Not-So-Secret Admirer

Hello! I saw your advice column and wanted to ask you something. You see, there's this really annoying whiny guy that everybody hates, including me, but I think he might like me. Valentines day is coming up next week, and if he asks me out, should I reject him hard or be nice? Plus, if he does, how will I get other annoying guys to stop teasing me about it, which I know they will! Thanks! ~ILikeCookies

Im so glad you saw my column! Ill publish this when i can but my computers troubled. Anyway, dont go out with a guy because you feel sorry for him. One, because you dont like him and two, because he'll feel worse knowing you only went out with him because you felt bad for him. Just dont be mean about it. Just ignore the guys. They're probably all jerks. And remember, this guy sounds troubled, so be kind. Happy Valentine's day!
Xoxo, Kat
