Standing Up to the Girl

Dear Kat,

Hi Kat. I'm a guy and I hope you will know what to do anyway. My girlfriend is really sweet. Well, when you are on her good side. I didn't realize this until after we started going out. She has a terrible wrath, and since she can be so mean, well...I want to break up with her. At the same time, I don't want to face her wrath. She is mega-popular, and can make anyone believe her rumors. Thanks.


Dear Shelp!,

First of all, I am assuming that you mean help, but awesome word, dude. Personally, I think that if you don't love this girl, you have every reason to break up with her. Not to mention the fact that she sounds like a total Queen Bee. Besides, I think you are overreacting on the whole rumor bit. Your true friends would never believe her. A your welcome! Good luck, bro!


