Thanksgiving had rolled in and Áine couldn't be any more happier to be back home in Atlanta. She hadn't let anyone know she was back home though. She wanted it to be a surprise.

She had gotten a whole new apartment and moved out the duplex with the help of Amaru and Ace. Amaru and herself had became very close over the course of the weeks. They hang out and facetimed every single night.

She couldn't be more happier to have such a kind friend in her corner. The only thing she disliked about Amaru was his blunt and reckless mouth. He had no chill whatsoever.

Áine was finishing up her famous cookies she always made whenever it was Thanksgiving. Thank goodness she knew how to cook now. The last six months in New Jersey were really therapeutic for her and she was back and better.

She got to learn more about herself and what she wanted. She was rediscovering her passions and she has finally found it. She wasn't looking for love, all she wanted to do was live life and enjoy herself without being tied down to something or someone.

The last ten years weren't the best but she couldn't let that dictate how she could now live her life. Kobi was out of her life and now she was going to live it the best way she knew how.

Hearing her phone loudly ringing, she removed the oven mitts and rushed over to her phone. Seeing who it was, a smile graced her lips.

"Wassup best friend!". Áine cheerfully greeted Amaru as soon as the facetime connected.

"Aye my name is baby, what the fuck is best friend?". He asked with his face scrunched up.

"Boy you tripping!" Áine laughed, waving him off.

"I'm fucking serious. The fuck you thought this was?". He said not cracking a smile.

"Whatever". Áine waved him off once again and laughed some more seeing his straight face. Amaru was too damn mean for no reason.

"What you making over there?". He questioned, seeing her move around a lot in the kitchen

"I made cookies so I'm just putting icing on them now".

"Lemme see". He demanded.

"Say please  mean ass ". She rolled her eyes and showed him nonetheless.

"Damn those look good. You gonna leave me some". He told her.

"No". She scoffed, placing the phone back where it was so Amaru could see her move around.

"Why not Ney?". He questioned with his brows furrowed.

"You only gonna have these if you coming to my family's Thanksgiving. Are you still coming though?". She asked him licking the icing off her fingers.

Amaru eyed her actions. If he could have just a minute with her lips. He would show them magic but he knew he couldn't go there with her just yet.

"Amaru?" He heard, snapping him out of his deep thoughts. Áine furrowed her brows with a smile.

"Did you hear what I said?". She asked again

"Yeah, yeah I will be there". He cleared his throat.

"And bring me some of Noonie's food as well"

"Say please". He used her words on her.

"You are going to bring the food Amaru". She sassed him. Áine's confidence had skyrocketed. She wasn't as shy as she was before and she could hold a conversation without breaking down or feeling like she was being attacked.

"Aight we'll see about that". He scoffed.

"Nah uhn don't do me like that". She whined with a little chortle.

"I ain't bringing shit till you save me some of those cookies". He declared.

"Argh fine". She sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Was that so hard?". He questioned.

"Whatever. I gotta go and get ready so I will talk to you later". She let him know.

"You gonna show me what you wearing?". He asked with a straight face.

"Boy bye!". She giggled, ending the call. He was going to be pissed because he didn't like people abruptly ending the call with no warning but she didn't care.

Hearing the phone ringing again she swiped across the screen and held it up.

"Yes?". She sweetly asked.

"Why did you hang up?". He questioned with his brows furrowed.

"Because I said I will talk to you later".

"You didn't formally end the call like we normally do,". He explained.

"I literally said boy bye".

"That was you dismissing me not saying your farewell".

"Amaru I gotta get ready". Áine whined then giggled. She didn't have time for his tactics.

"Say bye the right way then I will let you go". He bargain. She knew if she didn't say it Amaru was going to keep calling until she did

"Bye Amaru, see you later". She said giving him a tight lipped smile.

"Was that so hard?".

"You so annoying!". Áine chuckled, squinting her eyes at him. He chuckled then he hang up on her. She shook her head and headed to her bathroom.


