Morning Talks

The soft knocking at his bedroom door awoke Todoroki. His eyes opened slightly to look at Aizawa leaning against the doorframe. Aizawa's hair looked like a birds nest and his eyes stayed only half open, blinking slowly every now and then.

"It's seven o'clock." the man said quietly, his voice raspy. Todoroki hummed in acknowledgment, before pulling the covers further over himself so only his head peaked through the sheets. About fifteen minutes later, he appeared in the kitchen in a similar state to Aizawa. His hair- which was normally divided neatly- stuck up in every direction, a mixture of white and red strands that blended together as if they should dye to a soft rose, but never mixing.

Silently, he put a slice of bread in the toaster. Yamada walked behind him, placing his plate by the sink and glancing at the toaster momentarily. He scowled and stood behind Todoroki, pressing a button on the toaster to make the bread pop up again. Placing a second slice in the machine, he pushed the bread down again. He patted the boy's back gently.

"You should eat more in the morning. There's jam, honey and chocolate spread in the cupboard." he said, his voice slightly less raspy than his spouses. Todoroki's eyes shone. The chocolate spread was in his hands quicker than Yamada had ever seen him move. Aizawa appeared seemingly out of nowhere, snatching the spread from the boy. Both of them scowled; Todoroki reaching for it, whilst Aizawa held it just out of range.

"Come on, Shouta." Hizashi tried to coax the other man with a side hug and a soft peck on the lips. The man sighed, glancing at Todoroki. His eyes looked larger than they did before, mimicking puppy eyes perfectly.

"Just this once." he handed the jar back begrudgingly and kissed Hizashi again.

"We need to leave by 7:45." Hizashi reminded the pair. The morning went by quickly. Todoroki ate his toast, got dressed, brushed his teeth and had his shoes on by 7:45. Yamada and Aizawa were ready a minute earlier and waited for Todoroki to leave to lock the door.

"Why did we have to leave so early?" Todoroki complained without the complacent tone.

"All the staff have briefing at eight." Aizawa said, clearly annoyed at having to give up his sleep for some stupid briefing. Yamada grinned at the boy and held up an object that shone in the sun.

"That reminds me- here." the man thrust the object towards Todoroki before he could say anything.

"A key?" he asked, looking between the pair.

"So you can get in if we're not home." Aizawa said. They spent the remainder of their walk in peaceful silence, the word repeating in the boy's head; a small smile and warm feeling enveloping him.

