Crazy Stalker

Dear Kat,Okay, so I have a crush on this guy. So I told my bff. She told him. Well, If that's not bad enough, she didn't say that I liked him. She said that I was crazy and obsessed over him.Then in PE, she said I hoped he'd take his shirt off. And he heard it!!!!!Now he thinks I'm a crazy stalker. Dear Anonymous,I'm sorry this really embarrassing thing is happening to you. First, let me address your friend. They clearly aren't a very good friend if they're doing this. You should bring this to their attention.As for this guy you like, if he's smart, he knows not to listen to a reputation from someone other than the person themselves. Try talking to him. You can't force him to like you, but you can prove that you are an amazing person, not worth missing out on. Best of luck!Xoxo,Kat