"India make sure the cornbread is baked right". Azealia said to India. She was the last wife and mom to India, Caleb and Asra

"Yes mom". India rolled her eyes from annoyance. Her mother has been on her neck since morning and she had had enough.

"I'm done with the sweet potato pie, I just need to make the banana pudding". Sonai told them moving around in the kitchen. She was Omari and Amara's mom and the first wife you could say.

"Is there anything I can help with?". Kelsey asked, watching the other wives slave in the kitchen with a glass of wine in her hand. She was the second wife and mom to Tanya and Zion.

"There is nothing you can help with, we done anyways". Azealia mentioned causing Kelsey to smack her lips.

"If y'all scared I'ma poison y'all then that's on you". She shrugged taking a sip of her wine.

"Nobody cares about you". Azealia told her causing a chuckle to slip out of Kelsey's mouth. Azealia and Kelsey didn't care for each other like that just as Angel didn't care for none of them.

They all didn't care about each other but the man they were in a relationship with. He provided for them and this children. Whatever they wanted he got it for them.

"Don't you get tired of singing the same song all the time huh Azealia?". Kelsey questioned. The wine had gotten to her head. It was a bad idea to let her drink before eating because she would start being reckless by the mouth.

"Don't you get tired of being a drunkard?". Azealia shot back at Kelsey who simply looked at her and laughed. She heard that so many times before so she wasn't fazed at all

"I know y'all ain't about to go back and forth this Thanksgiving". India scoffed with her brow raised. It was the same thing every year and she was tired of it. Hell everyone in the house was.

"We don't need the drama this year guys". Sonai softly interjected. She wasn't one for the drama. She hated the back and forth Azealia and Kelsey did every single year.

"Well tell that to her". Azealia pointed at Kelsey with a knife who simply chuckled and sipped on her wine.

"Kelsey please". Sonai pleaded.

"I won't say nothing if she don't ". She shrugged then walked up to the kitchen island, grabbing a handful of greens then strutting out the kitchen.

"Y'all so damn annoying ". India smacked her lips in annoyance and removing the apron around her body and walking out herself heading to the living room where the others where.

"Is the food ready?". Caleb jnr questioned causing her to shake her head

"No fatass". She plopped down besides Mia who was holding her nephew.

"Why you mad?". Mia inquired looking at a mad India.

"It's my mother and Tanya's mom going back and forth again".

"Damn they do this every year". Mia commented with frown on her face

"Right?! And it's annoying. Don't see why my dad had marry them all". India rolled her eyes just as her phone vibrated in pocket. Slipping it out her pocket and seeing her boyfriend's name across the screen, a smile graced her face and she stood up, walking out.

"Where you going?". Mia questioned with her brows furrowed.

"I will be back". India told her, texting back and heading to the front of the house.

Seeing her boyfriend's car parked outside the house, she happily skipped towards his car. He saw her and got out the car. She ran into his arms making him catch her and lightly spin around.

"Hey baby". India said lightly pecking her boyfriend with a huge smile on her face. Ace grinned back at her. They have been dating for about four months now and it was going good to say the least.

"Wassup love you look good". Ace said giving her a do over. India blushed and thanked him, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"You ready to meet the family?". India sequel clasping their hands together. She was excited for him to meet the family being she has never brought a man home for her parents to meet.

"Hopefully they like me". Ace stated.

"They will". She assured him. Before they went inside Ace grabbed the bottle of wine from the car.

A white Mercedes benz pulled up at the curb. Ace squinted his eyes trying to see who it was. The door opened and Tanya got out as well and her husband followed

"You know them?". Ace questioned India.

"Yeah that's my sister and her husband ". She stated causing him to nod his head.

"Baby sis!". Tanya squealed, walking up to her. India engulfed her with her arms around her back.

