
I pushed the door open after spotting him inside.

"You returned my phone, didn't you?" His eyes widened in shock before he got up from the familiar sleek black chair and gestured for me to sit in the waiting area.

There wasn't anyone in the shop with him, which was odd considering it was already evening. From the times I've passed by at this hour, I noticed that people were always here.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he shrugged. But it was too late. I saw the flash of guilt.

"Why didn't you just knock on my door and personally hand it over?"

Harry sighed in resignation. He sat down next to me, "I didn't drop it off. I had someone else do it." He continued, "He's a close friend of mine who does weird shit, so-"

Deciding not to press further into the subject, although it was fucking weird, I shook my head.

In silence, we could both feel the lingering topic that hung in front of our faces, screaming to be acknowledged. He was the one to break it.

"She wasn't anyone I knew," he swallowed. "I didn't know what I was doing-" he faltered. "I don't know what I've been doing half the time if I'm honest."

"Harry you don't have to exp-"

"No," he cut me off. "Just listen-" I bit my lip in hesitation, but nodded nonetheless. "After the night when we were together, I thought about how it felt and-" his hand clenched in mid air, "That shit- I don't- I don't know how to explain it, I didn't think I'd feel that way right after a break up. I mean-" he struggled to find the right words.

"It's okay," I lied. "You and I were a one night thing and-" his sharp glare cut me off.

"That's not where I was going."

I swallowed, standing up before it was too late to get him out of my brain. He stood up as well, and when I began to bid him goodbye, he stepped closer, so close that it made me stop before I breathed out a single word.

"Stop," he whispered. I looked up at him like I had do so many times before. His hand rose up slowly before his fingers brushed my cheek. "Don't," he murmured softly.

Falling from my face, his hand closed around my waist, bringing me in close and giving me no time to protest because his chest was already pressed against mine and his breath was already becoming my own.

Slowly, his head came down before stopping. I was confused; I wanted him to kiss me, but when his eyes flickered down to my lips and back at me and when his lips pulled into a soft smirk, I realized what he was doing.

He wanted me to be the one to kiss him.

I pushed up on my toes before tilting my head just enough so that my lips brushed against his own.

A soft groan was emitted by him before his hands trailed down my butt and pulled it into him, so that I made sure I felt just how much this was affecting him.

I pressed hard on his lip, savouring the taste that would burn into my brain. His tongue pushed on my own before his teeth sunk into my lip. It was like that for a while, just his lips on mine and his hands on me.

Then, the thought of how easily it was to peer into the shop creeped into my mind and I pulled away, leaving Harry with slightly parted, now slightly, red lips.

I looked over my shoulder before back at Harry who licked his lips in understanding.

He went over to the door, locking it before taking my hand as I was pulled away in confusion.

When we got through the back where Harry always came from, I realized that we were going in for a more private session. He led us through a door that opened to a very shiny looking bathroom.

The door had just slammed shut when Harry kissed my neck from behind me, his lips feeling heavy as they moved up and down my skin.

My eyes fluttered close before opening them up to be met with the sight of Harry and I pressed up against one another through the very large mirror.

Harry pressed on my back so that I was bent over the sink. His eyes watched mine through our reflection as his hands came around my front and undid my jeans.

Slowly, he pulled them down. My hands were flat against the marble, itching to grasp onto something as I watched Harry unzip his jeans before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a familiar plastic square.

My eyes shut in anticipation, waiting for the soft noises to stop before feeling his hand press down on my back once more, the other coming around to grip onto my waist.

"Look at me, Selene," he said as I felt him push himself into me. I couldn't do as he said, I'd lose any self control I was hanging onto. He pulled out slowly, making my eyes snap open to see his smug expression. "Say my name, Selene," his voice was raspy, almost strained as he pushed in slowly once more.

My mouth could only gasp at the feeling, but after not obliging, he began pulling back out again. I stared at Harry's awaiting expression.

Before he was completely out, I frantically moaned in need to have him back inside, "Harry."

He smiled, his hand sliding down my back and on my waist before slamming into me.
