
S e l e n e's P.O.V

We were setting up for dinner when my dad finally came downstairs, "Who's this?" The question wasn't rude, he looked quite amused actually.

His hand met Harry's as I introduced them both.

"If you don't mind, he's staying for dinner."

"That's lovely," my dad smiled.

They took a seat as my mom and I set the plates down in front of them. I should say, I set it for my dad and she set it for Harry.

The awkwardness must have been painfully obvious because Harry's eyes darted between my parents before he gave me a questioning look.

I shook my head and mouthed later.

We had begun eating, when the front door opened and closed as Justin came from around the corner, "I knew I smelled something nice."

My lips pursed as I took a seat next to Harry who was giving me an odd look.

"Oh," Justin paused as his eyes met the person sitting next to me. "We've got company."

"Yes," my dad answered. "This is Harry... Selene's boyfriend, I presume."

Justin's eyes flickered over to Harry and then me, "Is that so?"

I nodded feebly, "Yes." It was weird to say, considering we had just, sort of, talked about it only a few hours ago.

Justin's hostility was well shown in his face as a scowl formed on his previously softened expression.

"So, Harry," my dad began in between bites. "What do you do for a living?"

Harry shuffled in his seat, swallowing down his piece of stake before clearing his throat, "I'm part owner of a tattoo shop." His eyes scanned down his arm, "Hence the tattoos."

A nod was my dad's reply to him, "I see." He quickly tilted his head, "Reminds me of the time when Selene decided to become a writer..."

There was a judgemental look in his eyes that made me wait to catch his eye before giving him a pointed look.

"A writer?" Harry repeated in amusement. I slowly looked to my right to see his cheeky smile. A part of me knew he'd ask questions later.

"So how long have you and Selene been together for? She never really mentioned you," Justin finally pitched in with a shrug.

Harry smiled, "That's alright. She didn't mention she had a little brother."

My fork almost hit my plate.

"How's the stake? I think it needed a bit more salt," my mom piped up.

"Nonesense," Harry argued as he took another bite.

She gave him a flattered smiled, much to my dad's dismay.

"How did you two meet?" Asked my dad. He looked like he was nonchalant about it, but as I noticed the glances he threw at Harry with a set jaw, I could tell how much it was bothering him.

I felt Harry move beside me and I looked over to see him waiting for me to answer.

"Umm... When I got my tattoo done, he was the one to do it actually."

"Oh! How romantic," my mother cooed.

Justin scoffed and rolled his eyes, but as I looked back up at Harry, he had a tint of pink on his cheeks.

I probed, "No charge- birthday gift."

Harry shook his head down at his plate as he chuckled, "You were too cute to charge."

Justin's seat scraped against the floor before he got up and excused himself.

A warm breath covered my right ear, "What's up with your brother?"

Turning my attention to Harry, I sipped on my drink after saying, "He's not my brother."

Harry smirked, "I know."


I'm not sure if this will be my next story (theme and song is Stockholm Syndrome):

What do you guys think? Lol xx