"You look good". Tanya complimented. India had on black jeans that hugged her small curves and a grey hoodie with biker boots on her feet. Her bodywave was laid, giving scalp. Her make up was light, giving natural against her dark chocolate skin.

"Thank you, you do too". She smiled appreciatively. Tanya averted her eyes towards Ace who was already looking at her.

"You must be her boyfriend, Ace right?". Tanya inquired with her brows raised. She gave him a do over, noticing how different he was from the guys India went for.

"Yeah that's me.". He confirmed. Hakeem, Tanya's husband walked up to the group and greeted everyone.

"Nice to meet you, she won't stop talking about you". Tanya spilled causing India to glare at her.

"Yeah?". He raises his brow with a smirk plastered on his face.

"She's lying". She quickly denied, giving Tanya the look to shut up but she simply ignored her.

"I'm not but okay". Tanya scoffed.

"Glad you could join us Ace. See you inside ". Tanya said then grabbed Hakeem's hand heading inside.

"Let go in baby". India said not wanting to speak about her feelings for Ace to him.


Plopping her phone on the dashboard, Áine facetimed her mother as usual. Angel answered the call, her beautiful, blemish free, cinnamon skin gracing the skin.

"Hi mama you look beautiful". Áine complimented with a smile on her face.

"Thank you baby, where you going? Aunt Miracle's?". Angel questioned putting on her earrings. She was getting ready for the family's Thanksgiving.

"Yes". She lied knowing damn well she was pulling up at her house in a few moments. She wanted to surprise her.

"I wish you were here baby. I don't know how I will get through this Thanksgiving without you". Angel whined, causing a chuckle to escape Áine's lips.

"Your husband will help you get through it". She told her mother, looking down the phone and turning into her street.

"You know damn well that man has no back bone when it comes to his other wives". Angel scoffed, fixing her hair into a slick low puff.

"Don't do my daddy like that". Áine laughed. It was true. Her father just did everything they wanted. His children including.

"You know I ain't lying Ney". Angel rolled her eyes.

"He loves y'all every much".

"I know that but did he really have to make us all of his wives?". Angel questioned her daughter. She still had a lot of questions regardless of how many times she was assured that he loved her very much.

"He's a traditional man you can't blame him".

"I blame his father of putting his African views on him about having so many wives. It's the 21st century for goodness sake!". She ranted and Áine listened. She didn't understand why her mother was really mad. Her father and mother were always bickering back and forth and she hated it.

"Mama what did dad do this time?". Áine curiously questioned, parking outside her mom's house.

"What didn't he do is what you really should be asking!". She shook her head.

"Just fix whatever y'all have going on, you know you can't stay mad at each other forever ".

"I'm so done with him this time!". Angel said in frustration and Áine simply looked at her and shook her head. She didn't want to be caught in the middle.

"Anyways let me get going to the family dinner. I will talk to you later baby". Angel told her.

"Okay mama, I love you ".

"Love you too". Áine grinned. She couldn't wait to see the surprise look of her mother when she pulls up outside her house.

Angel finished up and wore knee high boots and made sure to switch off everything electric and set up her security system. Walking out with her back turned, she locked up her house. Áine stood outside the hood of her car.

"SURPRISE!". She yelled as soon as Angel turned around.

Angel got startled but quickly recovered when she saw her daughter outside.

"Girl are you kidding me?!". Her hand was placed on her beating heart. The tears threatened to spill out, she was truly surprised.

"Hey mama". Áine walked up to her.

"Oh my goodness, how could you do this to me". Her mother questioned, pulling her daughter into a really tight hug. She had misses her so much.

"I was trying to surprise you". She laughed, seeing her mother touch all over her to make she sure it was really her

"It's really me mama". Áine laughed again.

"We don't really have to go to the dinner anymore". She quickly slip in

"No, you ain't getting out of this easily. We are going!". Áine sternly stated causing Angel to roll her eyes like a child.

Deciding on riding in her mother's car, Áine grabbed her things from her car and moved them to the back of the black Range Rover.

