Don't hate me besties 👉🏾👈🏾🥺

As the vacation proceeded, the couple were enjoying themselves. They had visited places, took part into activities such as snorkeling, played some golf which  was a first for Áine and she had so much fine.

They also had candlelit dinner on the beach one of the nights and  took a look of pictures, of cause for memories. But now she couldn't wait to get back home. They nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach did not disappear one bit as much as she tried to push it to the back of her mind.

It was the last day before they were leaving and it was currently raining which they didn't mind. They wanted to end on a very calm, relaxing note.

"Baby?"  Áine interrupted their silence. She had a lot on her mind, especially regarding her pregnancy. She really hoped this time it really worked out. She was growing attached already.


"I was thinking...". She trailed off, looking down at him. Amaru averted his graze from the window and looked up at her. He was sprawled out between her legs.

"About what?". He questioned, giving her his undivided attention.

"I know we talked about this but I just can't help thinking about it".

"About what?". He asked again. Áine took a deep breathe and let him in on her thoughts

"I feel like something bad is going to happen. To me or the baby. I know I shouldn't be thinking or stressing myself about it but I can't stop. I have this unsettled feeling inside me that doesn't seem to go away". She told him causing a frown to grace his face

"How long have you been feeling this way?"  He asked her

"Uhm...since we left for our vacation".

  "Why didn't you tell me?".

"I didn't want you worrying or to cancel our vacation. I know how much it meant to you. To both of us and I didn't want to ruin our time together". Amaru's frown deepened hearing her express herself.

"Is this way you were quick to ask for an abortion?". He questioned.

"Every single time I get pregnant, everything seems to go wrong. I wanted to eliminate the problem before I disappointed either one of us. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost the baby and then you". She told him.

"Look you won't lose either of us. Whatever you may be feeling might be that you are nervous and I want you to know that I am with you every step of the way. I got you, whatever you are going through, don't be afraid to let me know. I love you and you will never have to doubt me being there for you". He expressed causing Áine to sniff, blinking back the tears.

"Babe...", She chuckled to stop herself from crying.

"I mean it. I am with you every step of the way. You know I got you!".

"You know just how you make me feel and I love that. I love you so much that it would hurt to lose you.". She told him, cupping his face and bringing it closer to hers, pecking on him the lips.

"Nah it would hurt me to lose you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me". He confessed, "being with you has been nothing but amazing. Everyday is filled with happiness and I'm at highest when I am with you ".

"You plan on making me cry huh?". She asked with tears streaming down her face.

Wiping her tears with his thumb, and peaking her on the lips multiple times, "I'm just letting you how I feel regardless of what may happen to us".

"Okay hold me and never let me go". Áine grinned, holding her hands out. Amaru smirked  and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close.

She sighed in contentment. That's all she needed. Some  reassurance.


Pulling up at her mother's house, Áine put her car in park and hopped out. The unsettling feeling came back.

"Oh no". She mumbled, rubbing her stomach. Her pudge was poking out.

She made her way towards the door and softly knocked.  The door opened a few moments later revealing her father. Caleb stared at his daughter in pity. Áine saw the look on his face and furrowed her brows in confusion causing her smile to falter.

"What's wrong? Is it mommy?". She immediately asked.

"Come inside baby girl". He said, opening the door to let her inside. Áine could feel her stomach fluttering with butterflies. She could just feel the bad news coming on but she didn't want to think too much of it.

Caleb and Áine walked to the living room and took their seats. Angel was no where to be found in the room.

"Dad, where is mommy?". She asked once again. Caleb rubbed his temple in distress. He didn't know how he was going to relay the news to his daughter. He heavily sighed and looked at her with solemn.

"Babygirl I'm sorry but mommy is not  coming back ". He responded.

"What?". She asked, a laugh slipping out her lips from disbelief.

"Her surgery didn't go well. We lost her two days ago".

"Tell me you joking?". Áine asked, shaking her head as her tears pooled in her eyes. So this was why her gut was churning the whole trip.

"Mommy is not with us". He said once again, firmly this time.  He was convincing himself as well. Áine looked at her father for any indication that he was playing a joke on her but none came.

"What do you mean, my mommy is gone?". The tears slipped out her eyelids on her face. She looked at her father and he had tears streaming down his face as well.

"She is not coming back ". Caleb's voice cracked.

"And you didn't think to tell me?! Why didn't you tell me". She questioned.

"I didn't want you stressing!". Caleb replied.

"She's my mother, I deserved to know!". She yelled.

