It was Friday night and it was my date with Ronan. We only getting to meet today being that he has been busy with getting situated at his new house. I haven't been there but my mom said, it was a beautiful house. Good for him.

And it's been three days of avoiding Amaru after the bombshell he dropped on me. I didn't know how to feel about it. I just didn't want to complicate our friendship. We had a good thing going as FRIENDS. And for him to tell me what he told me? Kinda messed me up.

Deciding that I didn't want to think about it or him, I was using this time to go out on a date with Ronan although I had agreed way before Amaru told me he liked me as more than a friend.

I was done getting dressing up, all I had to do was put on my shoes and grabbed my purse when it was time to leave. My hair was growing which wasn't good for me cause I didn't know how to maintain it long anymore.

I liked the little twa I had. My curls were growing out. I laid my edges with my edge control. I had put a little foundation, did my eyebrows and put on lashes. I did the brown lip with the gloss on my lips. I looked cute

I had put in my diamond earrings and pendant necklace I had done of my baby. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing.

I walked towards the bed, grabbing it from the bed and seeing Ronan's name plastered across my screen. I swiped across the screen and placed the phone on loud speaker, moving to the dresser.

"Hi". I said.

"Hey Nene, I'm about to pull up at your moms house". He informed me.

"Okay, I will be waiting ". I told him.

"Cool, see you soon". He said to me and dropping the call. I grabbed my perfume. I spritzed the Dior Addict by Christian Dior and then grabbed my thigh high boots being Ronan was arriving in a moment and pulling the black knitted dress down.

When I was done, I went to grabbed my white peacoat from the closet. I slipped it on and grabbed my purse and phone heading downstairs.

I walked into the living room, seeing my mom reading a book. I cleared my throat making her look at me. Her eyes widened then a smile graced her face.

"Oh wow Ney! You look beautiful ". She complimented, standing up and walking towards me.

"Ronan will be over you tonight". She teased causing me to roll my eyes. I wasn't dressing up for him. It was for me.

"Yeah, no". A scoff escaped my lips.

"Don't be like that Ney. Give him a chance".

"I'm just going so he stops nagging me. I told y'all I'm not ready for a relationship". I stated. I didn't get why everyone was forcing a relationship on me. I didn't want to be in one

"Okay Áine, no need to be defensive". My mom stepped back with her hands held up. A sigh escaped my lips.

"Look I'm sorry for talking to you in that manner, mama but I'm just living my life. No relationships, nothing!". I told her, apologizing as well

"Its okay my baby. I understand". She said as the door bell chimed. We both looked at each other and smiled. I turned around and walked towards the door, with nerves swimming in my body because I didn't know what to expect from this date.

I turned the door knob and swung the door open. Ronan eyes widened as they landed on me. They trailed from my feet and to up my face where he stared for a while without blinking.

"Wow... you- you look beautiful ". He complimented, finally finding his words.

"Thank you Ro, you don't look to bad yourself. Are you ready to go?". I asked him, seeing as he was currently tongue tied. He had on black fitted jeans a white hoodie and a black bomber jacket on top paired with his tan timbs.

"Bye mommy!". I yelled before walking out and closing the door behind me. Ronan led the way to his sleek black Audi Q7 car that was parked on our driveway.

I don't know why I was getting a little ticked off. Why wasn't he holding my hand and leading me to his car. Amaru did that so why couldn't he?

He opened the door for me and helped me inside the high car. He gently closed the door and jogged to the driver side and slipped in.

"It's so finally good to have some alone time with you ". He stated, careful backing out. I quickly strapped myself and relaxed back.

"I'm sure ". I lowly mumbled, looking at him drive. His diamond earrings glistened in the dark and the tattoo on his neck was slightly peeking through.

"I apologize for keeping on postponing. I know you are very busy woman and doesn't deserve to be kept waiting ". He expressed to me and honestly the flattery was cute

"I'm sure you have more woman on your list to please". I blurted out without thinking. I palmed my forehead. I felt stupid for saying that shit.

He chuckled and briefly took a glance at me as we stopped at a traffic light.

"You still think I'm a hoe huh?". He asked me with a smile. He gripped the steering wheel and his other arm was resting against the arm rest.

"I mean, have you changed? Don't forget you used to be my friend and I knew you ". I reminded him, as he pulled off the traffic light. I still had no idea where he was taking me.

"Believe me when I say, I have changed". He reassured me but too bad, this wasn't going any further than dinner. I was just having fun, that's all. Who would turn down a free meal.

"Okay so why move back here. I thought you loved being in France?". I asked him.

"Nah, France ain't for me, ma. It's way different than here".

"Hmm". I simply hummed and looked out the window. I had nothing to say, honestly. What was I supposed to say. Luckily we were pulling up at the restaurant which I was glad for because it was starting to be awkward in the car.

I get that Ronan and I were friends but things were different. I didn't know him anymore. He had been gone for seven years and expects us to pick up where we left off and start dating? He's outta his gotdamn mind.

He got out the car and handed the valet his keys before jogging to my side of the car. He opened the door for me and helped me out. I appreciatively smiled and he led me inside the fancy Italian restaurant.

It just opened and I heard the food was amazing from the preview I read before. Ronan opened the door and I walked on in first. He was being a gentleman no lie, but something was missing. But maybe i could work with it. There was no...spark from my side.

He had made a reservation for us so the hostess led us to our table. He pulled my chair out and i sat down. He moved to the opposite and took a seat as well.

"Welcome we are delighted to have you here. Can I start you off with something to drink?". Our waiter appeared by our table no later than a minute we took our seats which was impressive.

"What would you like to drink Nene ?". He directed the question to me.

