
A hard thud against my back woke me up. Then another. And then two more followed. I finally turned around to see a very angry looking Anne.

"Why didn't you call last night?" She yelled. Actually, I couldn't tell if she was yelling or if it was just the pounding in my head that seemed to be amplifying everything. "Not one text, letting me know that you were okay."

Her hand was on her hip, the other holding the end of my pillow.

"Sorry," I mumbled. I buried my face in the comforter, but then cold air nipped my skin.

"You're late for work," she announced before shutting the door behind her. I frantically sat up, checking the time and realizing I was an hour late.

"Shit," I cursed. For a second I contemplated calling in sick...

I grabbed my phone back and dialed the office. The manager picked up, he seemed a bit ticked off, but after lying about having stomach problems, he agreed to give me today, Friday, off so that I had a three day weekend.

Thanking him, I hung up. I felt horrible for lying, but my head would burst at any moment.

I got up, heading over to get pills. Anne was already in the kitchen getting her stuff ready.

"Anne," I faltered. She looked at me, "I really am sorry. My phone was left inside the car, so I didn't even remember I had it. I didn't mean to worry you."

There was a flash of hesitation, but she sighed in resignation, "I was just concerned because you had just met him and I didn't want anything to happen to you."

"I know," I smiled. She handed me a glass of water. "Thanks."

Anne didn't say anything else, she simply grabbed her stuff and headed out the door.

I drank the water, but the taste it left on my mouth made me gag. It was as if I could taste everything all at once.

Walking over to the couch, I took a seat. With a smile on my lips, I remembered the events that took place before Louis drove me home a few hours ago. He didn't seem to mind about the whole city thing, which I honestly didn't care for any more. All I cared about was trying to re-live the sensation he had created last night.

Louis' lips hovered over the burning ache that pulsed at the sight of hands gripping hard on my thighs. He positioned himself properly before his tongue darted out his lips and into my-

"Left my keys!" Anne bursted through the door, scaring the living crap out of me.

She waved before exiting. I sat there, heart racing before shaking my head at the pulse that re-ignited.

Harry's flustered face crossed my mind; more specifically, his parted lips and hooded green eyes as my body moved against him. Then Louis interrupted the thought with his mischievous eyes and working tongue.

I groaned in annoyance at the conflicting feelings my body was going through.

There was no doubt that both of them had their perks. It wasn't the same situation, so it wouldn't be fair if I compared them. But even if it had been, I would have had a special and unique connection with both.

Harry was more on the 'I'll show you and leave you wanting more' side while Louis was on the 'look at what I can do to you' side. They could easily be mistaken as having the same match that ignited my body, but they didn't.

Harry's hands left deep marks that still held a stinging sensation on my skin, while Louis only pressed deep before he went over the area with his palms, evenly distributing the feeling.

Their eyes were the biggest difference between the two. And I don't just mean the colour.

Harry's eyes told me how caught up I was, pulling me in so that I was in a trance that only he could control- making that dark side of me go into a dangerous frenzy. They were alluring, and undeniably captivating; holding me down, so that I saw him and him only. 

Louis eyes challenged me, daring me to pull away knowing damn well I wouldn't- I couldn't. I felt like he gave me more of a choice, which appealed to the softer side of me.

I groaned again. Right now, I could really go for either, even though I was supposed to be forgetting about Harry at the moment. But I guess it's the unobtainable that makes the idea of succeeding attainable.




Decisions, decisions.
