his wound and he was yet to wake up so I sat there observing the unconscious body of the strange elf. I stared as his lips began to quiver and he clutched something around his wrist. Curiously, I opened up his hand to reveal a necklace, that had been tied around his wrist with a shining pendant of a star. I smiled and slipped it off of his wrist, clipping it around his neck.

Not only that was he hiding, but a single cut that ran up his pointer finger, right to the tip. I frowned and watched as blood dribbled down from the wound and onto the palm of his hand. I took out the wet cloth again and cleaned the wound, only needing to bandage the shallow cut as it would heal quickly.