"I'm thinking of pizza so which wine would you recommend?". I asked our waited.

"There is a number of wines that pair well with pizza but the Pinot Nior will really go well". He suggested.

"You give me that one ". I told him and then he turned to Ronan who ordered the Pinot Girgio which went well with pasta. When he was done he took our food order and walked away.

Ronan looked at me and smiled. I returned his smile and looked back at him. Didn't understand the staring.

"So you and Kobi really broke up?". He asked, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Yes". I nodded my head.

"Wow, he really lost you. He fumbled you but that's okay, it gives guys like us a chance ". He said making me chuckle. What was that supposed to mean?.

"Ronan what is it that you exactly want?". I decided to ask him with my brows raised.

"I want you". He responded.

"Why?". I asked, something was suspicious about him wanting me. I get that I glo'd up or whatever you wanna call it but Ronan was never interested in me. We tried to date but it didn't work out. So why was he coming back again.

"Nene, I've always loved you. I know we tried dating but that didn't work out. We were young and didn't know what we wanted but now I do. I do know what I want and that's you". He ended his speech and I almost bust out laughing.

I could never take a man professing his love for me seriously cause what the fuck? I blankly looked at him.

"Do you have any kids,". I averted the conversation, fed up with his love professing.

"Yes, two". He told me causing my brow to raised.

"Who is their mothers?".

"Mikaela from high school". He flatly responded making me choke on my wine that went through the wrong pipe.

"What?". I asked again. I clearly heard wrong. He was avoiding eye contact with him. He knew exactly why

"You had kids with Mikaela?". I asked. He nodded his head, looking at me. I humorlessly chuckled and shook my head.

Mikaela was a girl I had a little feud with all because she was a hoe. She had slept with Kobi and even tried pinning a baby on him. I hated her for how she made me feel, especially senior year of high school.

She made me feel low of myself. She made me look at myself with disgust all because I was a curvy girl with more meat than her.

"Damn". I said out of shock, "how that happen?". I asked.

"We secretly started dating after the whole saga of her getting a miscarriage or whatever and we recently broke up. We decided it was best we went out separate ways and co-parent".

"Why did you even date her?". I asked him, confused.

"We needed someone to confided in and surprisingly we were both emotional available and we just clicked". He shrugged.

"Oh wow. Never thought the biggest bully would have a heart". I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"She has changed. Being a mother, turned her into a completely different person". Ronan defended her.

"I'm sure". I sarcastically said, placing the glass of wine on my lips. The news just put me in a bad mood. I know I shouldn't be caring about this because it has been years but she kinda contributed to my low self-esteem.

"How about you? You got any?". He asked me.

"I had, but he didn't make it".

"Oh I'm sorry about that Nene ". He apologize, grabbing my hand and gently gliding his thumb on my hand.

"Yeah, that's just how life goes". I shrugged.

"And Shayla? Y'all still friends?". He questioned The waiter had finally brought our food. Ronan had a chicken creamy pasta while I had pizza.

"Fuck that bitch". I said with a chuckle catching him off guard.

"Well damn, what did she do?". His nosy ass asked me

"She had babies by Kobi and lied about the father of children". I simply told him, taking a bite of my pizza. I was hungry. I should've smoked before Ronan came to get me.

"That's fucked up". He mentioned.

"I know but I don't care because I've moved on". I told him. After that we made small talk and drank more wine, more like I did the drinking until it was time to head home. He paid for the bill, as he should because he asked me on a date.

We were now heading back to my mom's place but I told him to drop me off at Amaru's apartment building. I was slightly tipsy but that was okay.

"So when will I see you again?". He asked as he parked out by Amaru's apartment building.

"I will let you know" I stated and grabbed my things.

"Good night Nene ". He said.

"Have yourself a good night Ro". I said with a tight lipped smile and walked inside, heading to the elevator.

I quickly pulled out my sanitizer and spritzed a little on my hand and then pressed the number eight. I pulled out my phone and noticed it was after midnight.

After we had food, Ronan and I stayed for drinks. The elevator dinged and and walked towards Amaru's door. I gently knocked  on it and waited.

Standing for a few moments, I grew frustrated and knocked again but this time, loudly. The door didn't open so I lifted my hand again, only for the door to be snatched open.

"What the fuck Áine?". I could see the mug on Amaru's face causing his brows to be furrowed almost making him have a unibrow

"Heyyyyy". I slurred with a smile on my face. I must look crazy. I threw my things on the kitchen island.

"What you want bruh? It's fucking after midnight and you are drunk". He scold me but I didn't care as long as I was in his presence.

I wrapped my arms around his naked torso and laid my head on his toffee toned tattooed chest

"I missed you". I looked up at him, my chin resting on his chest.

"You drunk". He told me, removing my hands from around him.

"Say it back nigga". I pouted and slapped his chest.

"Nah bro". He scoffed. He must be hurt that I blew him off after his confession but what did he expect.

"Bro? Bro? Who you calling bro?!".I questioned with his eyes squinted at him and slightly raising my voice.

"Aye, watch who you talking to aight?". He warned me.

"Or else what? You can't be seriously mad about Tuesday ". I taunted, seeing him clench his jaw.

"Áine, watch your mouth, deadass bro". He said again. I could tell his ego was bruised.

"Amaru please hold me". I ignored him and moved towards him trying to wrap my arms around him but he slapped them away.

"I ain't finna do this with you". He shook his head, kissing his teeth and walked to the back, to his room. I plopped on the couch and removed my boots and then laid my head on the pillow.

"That's okay, i'ma see him tomorrow ". I mumbled to myself as my eyes grew droopy from sleep. I closed my eyes and i was out like a light
