
It was that same evening that the doctor allowed my dad to go home. She said that his heart attack was due to something that had upset him, but that it wasn't tied to any direct diseases or other health problems.

I asked him what had set the attack off, but he simply shook his head and told me that he didn't want to talk about it. In fear of upsetting him, I dropped the subject.

Now, we sat around the dining table. My dad was eager to eat anything besides hospital food, but my mother had to make sure he ate healthy. After all, he had just been released.

"So tell me, Sunshine" my dad spoke in between bites. The old nickname he had for me made my stomach flutter. "Any lucky fellow?"

I almost choked on my broccoli, "Uh. Not exactly." I didn't even want to look at Justin's reaction, but curiosity got the better of me.

His fork had stopped and his tongue swept the inside of his cheek. His jaw clenched afterwards.

"What does that mean?" My mom asked.

I felt my shoulders shrug. "Well, I haven't been looking for anyone, really," I lied. "I just kind of like doing my own thing."

My dad smiled proudly at me. "That's my girl."

"What is that on your wrist?" In confusion, I stared at my mom before looking at my wrist. "The other one, Selene."

"Oh!" Crap. "Yeah, I got it for my birthday. Anne got one too."

My mother already had her face in her hands. "Calm down, Marlene. She's old enough to do what she wants," my dad argued. "She's been responsible enough to pay her bills and live on her own. If she wants to tattoo her skin," he shrugged. "Then so be it."

"I think it's cute," Justin chimed in. Of course he'd agreed, his body had more ink than anything.

Looking at the small tattoo reminded me of the person responsible for it. Then it reminded me of Tinder... and then it reminded me of Louis.

"I just don't want her to mess up her beautiful skin," my mom replied with a sad tone. She looked disappointed at my decision, but I was old enough to do as I pleased.

I wouldn't change my decision if I had the chance to. That night was the night that I met Harry. But of course, it had also been the night I embarrassed myself in front of Harry.

"It's a small one. Besides, remeber how much she loved to sing around the house?"

My mother rested her chin on the palm of her hand, "She did, didn't she?" Slowly, a smile rose from her lips.

It only became harder and harder to believe that they were the ones that had kicked me out two years ago.

"Well, I think I'm going to get some rest. Dad, you should too," I said as I got up. I put my dish in the sink before returning.

"She's right," my mom said. "After dinner, you should go lie down."

He nodded in agreement, returning to his plate like my mom did with her own. Justin looked at me, but I couldn't decipher what emotion covered his face.

I bid them good night and hurried up the stairs. My hand fumbled in my back pocket before pulling my phone out.

It amazed me how fast I tapped to open the app before scrolling through the pile of messages.

Me: You still there?
