Unhelpful Talks

The brownies were gone before Yamada even started cooking dinner, much to Aizawa's displeasure. They had dinner as normal and spent the rest of the evening together. Monday came around again. Shouto woke up to a knocking on his door. Yamada peaked his head inside the door.

"Hey kiddo, time to wake up. Shouta and I are leaving now for a meeting." he said not-so-quietly. The boy hummed, his voice croaky and rough as gravel. Opening one eye by about a centimetre, he snuggled into the covers.

"What time is it?" he asked, barely louder than a whisper.

"It's 7am. I'll see you at school, ok?" he nodded, making Yamada smile, "Have a great day." he closed the door. A minute later, the front door opened, and shut after another thirty seconds. Shouto shut his eyes, happy with a quiet house once more.

At 08:05, he woke up again. Looking at his phone, a string of curses came out of his mouth. He jumped out of bed faster than he ever had. Yanking on a pair of trousers and a shirt, he stuffed his tie and blazer in his school bag. Placing a piece of bread in the toaster, he raced to brush his teeth and raked his hands through hair. The toast popped up and he was out the door half a minute later with it between his teeth. 08:11. He breathed out in relief. Walking at a fast pace, he made it to school a few minutes early.

Iida nearly spit out his drink upon seeing the other teen. Swallowing hastily, he approached the boy.

"Todoroki! May I remind you of the importance of  being well dressed and keeping your appearance neat and tidy. It not only reflects on you but also on the sch-" he began his lecture.

"Iida, could you help me with my tie?" he asked. Of course he could tie a tie, but it might not be straight without a mirror. Iida grumbled, starting another lecture on interrupting people while tying the tie. Todoroki pulled out his blazer and shrugged it on, sliding into his seat as Aizawa entered the room.

"You're end of term examinations will be taking place in a few weeks." Aizawa began. The class collectively groaned. Schedules for the exams were given out and then classes began.

When lunch came around, Midoriya sat with Todoroki while Iida and Uraraka were getting their lunch.

"Hey Shouto, can't you ask Aizawa-Sensei or Mic-Sensei about the exams?" he asked in a hushed whisper. Todoroki had told Midoriya about his new living arrangements (and only told Midoriya). He hummed, swallowing a mouthful of rice.

"I can try, can't guarantee anything though." he said. Midoriya shrugged.

"I wouldn't blame you, knowing Aizawa-Sensei." he said, shovelling in more food.

The day went by in a blur and soon enough Todoroki was back home, waiting for the remaining pair of the household to arrive. They ate dinner and sat on the sofa to watch a show that they wouldn't fully pay attention to. It was then, that Todoroki attempted his first pursuit in gaining intel.

"So about the exams..." he started. Without batting an eye, Aizawa picked up where Todoroki trailed off.

"Before you ask, no. You're not getting any information from us." he said emotionlessly. Todoroki huffed.

'It was worth a try...' he thought bitterly.

"Got any advice?" he changed the topic slightly.

"Study for it?" Yamada said sarcastically.

"Wow, great help you two are." he muttered not-so-quietly. Yamada chuckled while Aizawa sported a small smile.

"You're welcome"
