
As I walked through the windy night, I couldn't help but welcome in the anticipation at the thought of seeing Harry as I passed by. It was dark, so the lights inside would help me catch a glimpse of him and I wouldn't be struggling with the tinted windows as I would have in the daylight.

I arrived the the shop's corner and couldn't control the impulse to drop my shoulders and blow out a breath of disappointment after noticing that Harry wasn't inside. He must be at the back like he was two days ago.

Now, I walked a bit faster, not caring as much anymore.

The grocery store's parking lot was nearly empty and I was grateful. It meant I wouldn't wait for the two out of ten cash registers that were open, to not be filled with a long line of grumpy customers.

The store wasn't any warmer than the outside, but at least there was no cold wind picking at my skin.

I was more than familiar to the path that would lead me to the chips and in no time, I was standing in front of a variety of selections. However, I went to my usual as well as Anne's.

"That was fast," a familiar voice spoke up and I looked to my left to find an amused looking Harry staring at me. "Usually I take forever trying to decided what crisps I want," he chuckled.

I smiled, mentally thanking whoever set this up. "I come here often," I shrugged.

"How's the tattoo doing?" His eyes trailed down to my wrist and I held it up. "Oh, it healed nicely," he admired with a grin.

"Yeah, I just-"

"Harry, you always seem to get stuck in this isle," a girl spoke from behind him. He spun around and I didn't miss the smile he gave her as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"There's a lot to choose from, love."

They finally moved enough so that I could see her fine features and wavy, burgundy hair. The tattoos on her arm were more than visible. They led up her arm and seemed to finish on her back, but it was hard to tell with her hair in the way. Her brown eyes twinkled up at him before he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

They seemed to go well together. She had that edge to her, daring and exciting and it mirrored Harry so perfectly that it hurt to watch.

It was like a punch to the gut, so much so that I had to look away. It felt as if I was invading their moment and the sickening feeling only made it worse. Now, I mentally scolded the fuck out of whoever set this up. The bags in my hand made noises as I realized that my grip on them had become tight.

But it was enough to alert her and remind him of my presence.

"How rude of me," Harry shook his head. "Jane, this is Selene. Selene, this is my girlfriend, Jane"

She looked at me, her eyes running me down before something sparked inside them. "Oh! The girl who passed out," she nodded in acknowledgement.

My eyes flickered over to Harry who looked down at Jane in disapproval at her choice of words.

Great. I had become the laughing stock of a couple. Who knows who else he had made me a joke of with?

"That's me," I remarked dryly; my smile feeling more forced that ever. Harry's expression read that he was sorry and there was even a hint of pity. Not-so-plain- Jane had that of masked innocence. As if she had no idea as to what wrong she could have said.

The atmosphere went to a whole new level of awkward. Deciding that I didn't want to push this further, I gave them a small nod before turning on my heel and heading towards the register. There were a few harsh whispers behind me, but I couldn't make out what they were saying and frankly, I just wanted to disappear.

"Is this all?" The cashier mumbled as she packed the chips in a bag.

I nodded absentmindingly, "Yeah."

I left quicker than I came. The air nipped at my skin again and I wish that I had worn more than shorts made out of sweat pants material and a flimsy jacket.

The tall frame that came into view out of no where startled me, making me crash against it before hands held me steady. "I'm sorry," Harry breathed out as he helped me compose my balance.


"I'm sorry for almost making you tumble down," he chuckled softly. But his playful demeanor was replaced with sincerity after he realized that I wasn't laughing. "And for what my girlfriend said. She didn't mean to be inconsiderate."

I shook my head, trying to step around him, but he quickly blocked my path. "Harry," I began. But I couldn't even glance up at him, my attention was at the pavement next to his shoes.

"Look at me," he pleaded.

I obliged, "She's not the one who took light of a situation that had been hurting all day and told someone else, seeing as other people's troubles come to be the best jokes to tell. Is that the best part about working in a tattoo shop? Being able to exploit people's conversations?"

Harry shook his head, his hands running through his hair. "No!" He bagan. "I said it to her because it had worried me to see someone so upset to the point where it all became too much that they just- they just broke. Under my needle. I didn't mean for it to be something to be taken lightly, and I didn't mean to take your business else where," he explained. "She's the person I trust because she's my girlfriend and I confide in her."

There was a pinch in my chest. It was that stupid feeling of jealousy and this time it was different because I was jealous of stupid Jane.

"It's whatever, Harry. I have to get back anyway." I stepped around him and this time, he didn't stop me.

If this was a perfect world and if Harry was mine, he would have gripped my arm, spun me around and crashed his lips unto mine. But it's not and he's not.

He's Jane's.


A/N: Holy shit. Idk why, but this chapter was my absolute favourite to write so far!

If you guys have any suggestions of what could happen in the story, don't be shy to comment. I would love to involve you guys in the process of writing this book because you've been so supportive, but don't worry. It won't be so much so that it changes the plot of what I have planned for this story.

If your suggestion sparks an interest, I'll dedicate that chapter to you. Your suggestions don't just have to be on this chapter, it could be in the upcoming ones as well so they'll vary (:


