
H a r r y ' s  P.O.V.

The tattoo shop didn't have as many clients as Lance and I had hoped it would. My mother had warned us, but Lance was ambitious and driven. I guess it's why my mother had taken interest in him. Despite the odds stacked against us, Lance had shown more than once that he wasn't one to give up.

"Harry, I'm gonna need you to finish cleaning the supplies. The last thing we need is a lawsuit for sanitary infractions."

I nodded my head and did as he told. Jane was supposed to meet me here in a few minutes, but I was sure I'd finish up quickly. 

"Hey, did we get the new ink and stencils? Larry told me they were supposed to arrive some time today," I said thoughtfully. The shop where we got most of our supplies from were our go-to. Except, this time, they were late with our order- which was unusual of them considering we were their number one buyers.

Lance sighed in disappointment, "Larry called me this morning. He said it would take two more days. Something about the shipment fucking up half-way."

"Shit," I mumbled. "We don't have enough for two more days-"

"Well we don't have enough to stay out of business for two days," he sighed. "Good news is, we're getting one third of our money back for the delay. The best we can do right now is hope that we get enough customers to make up for yesterday, but not so many that we run out of ink or stencils. That incident fucked us up more than anything."

My head nodded as I remembered losing half our supplies because some asshole broke in. "I've finished with the cleaning. Jane's coming any minute, now."

A grumble came from Lance. "You still with that girl?"

"What's wrong with Jane?" The only thing that pissed me off from him was his disapproval of Jane. Drove me mad.

He shrugged, "She just seems a little insincere sometimes. Like she pretends to be someone she's not." I leaned back in my chair, watching as he put some stuff away with his back to me. "Maybe she just tries too hard with you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He didn't answer because it was then that Jane came in through the back.

Her hair was picked up, which kind of annoyed me because I liked it when her hair brushed against her back. "Hey, babe."

She gave me a quick kiss in response before smiling at Lance. "Hey, Lance."

"Hi, Jane." He didn't even try. 

I got up, pulling her in before looking down at her. She was beautiful. "Ready to go?"


"Need anything else?" I asked I grabbed my jacket. Lance shook his head and waved us off.

We got in the car and I hadn't even turned it on when Jane questioned if Lance had something against her. 

"Why do you ask?"

The light from the street allowed me to see her frown, "He just seems so cold towards me. I don't know if it's something I did or..."

My hand reached out. Her hands were always so cold, "Hey. There's nothing to worry about. He just has a tough exterior, that's all."

"You think so?" she mumbled softly. I brought her hand up to kiss the back of it.

"I know so. " Maybe giving her a little white lie would hurt less than the truth.

I drove out the parking lot and towards the diner down the street. Not many people went because they preferred the ones in the city, so it was perfect for a midnight drive.

"Harry?" She spoke after while.


"When are you going to ask me to marry you?" 

My foot almost hit the brakes, but I managed to remain steady. "Um, I hadn't-" I scratched the back of my neck. This topic wasn't an easy one for me. "I don't think it's a good idea." We had been down this path so many times, but she always brought it back up. "The shop isn't-"

"You're always blaming the shop, Harry. You use it as an excuse and I need you to stop. Tell me why you won't marry me. Do you not love me, do you not want me? Just tell me," she sighed.

"Jane," I warned. "You know how much I love you, but-" I grimaced.

"But what?" Maybe I was being a coward, but I couldn't look at her right now. 

"But I don't want to get married. It seems like such a drag to do all that work just to prove that two people love each other. It shouldn't be so fucking hard, you know?"

"That's it? You don't want to get married because you're too lazy to do so?" When she put it like that it sounded fucked up.

A red light made me look at her, "I'm only twenty-two, Jane." I tried to reason with her.  The three years she beat me with were three years that I planned to make the most of with the shop and then maybe take a few classes. "Listen," I hesitated. "I know how much getting married means to you, I really do. But I just can't."

She swallowed down whatever words were meant to be thrown at me. "You know," she began in monotone. "I was supposed to get married at twenty-five," she sniffed. "I am twenty-six, living in a shitty apartment that reeks because my neighbors are fucking potheads and I can't even rely on my own fucking boyfriend because he's young and lazy."

"Jane!" I moved the car to the curb after she hastily got out and slammed the door. "Jane, stop!"

With great reluctance, she stopped and turned to look at me. It was cold and she wasn't wearing a jacket. However, she threw a curve ball at me. Completely making me stop from giving her my jacket from the car. "What do you see us doing in five years?"

I blinked. "What?" If anything, I had been ready to run after her if she took off sprinting. 

"What do you see us doing in five years?" She slowly repeated. I could tell she was getting angry at me.

My mouth opened and closed like the fuking idiot I was. "I don't- I don't know. Everything's just fucked up right now."

She nodded her head in mock understanding. "I was so wrong about you," she bit. "I should have listened to my mom; she warned me about guys like you. No clue, no passion, and no future."

Her words were a major blow, "Hey," I whispered softly, trying to inch myself closer to her despite the sting of her words. But she stepped back, recoiling as soon as my hands touched her skin.

"You could have said anything and I would have been fine with it knowing that at least you saw us together. But you have no fucking clue as to what you want."

"Jane, please," I tried. 

"I want to get married, I want to have kids and I want to live in a nice house."


"No!" She yelled. Her face was red, even in the darkness I was able to see that. "Ask me to marry you right now, or I'm fucking done with you and your bullshit!" Tears pooled in her eyes, hands shaking, but I couldn't do what she wanted.

I would have been lying if I told her that I'd wanted her to marry me. "Jane, I want you. I swear that I fucking want you. And I love you. I love you so fucking much... but what you're asking-"

"We're done, Harry." She shook her head. I reached out for her- wrapping my arms around her, face burying into her neck. 

"Stop," I begged like a fucking child. "Stop, stop, stop. Don't. Please." I felt her struggling to release herself from my grip. She pushed and punched and kicked but I wasn't giving up.

Her body finally stopped fighting, but I didn't let go. She still felt tense.

Something was wrong and if she had thrown a curve ball before, then her next words were a fucking punch to the gut. "I'm pregnant," she choked out on my shoulder. My body froze, but hers began to shake in silent cries. "I'm pregnant, Harry," she repeated softly.

The words slowly sunk in. I let her go, eyes wide in shock and disbelief, "But I've-" holy fuck. Everything came tumbling down. Is this why she wanted me to marry her so desperately? Perhaps her parents would do something if she did something out of marriage. My head shook those thoughts back, "I've always made sure to be safe. You know I'm cautious everytime we-"

Her head shook, choking out broken sobs as her fingers tugged hard at her hair. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Harry. So fucking sorry, I'm sorry."

I blinked a few times, my mouth feeling dry and throat patched as fuck. The worst she could've done was ruin a condom in a desperate attempt to make me marry her. Yet, I wasn't even angry at that. I didn't know what I was feeling at the moment. It was just a lot to process. My mind was spinning in different directions, trying to figure out what to say.

Her attempt didn't make me hate her or anything. Maybe it disappointed me that she would do something so drastic and selfish.

"You're not alone, Jane," I finally said. Holy shit what the actual fuck is happening? My hands rubbed my face repeatedly. Maybe I was trying to wake myself up, "I'll- I'll use the money I had saved up for my univers-"

She cried even harder, shaking her head at me. There was guilt in her eyes. I could see it, but I wanted to let her know that I was there for her.

Everyone would flip- shit I was fucking flipping right now. But I had to be strong for her. After all, she was the one creating a human right now. The least I could do was get a fucking grip.

Wow. That was hard to process. She was creating a tiny human right now.

Slowly, she stepped towards me, biting her lip in fright as to what she was going to say.

"It's not yours."


A/N: Plane old Jane told a story about a man who was too afraid to fly, so he never did land...
