Teacher-student Talks

By the time it was lunch, Midoriya's legs were moving constantly under his desk; up-down-up-down. He refused to rest his head on his arms in fear that he'd fall asleep. Todoroki would be nudged awake by Yaoyorozu every time he dozed off. Aizawa was stood outside their classroom, waiting for the bell to ring. Pulling Midoriya aside, he spoke lowly.

"Midoriya, come with me for a minute. I need to speak with you." he said so the other students wouldn't hear. The boy followed anxiously. They arrived at the nurses office, making him more nervous.

"Aizawa-Sensei? Why are we here?" he asked. Aizawa bowed to the small woman.

"He's not injured. We just need to use one of the beds." the man said politely.

"Do what you want." the woman grumbled, turning back to her lunch. Aizawa looked at the other male and pointed to the bed.

"Sit." he ordered. Once sat down, Aizawa knelt at the boy's feet, "You're excused from lessons for this afternoon." he began taking off the boy's shoes.


"-I overheard you on the phone to Todoroki. Midoriya, you got two and a half hours of sleep last night," the boy remained silent, "you know how unhealthy that is. I'll get Todoroki to send you his notes for this afternoon's lessons. We can talk about this more later, ok?"

"Ok." he yawned. Midoriya leaned back into the bed; Aizawa pulling the covers over him. His eyes fluttered shut the instant his head hit the pillow; not fully conscious, "thanks, dad." he mumbled without realising. Aizawa smiled softly.

"Sleep well, Midoriya."


The boy woke up a few hours later at the end of the day. He glanced around the room and stretched; groaning when he remembered what Aizawa had said. Ten minutes later, he found himself in front of the faculty room. Finding Aizawa, he approached the man and bowed a little.

"Thank you for earlier, Sensei." he said. Aizawa nodded, swivelling to face him.

"Do you feel better?" he asked. The other nodded.

"Yeah." he said.

"Todoroki told me briefly about your situation. I can't do much about your RLS, however he did mention something about coffee. From now on, I can't allow you to be drinking it." Aizawa started. Midoriya's eyes widened.

"But Sensei-" he tried to protest. Aizawa's face hardened.

"This isn't up for discussion. If I find out you've drunken any coffee from this point on, you'll be banned from the hero practicals for a week." he said in a finalising tone, leaving no room for argument.

"Ok. I understand." Midoriya said, subdued.

"I suggest you start going to therapy. They can teach you about techniques to help with the anxiety. That might make it easier." Aizawa said.

"I'll go to therapy." the other agreed, feeling like it was an order more than a suggestion.

"I'm glad to hear it. Now, I haven't told your mother about this yet. But, if this happens again, I will. Are we agreed?" Aizawa said, predicting that they were finished.

"Yes. Thank you again, Sensei." Midoriya said. He stood, waiting; they were done talking.
