Stirring in her sleep and hearing the shrills of her phone ringing in her purse. Áine felt Amaru nudging her which made her whine with her eyes still closed. She didn't want to wake up because this was probably the best sleep she has had in forever.

"Wake up". She heard a deep voice besides or above her. She didn't quite know the position she was sleeping in. All she know that it was comfortable and smelled really good.

Whining again and slowly peeled her eyes opened. The room was dark with only the TV playing and muted. She wasn't at home and Áine started panicking but then it hit her where she currently was.

"What time is it?". She lowly asked, lifting her body off the Amaru's chest.

"Two in the morning". She heard from behind her.

"Damn". She cussed. She got off the bed and walked towards her purse across the room where her ringing phone was. Slipping the iPhone out of her purse, she saw over ten missed calls and texts from her family.

She rolled her eyes at their behavior. It wasn't as if she disappeared off the face of the earth. She knew wasn't ideal for her to not answer their calls because it happened before and it didn't end well for neither of them.

Calling her mother back first. She knew her mother would answer her call.

"Damn Áine do you know what time it is? Where have you been? Are you okay and why didn't you call me earlier?". Angel scolded her daughter as soon as the call connected.

"First of all, calm down-".

"-don't tell me calm down when I'm worried sick about you!". Angel snapped.

"Mama, I'm fine. I called back right?". Áine pinched the bridge of her nose, getting slowly irritated by her mother.

"So where are you?". Angel asked with an attitude.

"At a friend's house". She honestly spoke, fiddling with the straps of her purse.

"A friend? Do I know this friend?".

"No, you don't know him". Áine looked over her shoulder to see if Amaru was watching her and he was indeed looking at her. She averted her eyes back and continued her conversation with her mother.

"Him? ".

"Mama don't worry about me, okay. Now sleep and I will see you tomorrow after my appointment with doctor Celine".

"Okay baby. I love you and make sure you actually come home this time ". Áine chuckled and nodded her head before ending the call. She sighed and slipped her phone back in her purse. She scratched her braids and pulled the tight scrunchie letting them lose.

"So I'm your friend, huh?". Amaru eventually asked, breaking the silence in the room.

Áine jumped from being startled from his voice. It had completely slipped her mind he was even there. Turning around and walking towards her side of the bed, she took a seat.

"Uhm yeah". She softly said, pulling her braids into a loose bun.

"Wow didn't know that". He lowly said.

"Well now you know. Unless you don't want to be friends with me". Áine said, taking a look at him and already seeing him staring at her. He stared at her, eyes taking in her features.

She was beautiful in his eyes. Clearing his throat, he looked in her eyes causing butterflies to kind of erupt in her stomach, "nah, I'd like to be your friend".

"Really?". Her eyes lit up a bit. Amaru nodded his head
Satisfied with his response, a smile graced her face.

"You should smile more, it's a beautiful smile". Amaru complimented her causing her cheeks to puff up from the blush gracing her face.

"Thank you". She shyly replied.

"So your mom ain't mad at you for not making it home?". He changed the subject.

"She wasn't mad, worried was what she was". Áine slipped back in the covers of the bed and made herself comfortable.

"Is she always so understanding? Because if it was my mom, I know she would've came and dragged my ass home herself". Amaru told her causing her to giggle.

"My mom understands that I'm grown and I can make responsible decisions". She replied. He nodded his head, taking her words in.

Laying in silence with the TV mutely playing in the background. Áine turned and propped her on elbow looking at him.

"You know this is the most you've spoken to me?". She stated lowly, moving closer to him.

"I know". Amaru sighed, not from being annoyed but from exhaustion. He was tired of laying on his bed, every night.

"Can you tell me how you got hurt". She softly asked, cautiously drawing over his wing tattoo on his bicep. He clenched his jaw, slightly turning his face in her direction. His brown orbs pierced into her own and she couldn't help but see the unshed tears glistening in his eyes.

"Y-you don't have to tell me if you don't want to". She whispered, seeing his glossy eyes and her breathe being caught at the back of her throat. She felt...remorseful.

"A-all I can say it was an accident. I-i- I didn't mean to do it". He stammered, blinking back his tears. Áine stared in confusion wondering what he meant.

The room fell in silence as they let their individual thoughts cloud their mind until they fell asleep again.


Waking up again, Áine covered her mouth as she yawned. Amaru wheeled himself out of the adjoined bathroom with a towel pulled over his neck.

