Go For It

Dear Kat,

I have a big problem. Last year, one of my best friends was a boy that I was in love with. I told him everything (including how much I liked him!) and we were really close. At the time, he was dating my best friend, but I didn't mind too much.

At the end of the summer he dumped her and told me it was my fault. He called me certain words I don't want to repeat and said I was annoying and he couldn't trust me.

I was really hurt and upset, but he didn't seem to care. Now it's almost February. He still hasn't apologized, but I see him in school and he has a new girlfriend.

I don't like him anymore, but I miss the days when we were close and I really don't know what to do. I keep thinking about him and my friends tell me to get over him.

Some of my friends say that he was lying and that he really does care about me, but I don't know what to think.

What's your advice?


Dear Unsure,

Even if someone regrets it, at the time they say something, they mean it. I'm sorry sugarplum, but if he knew much you liked him and didn't go out with you..I don't think he liked you. But even though you miss the friendship, talk to him about it. I understand what its like to lose a friends love you cannot replace, but if you talk, hell either feel the same, or you'll know he isn't worth your time.