Slipping into the passenger, Áine put her seatbelt on and enjoyed the ride while texting Amaru. He was complaining about being hungry and how the some of the family members were taking time to arrive making her laugh

"Who got you smiling like that?". Angel nosy questioned her daughter.

"Just a friend". Áine simple responded not looking up one bit. Angel's phone rang making her swipe across the screen and answering it.

"Yo where you at Angel, we waiting on you ". Caleb, Áine's father asked her causing her to scoff.

"First of all, talk to me like you got some sense", She sassed snaking her neck, "and I'm just down the road".

"Well get your ass over here, I'm starving ". He grumbled.

"I'm coming Caleb!". She said with attitude making him frown over the phone.

"What's the attitude for huh?". He questioned.

"I am not talking about this again", She shook her head.

"Aight, we waiting on you". Caleb sighed out and Angel rolled her eyes.

"Mama is everything okay?". Áine questioned as soon as the call disconnected. Angel sighed and shook her head

"Yes baby, don't worry about it". Angel told her but Áine couldn't help but be worried. Something was going on and she was going to find out.


"Hey y'all!". Áine casually strolled in the living room causing India and Tanya look up and scream out loud. They shuffle to their feet, embracing their sister tightly.

"Alright y'all I can't breathe". Áine chuckled in their tight embrace.

"Bitch you really left with no warning and you came back without telling none of us". India lightly slapped her on the shoulder.

"I know and I was trying to surprise y'all ". She grinned looking at her sisters and her sister in law who was holding her nephew.

"I missed you!". Tanya sniffed causing Áine to give her a side eye.

"Are you foreal crying ?" She questioned, checking Tanya out.

"Noo, I got something in my eye". She sniffed, looking down.

"Tanya you really crying for me? ". Áine cooed, holding on her chest. Tanya never cried for anybody. She has such a hard demeanor. She hated when people saw her cry.

"Bitch no". She whined.

"Why the fuck y'all yel-". Caleb's voice boomed in the living room but stopped himself seeing his daughter. The girls turned around.

"Hey daddy". Ney shyly waved at her father.

"Pops why you st-". Omari started but stopped seeing his baby sister.

"Ain't no way bruh!". Omari said walking towards Áine and embracing her while lifting her off her feet.

"Omari put me down". She squealed giggles escaping from her lips.

"Where you been sis?". He questioned giving her a do over and she looked good.

"New Jersey with aunt Miracle and them ". She stated.

"Damn you really disappeared off the face of the earth ". Omari mentioned.

"I know I know. I had to work on me but I'm back and I'm better now". She told them and everyone could see. She looked good.

"Glad you home safe babygirl ". Caleb said shuffling to his daughter. He embraced her in his arms making her feel so much safe and welcome.

"Aight y'all food is ready!". Sonai told them and everyone stood up and shuffled to the dinning room.

Food laid on the table making everyone's mouth water at the sight of the food which smelled really good and everyone couldn't wait to dig in

Seeing Ace walk in behind Omari, Áine raised her brow looking at him.

"Ace what you doing here?". She asked him making everyone to look between them. He looked up seeing her and scrunched his face up.

"My girlfriend invited me". He slowly responded, trying to figure out why Áine was in the same place as him.

"Whose your girlfriend? Amara or India?". She inquired with her brows raised.

"India. What are you doing here? He directed back

"India is the girl you been talking about this whole time? India is my sister, don't you see we look alike? ". Ace looked at them and saw a slight resemblance. She looked a lot more like Tanya though

"How you two know each other". India pointed between them.

"Through a friend ". Áine simple responded. After their greetings and all that, they finally finally sat down to eat but not before saying grace.

Áine sat between Ace and her younger brother Zion. India made sure the mothers were sitting far from each other because it was about to be a mess

Had to stop it there but there is a part two

If you confused on Whose who, just ask Me!
