
Louis: I had fun last night (;

Can't wait to taste you again...

I smiled at the thought of his lips on me.

Me: Mmm... let's hope it's sometime soon


Nine hours earlier

Needless to say, there was no sign of Harry for the next four days. Which wasn't surprising considering how we left things off.

Anne insisted that as much as it stung at first, I had to remember that one night stands were meant to be this way. They required no emotional attachment whatsoever; otherwise, they would result in messes such as this one.

Actually, it didn't seem like Harry had the same problem as I did because despite his messages from over a week ago, he didn't follow up after our last encounter.

I had made sure not to be under any circumstance that would result in bumping into him. Which is why, if Anne and I needed something from the store, I would take the long way around the other street.

But in the end, I decided that the best way to move one, was to simply talk to other people. Considering the fact that Harry and I weren't actually a thing, it wouldn't me so much as to move on than it was to simply dismiss it for what it was.

That's why, I texted Louis. A large part of me missed his little texts and I was curious to see what he had been up to. He replied a few hours later, explaining that he was working, but now was free for the rest of the afternoon.

We started sending friendly texts that turned into cute texts and then somehow ended up making my cheeks burn even though there wasn't anything vulgar about them. It was more of the idea that I was just casually flirting with this hot person and that his responses were more than thrilling.

Finally, he sent a text asking if I wanted to meet up with him and get to know each other personally. I agreed, honestly wanting to try something new; reminding myself that I was a grown woman who was capable of making my own decisions and if I wanted to meet someone from an app, then so be it.

After a number of messages going back and forth where I shot the suggestion of him picking me up because I remembered the city on my Tinder profile wasn't my actual city- I didn't tell him that though- and he was still technically a stranger, we finally decided to meet in a well known park that met halfway between 'my city' and his.

Anne was more than encouraging, telling me that this was another step towards letting go and just being free. She even suggested I wear something casual and cool after checking the weather over there and even offered to give me a ride because she was only here on her lunch break. I told her that I would rather take bus, so that she would have time to eat, but she countered with eating in the car; which was unsafe, but Anne didn't play by the rules- or the law apparently.

We got in the car, I was starting to get nervous. Anne must have sensed it because she began telling me a story of a guy she met  online, how they hooked up, and how it didn't turn into something creepy even though it didn't progress from there.

She didn't regret it; it just became something like a check on a bucket list. Another experience that left a bittersweet reminder.

I couldn't be more grateful to have a friend like Anne. My nerves had settled and now it was just that warm feeling in my stomach.

She parked the car a street down from the park.

"Anne you still have to go a bit-" her hand cut me off. She took a bite out of the sandwich I made her before stuffing a chip.

She was chewing slowly, making me itch with anxiety.

Finally, she swallowed, "We have to spot him first to make sure it's him."

My mouth formed an 'o' at the clever idea before I turned to look at the park. It was hard to see anything further down the path that made an 's' so I checked the time. We had agreed to meet five minutes ago.

"Texth 'im," Anne said with a stuffed mouth.

Me: Hey

I'm here, but I don't see you

He replied shortly after.

Louis: I'm walking to the front now

I looked up to see more green before finally spotting a figure dressed in black.

"Ohf mah Gud-" a piece of chip fell out of Anne's stuffed mouth. I looked back to see Louis glancing around for me. "Thath's it-" she chewed before swallowing. "I'm going back to Tinder."

I laughed before opening the car door, "Thanks, Anne."

She shrugged, "Sandwich paid for itself. But hey-" she peered from the window as I crouched down to see her. "Anything goes wrong, you call me. I'll make up some lame excuse or something and I will come get you. If we need to beat him up, press the letter 'b' and I'll bring Liam too-"

"Bye, Anne," I laughed. I was a few feet away when she honked at me, making me look back.

'I'm serious,' she mouthed. It was hard to take her seriously though because she had crumbs on her mouth. I gestured at it before she checked herself.

We waved goodbye before I began walking towards the park. I wouldn't be surprised if Louis had already seen me thanks to Anne.

But when I approached the front, he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

He's wearing black, Selene. How hard is it to spot him?

I looked around for a few more minutes, failing to see him again.

Maybe he didn't like how I look in person and left?

I shook my head at the negative thoughts that began to settle in the corner of my mind before deciding to just dial his number instead of making myself feel worse.

He picked up on the first ring, "Hey."

"Hey," I smiled as I felt him smile on the other end. "I um- I don't see you."

He blew out a laugh, swallowing before saying, "Turn around."