"Woo stinky breathe". Amaru said with a straight face. Áine rolled her eyes because she knew he was teasing her.

"There is an extra toothbrush in the cabinet and I will ask Noonie to bring you some clothes. You must be the same body type as my ex-wi-". He paused, looking up and seeing Áine staring at him with a curious look on her face.

"You can go ahead and use the bathroom ". He cleared his throat and clenched his jaw. He was mentally beating himself up for talking too much. He didn't want Áine knowing anything about him.

Áine nodded her head and swiftly made her way to the shower. She stripped off the clothes she had on yesterday and properly tied her hair up so it wouldn't get wet.

So many thoughts ran into her head. She wondered why Amaru was holding back. It wasn't as if he owed her anything but she just wanted to get to know him a little better.

Not wanting to stay any longer in the shower, she turned the faucet off and stepped out. She wiped her body and moved to the cabinet grabbing the extra toothbrush. She brushed her teeth and made sure to grab her clothes she wore the previous night.

Áine walked out, not seeing Amaru in the room. She noticed the clothes and undergarments placed on the bed, along with a cocoa butter moisturizer and body oil.

She lathered her body in the cocoa butter and oil, feeling really refreshed. Slipping the black Nike tights and matching hoodie, Áine liked how the clothes fitted nicely on her body.

Smearing lipgloss on her lips, Áine was done and slipped into the shoes left by the bed side for her. They were cute grey crocs. She walked out the room and headed to their dining room where they were all seated for breakfast.

"Áine i heard you slept over". Trent spoke as soon as his eyes landed on Áine who was walking towards her chair besides Amaru. Trish eyed Áine's clothes, noticing something about them.

Amaru rolled his eyes and lowly scoffed, "dad I already told you that". He muttered, glaring at his father.

"Good morning baby". Tristan blew kisses her way causing her to giggle.

"Boy shut your ass up!". Their father scold Tristan.

"Good morning everyone and yes I did sleep over. Hope that ain't a issue". She nervously chuckle, hoping that she didn't intrude or disturb their family time

"Not at all. In fact, I'm glad Ru had someone to comfort him at night". Trent commented.

"You right daddy. I should show you some of the pictures I took of them together while they were asleep. They looked so cute". Noonie butted in with a smirk on her face.

"You took pictures of us?". Amaru questioned, pausing the fork in his hand halfway from his mouth.

"Yes and no I'm not deleting them". Noonie stated with a proud smile on her face. Amaru smacked his lips and decided to leave the situation alone he wasn't going to win this one.

"Ms Trish can I get new sheets for Amaru's room. We messed the other ones last night?". Áine asked.

"Last night?". Tristan asked in his soulja boy voice.

"What y'all do last night?". Noonie asked with her brow raised in anticipation. Áine started laughing catching on.

"Oh no, not that way y'all. We just had food and outside clothes on there". She cleared up the confusion.

"Get y'all mind out the gutter, nasty ass". Trent told the two.

"Oh that no problem. I will give them to you after breakfast". Trish told her with a smile on her face.

After the conversation died down, the family continued with their breakfast until it was time to head to their respective destinations

Trish gave Áine the new bed sheets. She walked towards Amaru's room and started pulling the old ones off and putting them in the dirty laundry hamper.

While she was halfway through with the new sheets, Amaru slipped inside the room and watched her fix the bed. When she was finally done, she was exhausted from the little exercise of moving to each corner of the bed.

"I see the clothes fit you". He said, startling her. She yelped out and place her head on her chest.

"Damn, don't scare me like that ". She huffed out, plopping out on the bed

"Sorry". He apologized pushing himself further inside the room.

"But uhm, thank you for the clothes ". She thanked him, a smile gracing her face.

"No problem". He curtly said. They then fell into a awkward silence which was every unexpected.

"You should probably... head home to your mom. We can reschedule today " Amaru spoke up.

"Are you sure? Because we can squeeze in a little physio"

"Ney just go". He told her.

"Are you sure?". Áine asked, wanting to make sure this was what he wanted. He nodded his head. They fell into another awkward silence.

Áine stood up from the edge of bed and grabbed her purse and dirty clothes

"-I-i bring the clothes back tomorrow ". She told him as she stood by the door

"Cool". He nodded his head again. Áine sighed and walked out, heading home.
