Permanent Kitty

Dear , Kat

In my social studies class in school, our teacher had to go to the bathroom so a bunch of us, including me went up to the white board and started writing a bunch of stuff. When we were erasing it so she wouldn't see it, turns out that I used permanent marker and everyone else used dry-erase markers, so when I wrote "I LOVE CATS" it stayed on the board permanently. So now my crush thinks i'm a weirdo! ! ! ! !

Love, Kate

Dear Kate,

Ouch. Well, everyone is weird, some just like to act normal first of all. Hone it girl! Second of all, I wish I could just erase this problem for you, but know that this isn't exactly written in permanent marker for you. Over time he should forget. (I think its a he. Sorry if I am wrong)

  Meanwhile, check the labels of your markers and respect your teachers resources. Remember, they have a class full of us kids. Poor them, huh? Lol. Hope this helps. Ho, ho, ho.