"And what would you have done? Turn back the hands of time, huh?". He questioned looking at his daughter who had tears streaming down her face

"I-I could have came back earlier. I-i could've been here to tell her that I love her and hold on to her one last time ". She sobbed in her hands.

"She would have not wanted that for you. As much as you think you could've saved her, it was God's will to call his Angel home".

Áine shook her head and stood up, not  wanting to believe what her father told her. She headed into her mother's room and barged in expecting to find her, laying on the bed  and reading a book but to no avail.

The room was the way it was when she left for surgery; clean and bed made. Áine walked in, examining the room.  It smelled like her mother, her vanilla and cocoa scent lingering in the air.

She walked towards the bed and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"My mommy is gone". The tears rolling down her face. She grabbed the pillow and hugged it against her body. The sob that racked through her body, caused great pain. She could feel her heart breaking into a million pieces.

"Mommy!". She screamed, as she fell on her knees crying her heart out.  She couldn't believe it. She lost her best friend. The only person she could really count on to never leave nor forsake her no matter what.

She felt arms wrapped around her and she couldn't help but break down more. This was not how her year was supposed to go. Especially not for her.

Her mom was dead.


"We are gathered here today to lay our sister to her final resting place. There comes a time where we will depart from this earth but before we do, let us live out lives to the fullest so we never have regrets. Angel Richard was the true definition of living your live and being happy. She showed us what love was and may we continue to remember her in every way possible. Rest easy Angel". The priest ended his speech.

Áine watched as her mother's casket was being lowered to the ground. Since the funeral started she had not shed a single tear. She had none left. She had cried from the moment she was told her mother was no longer alive.

She had lost apart of her she could never get back again. When her mother died, she died too.

Being shaken out of her trance, Áine looked up through her black shades and saw Amaru standing before her, holding his hand out.

"It's time to go". He told her. She nodded her head but did not make a move from her chair. Amaru took a seat besides his fiancé and intertwined their fingers together bringing them up to his lips.

"We will leave when you are ready ". He told her. Áine simply kept quiet. How was she supposed to survive without her mother. How was she going to function.

"I want to go home". She mumbled loud enough for Amaru to hear. Amaru nodded his head and stood up, then helping her up as well.

"Don't let me go". Áine muttered as they walked through the cemetery  and heading towards their car. Amaru knew that Áine didn't want to interact with anyone.

Reaching their car and successfully dodging small talk, Amaru helped Áine into the car. She removed her shades as the car had tinted windows. He buckled her up and kissed her on the lips. A small smile graced her face as she looked at him.

"I love you baby". He said, placing another kiss on her lips. It was short and sweet. What she really needed to soothed the pain for a little while

Amaru quickly made his way towards the driver's seat and hopped in. He cranked up the car as he placed his seatbelt as well.

"You hungry?". He asked.

"No". She mumbled.

"Babe you gotta eat. You haven't eaten since morning. That's not good for the babies". He said.  They found out that they were having twins but the gender was still a secret to both of them.

Áine did not take it well when she found out because how was she suppose to handle two babies when she couldn't handle one. She cried the whole night, whining to Amaru about how having twins was a bad idea.

She didn't even know that twins ran on Amaru's side of the family cause she knew her family did not have any twins. Although after some reassurance, she calmed down and accepted her fate.

She was having twins. The doctor did confirm they were doing good and were healthy which put her mind at ease.

"I can have something small". She softly spoke.

"That's fine, as long as you eat".  He nodded his head. He was willing to compromise with her.

Amaru knew the feeling of losing a mother too well. He lost his mother to cancer as well. He could understand the pain and heart break she was currently going through.

"We are going to get through this", he told her, grabbing her hand as they pulled up at the traffic lights, "together ". He finished.

"I just lost my mommy". Her lips tremble as unshed tears pooled in her eyes.

"I know, baby, I know". He reached over and gently wiped her tears.

"This hurts so fucking much ". She expressed.

"She didn't even get to meet my babies. How am I supposed to function  without her ?" Áine questioned, tears continually racing down her face.

Amaru pulled up at the nearest parking lot he could find and put the car in park. He hopped out and walked towards her side of the car. He opened the door and unlatched her belt, pulling her into his arms.

The feeling of him wrapping his arms around her made her break down. She could never feel her mother's hug again. She could never experience her kisses nor talks again.

She was not going to see her walk down the aisle. She was not going to be there for her children's birth. She was not going to be for the random calls at night anymore.

"I got you baby. We gonna get through this ".
