
The morning had been indescribable.

My parents sat in absolute silence, unknowingly stealing glances from one another as they ate.

Justin had left to meet up with one of his friends and said he wouldn't come back for a few hours. He hugged me before he left, apologizing for leaving me to the awkwardness.

After breakfast, my dad went to his study and my mom now sat across from me as we watched reruns of girls buying their wedding dress.

"Won't fit you in twenty years, I promise you that," were comments made throughout most of the show by my mother.

The sun was already setting and I had begun to let my eyes close, but opened everytime my mom talked to the excited girls on tv.

The doorbell rang, but before I could process it, my mom got up from the couch and smoothed her shirt down.

I faintly heard the door open and then my mom's greeting in a surprised tone before she called me over.

Her face expression was a wide eyed look towards my direction. I was confused as to why she looked at me that way before finally turning and making eye contact with the mystery person.


I almost shit bricks; I had to make sure I wasn't dreaming and so I blinked a few times.

"Hey," he smiled, but I could tell he was nervous.

I stood there with an opened mouth and a dumbfounded expression before I realized how stupid I must have looked.

"C'mon in," it felt like I was in this slow, dreamy state as my body moved to the side. Instantly, my fingers itched to touch him; whether it was his hands that peaked out from his jacket or his lips that were a bright red due to his probable biting out of nervousness. "Mom, this is Harry- Harry, this is my mom."

His smiled was accompanied by his outstretched hand that took my mother's, "Nice to meet you Mrs..."

"You can call me Marlene," she quipped as she took his hand and held it there for an extra few seconds.

"Harry, why don't we talk upstairs?" I suggested as I tilted my head in the direction of Justin's room. I was still in this state of denial at Harry's presence being here.

Harry nodded as he motioned for me to lead the way, "If you excuse us, Marlene-"

"Please!" My mom dismissed as her hand lay flat on her chest. As we walked upstairs, she added, "This is like old times!"

"Mom!" I glared in horror. Harry laughed behind me.

"Don't worry, we'll leave the door open," he teased. My mother laughed into her hand.

As we got in the room, I shut the door behind me before resting my back on it. "How did you know where I was and why are you already cool with my mom?"

He gave me a smug smile and a shrug, "To answer the latter: I'm amazing with moms. As for the first-" he scratched his chin in thought. "What was her name?..." he mumbled quietly under his breath.

I voiced my hindering suspicion, "Was it Anne?"

"Anne!" His eyes brightened. "The name was killing me."

"Anne told you to come find me?"

Harry looked at me in thought before dropping his hands to his side, walking closer to me so that I was stuck between the door and his frame.

His eyes flickered down to my lips before his hand reached up, slowly brushing my cheek with his knuckles as he smiled.

"I wanted to come find you."

H a r r y ' s  POV

She was just a few inches away, holding that look that drove me crazy. It was the same look she had right before she willingly handed herself over to me. Her eyes shone as her breathing slowed down.

My thumb traced over her bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before it came back up as I went down to her chin.

"I want this, Selene."

She looked confused before finally realizing what I had said, "Yeah?"

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I want you."

She swallowed before nodding, "Okay."

And then I kissed her; softly at first, as to not demand of her. But when she pressed harder, I picked her up and held her against the door and I kissed her hard.

This girl that I held was going to be the reason I'd end up fucked if she ever changed her mind.

But as my fingers dug into her jeans, and as my tongue dug into her mouth, I realized just how okay I was with that.
