Boys Will Be Boys

Dear Kat, please help over brake i had to basicaly babysitt my niece nd her boyfriend so i met his bestfriend nd we all went out for ice cream nd we shared ice cream nd we wached scarry movies nd he was hugging me cuz i kept freaking out then when i sat down on his bed he used my lap as a pillow nd then we kissed anyway so wgen my niece introduced me as his lady he noded when they asked him if i was his lady but he hasnt said anything about it to me then in skool we breafly said hello to eachother while passing periods .so idk if we r official or nor can u give me advice please anything would help.

-feel free to post this nd sorry fir misspelling words



Dear *me*,

If you are ever unsure about things with a guy, need you ask what to do? Ask him! Just run it by him. If he says no or continues to ignore you, just forget him. But, hey, you never know until you try! Hope this helps!


